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846 lines
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846 lines
33 KiB
package main
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
ethCommon ""
nodeconfig ""
shardingconfig ""
viperconfig ""
hmykey ""
p2putils ""
golog ""
gologging ""
// Version string variables
var (
version string
builtBy string
builtAt string
commit string
// Host
var (
myHost p2p.Host
func printVersion() {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, nodeconfig.GetVersion())
var (
ip = flag.String("ip", "", "ip of the node")
port = flag.String("port", "9000", "port of the node.")
logFolder = flag.String("log_folder", "latest", "the folder collecting the logs of this execution")
logMaxSize = flag.Int("log_max_size", 100, "the max size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated")
freshDB = flag.Bool("fresh_db", false, "true means the existing disk based db will be removed")
profile = flag.Bool("profile", false, "Turn on profiling (CPU, Memory).")
metricsReportURL = flag.String("metrics_report_url", "", "If set, reports metrics to this URL.")
pprof = flag.String("pprof", "", "what address and port the pprof profiling server should listen on")
versionFlag = flag.Bool("version", false, "Output version info")
onlyLogTps = flag.Bool("only_log_tps", false, "Only log TPS if true")
dnsZone = flag.String("dns_zone", "", "if given and not empty, use peers from the zone (default: use libp2p peer discovery instead)")
dnsFlag = flag.Bool("dns", true, "[deprecated] equivalent to -dns_zone")
//Leader needs to have a minimal number of peers to start consensus
minPeers = flag.Int("min_peers", 32, "Minimal number of Peers in shard")
// Key file to store the private key
keyFile = flag.String("key", "./.hmykey", "the p2p key file of the harmony node")
// isGenesis indicates this node is a genesis node
isGenesis = flag.Bool("is_genesis", true, "true means this node is a genesis node")
// isArchival indicates this node is an archival node that will save and archive current blockchain
isArchival = flag.Bool("is_archival", false, "false will enable cached state pruning")
// delayCommit is the commit-delay timer, used by Harmony nodes
delayCommit = flag.String("delay_commit", "0ms", "how long to delay sending commit messages in consensus, ex: 500ms, 1s")
// nodeType indicates the type of the node: validator, explorer
nodeType = flag.String("node_type", "validator", "node type: validator, explorer")
// networkType indicates the type of the network
networkType = flag.String("network_type", "mainnet", "type of the network: mainnet, testnet, pangaea, partner, stressnet, devnet, localnet")
// syncFreq indicates sync frequency
syncFreq = flag.Int("sync_freq", 60, "unit in seconds")
// beaconSyncFreq indicates beaconchain sync frequency
beaconSyncFreq = flag.Int("beacon_sync_freq", 60, "unit in seconds")
// blockPeriod indicates the how long the leader waits to propose a new block.
blockPeriod = flag.Int("block_period", 8, "how long in second the leader waits to propose a new block.")
leaderOverride = flag.Bool("leader_override", false, "true means override the default leader role and acts as validator")
// staking indicates whether the node is operating in staking mode.
stakingFlag = flag.Bool("staking", false, "whether the node should operate in staking mode")
// shardID indicates the shard ID of this node
shardID = flag.Int("shard_id", -1, "the shard ID of this node")
enableMemProfiling = flag.Bool("enableMemProfiling", false, "Enable memsize logging.")
enableGC = flag.Bool("enableGC", true, "Enable calling garbage collector manually .")
blsKeyFile = flag.String("blskey_file", "", "The encrypted file of bls serialized private key by passphrase.")
blsFolder = flag.String("blsfolder", ".hmy/blskeys", "The folder that stores the bls keys and corresponding passphrases; e.g. <blskey>.key and <blskey>.pass; all bls keys mapped to same shard")
blsPass = flag.String("blspass", "", "The file containing passphrase to decrypt the encrypted bls file.")
blsPassphrase string
maxBlsKeysPerNode = flag.Int("max_bls_keys_per_node", 4, "maximum number of bls keys allowed per node (default 4)")
// Sharding configuration parameters for devnet
devnetNumShards = flag.Uint("dn_num_shards", 2, "number of shards for -network_type=devnet (default: 2)")
devnetShardSize = flag.Int("dn_shard_size", 10, "number of nodes per shard for -network_type=devnet (default 10)")
devnetHarmonySize = flag.Int("dn_hmy_size", -1, "number of Harmony-operated nodes per shard for -network_type=devnet; negative (default) means equal to -dn_shard_size")
// logConn logs incoming/outgoing connections
logConn = flag.Bool("log_conn", false, "log incoming/outgoing connections")
keystoreDir = flag.String("keystore", hmykey.DefaultKeyStoreDir, "The default keystore directory")
// Use a separate log file to log libp2p traces
logP2P = flag.Bool("log_p2p", false, "log libp2p debug info")
initialAccounts = []*genesis.DeployAccount{}
// logging verbosity
verbosity = flag.Int("verbosity", 5, "Logging verbosity: 0=silent, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug, 5=detail (default: 5)")
// dbDir is the database directory.
dbDir = flag.String("db_dir", "", "blockchain database directory")
// Disable view change.
disableViewChange = flag.Bool("disable_view_change", false, "Do not propose view change (testing only)")
// metrics flag to collct meetrics or not, pushgateway ip and port for metrics
metricsFlag = flag.Bool("metrics", false, "Collect and upload node metrics")
pushgatewayIP = flag.String("pushgateway_ip", "", "Metrics view ip")
pushgatewayPort = flag.String("pushgateway_port", "9091", "Metrics view port")
publicRPC = flag.Bool("public_rpc", false, "Enable Public RPC Access (default: false)")
// Bad block revert
doRevertBefore = flag.Int("do_revert_before", 0, "If the current block is less than do_revert_before, revert all blocks until (including) revert_to block")
revertTo = flag.Int("revert_to", 0, "The revert will rollback all blocks until and including block number revert_to")
revertBeacon = flag.Bool("revert_beacon", false, "Whether to revert beacon chain or the chain this node is assigned to")
// Blacklist of addresses
blacklistPath = flag.String("blacklist", "./.hmy/blacklist.txt", "Path to newline delimited file of blacklisted wallet addresses")
webHookYamlPath = flag.String(
"webhook_yaml", "", "path for yaml config reporting double signing",
func initSetup() {
// Setup pprof
if addr := *pprof; addr != "" {
go func() { http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil) }()
// maybe request passphrase for bls key.
// Configure log parameters
utils.SetLogContext(*port, *ip)
utils.AddLogFile(fmt.Sprintf("%v/validator-%v-%v.log", *logFolder, *ip, *port), *logMaxSize)
if *onlyLogTps {
matchFilterHandler := log.MatchFilterHandler("msg", "TPS Report", utils.GetLogInstance().GetHandler())
// Add GOMAXPROCS to achieve max performance.
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU() * 4)
// Set port and ip to global config.
nodeconfig.GetDefaultConfig().Port = *port
nodeconfig.GetDefaultConfig().IP = *ip
// Set sharding schedule
// Setup mem profiling.
// Set default keystore Dir
hmykey.DefaultKeyStoreDir = *keystoreDir
// Set up randomization seed.
if len(p2putils.BootNodes) == 0 {
bootNodeAddrs, err := p2putils.StringsToAddrs(p2putils.DefaultBootNodeAddrStrings)
if err != nil {
utils.FatalErrMsg(err, "cannot parse default bootnode list %#v",
p2putils.BootNodes = bootNodeAddrs
func passphraseForBls() {
// If FN node running, they should either specify blsPrivateKey or the file with passphrase
// However, explorer or non-validator nodes need no blskey
if *nodeType != "validator" {
if *blsKeyFile == "" && *blsFolder == "" {
fmt.Println("blskey_file or blsfolder option must be provided")
if *blsPass == "" {
fmt.Println("Internal nodes need to have blspass to decrypt blskey")
passphrase, err := utils.GetPassphraseFromSource(*blsPass)
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR when reading passphrase file: %v\n", err)
blsPassphrase = passphrase
func findAccountsByPubKeys(config shardingconfig.Instance, pubKeys []*bls.PublicKey) {
for _, key := range pubKeys {
keyStr := key.SerializeToHexStr()
_, account := config.FindAccount(keyStr)
if account != nil {
initialAccounts = append(initialAccounts, account)
func setupLegacyNodeAccount() error {
genesisShardingConfig := shard.Schedule.InstanceForEpoch(big.NewInt(core.GenesisEpoch))
multiBlsPubKey := setupConsensusKey(nodeconfig.GetDefaultConfig())
reshardingEpoch := genesisShardingConfig.ReshardingEpoch()
if reshardingEpoch != nil && len(reshardingEpoch) > 0 {
for _, epoch := range reshardingEpoch {
config := shard.Schedule.InstanceForEpoch(epoch)
findAccountsByPubKeys(config, multiBlsPubKey.PublicKey)
if len(initialAccounts) != 0 {
} else {
findAccountsByPubKeys(genesisShardingConfig, multiBlsPubKey.PublicKey)
if len(initialAccounts) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR cannot find your BLS key in the genesis/FN tables: %s\n", multiBlsPubKey.SerializeToHexStr())
for _, account := range initialAccounts {
fmt.Printf("My Genesis Account: %v\n", *account)
return nil
func setupStakingNodeAccount() error {
pubKey := setupConsensusKey(nodeconfig.GetDefaultConfig())
shardID, err := nodeconfig.GetDefaultConfig().ShardIDFromConsensusKey()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot determine shard to join")
if err := nodeconfig.GetDefaultConfig().ValidateConsensusKeysForSameShard(pubKey.PublicKey, shardID); err != nil {
return err
for _, blsKey := range pubKey.PublicKey {
initialAccount := &genesis.DeployAccount{}
initialAccount.ShardID = shardID
initialAccount.BlsPublicKey = blsKey.SerializeToHexStr()
initialAccount.Address = ""
initialAccounts = append(initialAccounts, initialAccount)
return nil
func readMultiBlsKeys(consensusMultiBlsPriKey *multibls.PrivateKey, consensusMultiBlsPubKey *multibls.PublicKey) error {
keyPasses := map[string]string{}
blsKeyFiles := []os.FileInfo{}
if err := filepath.Walk(*blsFolder, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
fullName := info.Name()
ext := filepath.Ext(fullName)
if ext == ".key" {
blsKeyFiles = append(blsKeyFiles, info)
} else if ext == ".pass" {
passFileName := "file:" + path
passphrase, err := utils.GetPassphraseFromSource(passFileName)
if err != nil {
return err
name := fullName[:len(fullName)-len(ext)]
keyPasses[name] = passphrase
} else {
return errors.Errorf(
"[Multi-BLS] found file: %s that does not have .key or .pass file extension",
return nil
}); err != nil {
"[Multi-BLS] ERROR when reading blskey file under %s: %v\n",
if len(blsKeyFiles) > *maxBlsKeysPerNode {
"[Multi-BLS] maximum number of bls keys per node is %d, found: %d\n",
for _, blsKeyFile := range blsKeyFiles {
fullName := blsKeyFile.Name()
ext := filepath.Ext(fullName)
name := fullName[:len(fullName)-len(ext)]
if val, ok := keyPasses[name]; ok {
blsPassphrase = val
blsKeyFilePath := path.Join(*blsFolder, blsKeyFile.Name())
consensusPriKey, err := blsgen.LoadBlsKeyWithPassPhrase(blsKeyFilePath, blsPassphrase)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: assumes order between public/private key pairs
multibls.AppendPriKey(consensusMultiBlsPriKey, consensusPriKey)
multibls.AppendPubKey(consensusMultiBlsPubKey, consensusPriKey.GetPublicKey())
return nil
func setupConsensusKey(nodeConfig *nodeconfig.ConfigType) multibls.PublicKey {
consensusMultiPriKey := &multibls.PrivateKey{}
consensusMultiPubKey := &multibls.PublicKey{}
if *blsKeyFile != "" {
consensusPriKey, err := blsgen.LoadBlsKeyWithPassPhrase(*blsKeyFile, blsPassphrase)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR when loading bls key, err :%v\n", err)
multibls.AppendPriKey(consensusMultiPriKey, consensusPriKey)
multibls.AppendPubKey(consensusMultiPubKey, consensusPriKey.GetPublicKey())
} else {
err := readMultiBlsKeys(consensusMultiPriKey, consensusMultiPubKey)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[Multi-BLS] ERROR when loading bls keys, err :%v\n", err)
// Consensus keys are the BLS12-381 keys used to sign consensus messages
nodeConfig.ConsensusPriKey = consensusMultiPriKey
nodeConfig.ConsensusPubKey = consensusMultiPubKey
return *consensusMultiPubKey
func createGlobalConfig() (*nodeconfig.ConfigType, error) {
var err error
if len(initialAccounts) == 0 {
initialAccounts = append(initialAccounts, &genesis.DeployAccount{ShardID: uint32(*shardID)})
nodeConfig := nodeconfig.GetShardConfig(initialAccounts[0].ShardID)
if *nodeType == "validator" {
// Set up consensus keys.
} else {
// set dummy bls key for consensus object
nodeConfig.ConsensusPriKey = multibls.GetPrivateKey(&bls.SecretKey{})
nodeConfig.ConsensusPubKey = multibls.GetPublicKey(&bls.PublicKey{})
// Set network type
netType := nodeconfig.NetworkType(*networkType)
nodeconfig.SetNetworkType(netType) // sets for both global and shard configs
// P2p private key is used for secure message transfer between p2p nodes.
nodeConfig.P2pPriKey, _, err = utils.LoadKeyFromFile(*keyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot load or create P2P key at %#v",
selfPeer := p2p.Peer{IP: *ip, Port: *port, ConsensusPubKey: nodeConfig.ConsensusPubKey.PublicKey[0]}
myHost, err = p2pimpl.NewHost(&selfPeer, nodeConfig.P2pPriKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot create P2P network host")
if *logConn && nodeConfig.GetNetworkType() != nodeconfig.Mainnet {
nodeConfig.DBDir = *dbDir
if p := *webHookYamlPath; p != "" {
config, err := webhooks.NewWebHooksFromPath(p)
if err != nil {
os.Stderr, "yaml path is bad: %s", p,
nodeConfig.WebHooks.Hooks = config
return nodeConfig, nil
func setupConsensusAndNode(nodeConfig *nodeconfig.ConfigType) *node.Node {
// Consensus object.
// TODO: consensus object shouldn't start here
// TODO(minhdoan): During refactoring, found out that the peers list is actually empty. Need to clean up the logic of consensus later.
decider := quorum.NewDecider(quorum.SuperMajorityVote, uint32(*shardID))
currentConsensus, err := consensus.New(
myHost, nodeConfig.ShardID, p2p.Peer{}, nodeConfig.ConsensusPriKey, decider,
currentConsensus.Decider.SetMyPublicKeyProvider(func() (*multibls.PublicKey, error) {
return currentConsensus.PubKey, nil
// staking validator doesn't have to specify ECDSA address
currentConsensus.SelfAddresses = map[string]ethCommon.Address{}
for _, initialAccount := range initialAccounts {
currentConsensus.SelfAddresses[initialAccount.BlsPublicKey] = common.ParseAddr(initialAccount.Address)
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error :%v \n", err)
commitDelay, err := time.ParseDuration(*delayCommit)
if err != nil || commitDelay < 0 {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR invalid commit delay %#v", *delayCommit)
currentConsensus.MinPeers = *minPeers
if *disableViewChange {
blacklist, err := setupBlacklist()
if err != nil {
utils.Logger().Warn().Msgf("Blacklist setup error: %s", err.Error())
// Current node.
chainDBFactory := &shardchain.LDBFactory{RootDir: nodeConfig.DBDir}
currentNode := node.New(myHost, currentConsensus, chainDBFactory, blacklist, *isArchival)
switch {
case *networkType == nodeconfig.Localnet:
epochConfig := shard.Schedule.InstanceForEpoch(ethCommon.Big0)
selfPort, err := strconv.ParseUint(*port, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
Str("self_port_string", *port).
Msg("cannot convert self port string into port number")
currentNode.SyncingPeerProvider = node.NewLocalSyncingPeerProvider(
6000, uint16(selfPort), epochConfig.NumShards(), uint32(epochConfig.NumNodesPerShard()))
case *dnsZone != "":
currentNode.SyncingPeerProvider = node.NewDNSSyncingPeerProvider(*dnsZone, syncing.GetSyncingPort(*port))
case *dnsFlag:
currentNode.SyncingPeerProvider = node.NewDNSSyncingPeerProvider("", syncing.GetSyncingPort(*port))
currentNode.SyncingPeerProvider = node.NewLegacySyncingPeerProvider(currentNode)
// TODO: refactor the creation of blockchain out of node.New()
currentConsensus.ChainReader = currentNode.Blockchain()
currentNode.NodeConfig.DNSZone = *dnsZone
// Set up prometheus pushgateway for metrics monitoring serivce.
switch *nodeType {
case "explorer":
case "validator":
if nodeConfig.ShardID == shard.BeaconChainShardID {
} else {
currentNode.NodeConfig.ConsensusPubKey = nodeConfig.ConsensusPubKey
currentNode.NodeConfig.ConsensusPriKey = nodeConfig.ConsensusPriKey
// Setup block period for currentNode.
currentNode.BlockPeriod = time.Duration(*blockPeriod) * time.Second
// TODO: Disable drand. Currently drand isn't functioning but we want to compeletely turn it off for full protection.
// Enable it back after mainnet.
// dRand := drand.New(nodeConfig.Host, nodeConfig.ShardID, []p2p.Peer{}, nodeConfig.Leader, currentNode.ConfirmedBlockChannel, nodeConfig.ConsensusPriKey)
// currentNode.Consensus.RegisterPRndChannel(dRand.PRndChannel)
// currentNode.Consensus.RegisterRndChannel(dRand.RndChannel)
// currentNode.DRand = dRand
// This needs to be executed after consensus and drand are setup
if err := currentNode.InitConsensusWithValidators(); err != nil {
Int("shardID", *shardID).
Msg("InitConsensusWithMembers failed")
// Set the consensus ID to be the current block number
viewID := currentNode.Blockchain().CurrentBlock().Header().ViewID().Uint64()
currentConsensus.SetViewID(viewID + 1)
Uint64("viewID", viewID).
Msg("Init Blockchain")
// Assign closure functions to the consensus object
currentConsensus.BlockVerifier = currentNode.VerifyNewBlock
currentConsensus.OnConsensusDone = currentNode.PostConsensusProcessing
currentNode.State = node.NodeWaitToJoin
// update consensus information based on the blockchain
// Watching currentNode and currentConsensus.
memprofiling.GetMemProfiling().Add("currentNode", currentNode)
memprofiling.GetMemProfiling().Add("currentConsensus", currentConsensus)
return currentNode
func setupBlacklist() (map[ethCommon.Address]struct{}, error) {
utils.Logger().Debug().Msgf("Using blacklist file at `%s`", *blacklistPath)
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*blacklistPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addrMap := make(map[ethCommon.Address]struct{})
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(dat), "\n") {
if len(line) != 0 { // blacklist file may have trailing empty string line
b32 := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(string(line), "#")[0])
addr, err := common.Bech32ToAddress(b32)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addrMap[addr] = struct{}{}
return addrMap, nil
func setupViperConfig() {
// read from environment
envViper := viperconfig.CreateEnvViper()
//read from config file
configFileViper := viperconfig.CreateConfFileViper("./.hmy", "nodeconfig", "json")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(ip, envViper, configFileViper, "", "ip")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(port, envViper, configFileViper, "", "port")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(logFolder, envViper, configFileViper, "", "log_folder")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(logMaxSize, envViper, configFileViper, "", "log_max_size")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(freshDB, envViper, configFileViper, "", "fresh_db")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(profile, envViper, configFileViper, "", "profile")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(metricsReportURL, envViper, configFileViper, "", "metrics_report_url")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(pprof, envViper, configFileViper, "", "pprof")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(versionFlag, envViper, configFileViper, "", "version")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(onlyLogTps, envViper, configFileViper, "", "only_log_tps")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(dnsZone, envViper, configFileViper, "", "dns_zone")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(dnsFlag, envViper, configFileViper, "", "dns")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(minPeers, envViper, configFileViper, "", "min_peers")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(keyFile, envViper, configFileViper, "", "key")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(isGenesis, envViper, configFileViper, "", "is_genesis")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(isArchival, envViper, configFileViper, "", "is_archival")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(delayCommit, envViper, configFileViper, "", "delay_commit")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(nodeType, envViper, configFileViper, "", "node_type")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(networkType, envViper, configFileViper, "", "network_type")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(syncFreq, envViper, configFileViper, "", "sync_freq")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(beaconSyncFreq, envViper, configFileViper, "", "beacon_sync_freq")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(blockPeriod, envViper, configFileViper, "", "block_period")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(leaderOverride, envViper, configFileViper, "", "leader_override")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(stakingFlag, envViper, configFileViper, "", "staking")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(shardID, envViper, configFileViper, "", "shard_id")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(enableMemProfiling, envViper, configFileViper, "", "enableMemProfiling")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(enableGC, envViper, configFileViper, "", "enableGC")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(blsKeyFile, envViper, configFileViper, "", "blskey_file")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(blsFolder, envViper, configFileViper, "", "blsfolder")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(blsPass, envViper, configFileViper, "", "blsPass")
viperconfig.ResetConfUInt(devnetNumShards, envViper, configFileViper, "", "dn_num_shards")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(devnetShardSize, envViper, configFileViper, "", "dn_shard_size")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(devnetHarmonySize, envViper, configFileViper, "", "dn_hmy_size")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(logConn, envViper, configFileViper, "", "log_conn")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(keystoreDir, envViper, configFileViper, "", "keystore")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(logP2P, envViper, configFileViper, "", "log_p2p")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(verbosity, envViper, configFileViper, "", "verbosity")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(dbDir, envViper, configFileViper, "", "db_dir")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(disableViewChange, envViper, configFileViper, "", "disable_view_change")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(metricsFlag, envViper, configFileViper, "", "metrics")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(pushgatewayIP, envViper, configFileViper, "", "pushgateway_ip")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(pushgatewayPort, envViper, configFileViper, "", "pushgateway_port")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(publicRPC, envViper, configFileViper, "", "public_rpc")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(doRevertBefore, envViper, configFileViper, "", "do_revert_before")
viperconfig.ResetConfInt(revertTo, envViper, configFileViper, "", "revert_to")
viperconfig.ResetConfBool(revertBeacon, envViper, configFileViper, "", "revert_beacon")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(blacklistPath, envViper, configFileViper, "", "blacklist")
viperconfig.ResetConfString(webHookYamlPath, envViper, configFileViper, "", "webhook_yaml")
func main() {
// HACK Force usage of go implementation rather than the C based one. Do the right way, see the
// notes one line 66,67 of that say can make the decision at
// build time.
os.Setenv("GODEBUG", "netdns=go")
flag.Var(&p2putils.BootNodes, "bootnodes", "a list of bootnode multiaddress (delimited by ,)")
switch *nodeType {
case "validator":
case "explorer":
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unknown node type: %s\n", *nodeType)
fmt.Sprintf("Harmony (C) 2020. %v, version %v-%v (%v %v)",
path.Base(os.Args[0]), version, commit, builtBy, builtAt),
if *versionFlag {
switch *networkType {
case nodeconfig.Mainnet:
shard.Schedule = shardingconfig.MainnetSchedule
case nodeconfig.Testnet:
shard.Schedule = shardingconfig.TestnetSchedule
case nodeconfig.Pangaea:
shard.Schedule = shardingconfig.PangaeaSchedule
case nodeconfig.Localnet:
shard.Schedule = shardingconfig.LocalnetSchedule
case nodeconfig.Partner:
shard.Schedule = shardingconfig.PartnerSchedule
case nodeconfig.Stressnet:
shard.Schedule = shardingconfig.StressNetSchedule
case nodeconfig.Devnet:
if *devnetHarmonySize < 0 {
*devnetHarmonySize = *devnetShardSize
// TODO (leo): use a passing list of accounts here
devnetConfig, err := shardingconfig.NewInstance(
uint32(*devnetNumShards), *devnetShardSize, *devnetHarmonySize, numeric.OneDec(), genesis.HarmonyAccounts, genesis.FoundationalNodeAccounts, nil, shardingconfig.VLBPE)
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR invalid devnet sharding config: %s",
shard.Schedule = shardingconfig.NewFixedSchedule(devnetConfig)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "invalid network type: %#v\n", *networkType)
// Set up manual call for garbage collection.
if *enableGC {
if *nodeType == "validator" {
var err error
if *stakingFlag {
err = setupStakingNodeAccount()
} else {
err = setupLegacyNodeAccount()
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cannot set up node account: %s\n", err)
if *nodeType == "validator" {
fmt.Printf("%s mode; node key %s -> shard %d\n",
map[bool]string{false: "Legacy", true: "Staking"}[*stakingFlag],
if *nodeType != "validator" && *shardID >= 0 {
for _, initialAccount := range initialAccounts {
Uint32("original", initialAccount.ShardID).
Int("override", *shardID).
Msg("ShardID Override")
initialAccount.ShardID = uint32(*shardID)
nodeConfig, err := createGlobalConfig()
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR cannot configure node: %s\n", err)
currentNode := setupConsensusAndNode(nodeConfig)
// Prepare for graceful shutdown from os signals
osSignal := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(osSignal, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
for {
select {
case sig := <-osSignal:
if sig == syscall.SIGTERM || sig == os.Interrupt {
msg := "Got %s signal. Gracefully shutting down...\n"
utils.Logger().Printf(msg, sig)
fmt.Printf(msg, sig)
//setup state syncing and beacon syncing frequency
if nodeConfig.ShardID != shard.BeaconChainShardID &&
currentNode.NodeConfig.Role() != nodeconfig.ExplorerNode {
Uint32("shardID", currentNode.Blockchain().ShardID()).
Uint32("shardID", nodeConfig.ShardID).Msg("SupportBeaconSyncing")
if uint64(*doRevertBefore) != 0 && uint64(*revertTo) != 0 {
chain := currentNode.Blockchain()
if *revertBeacon {
chain = currentNode.Beaconchain()
curNum := chain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
if curNum < uint64(*doRevertBefore) && curNum >= uint64(*revertTo) {
// Remove invalid blocks
for chain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() >= uint64(*revertTo) {
curBlock := chain.CurrentBlock()
rollbacks := []ethCommon.Hash{curBlock.Hash()}
lastSig := curBlock.Header().LastCommitSignature()
sigAndBitMap := append(lastSig[:], curBlock.Header().LastCommitBitmap()...)
startMsg := "==== New Harmony Node ===="
if *nodeType == "explorer" {
startMsg = "==== New Explorer Node ===="
Str("BlsPubKey", nodeConfig.ConsensusPubKey.SerializeToHexStr()).
Uint32("ShardID", nodeConfig.ShardID).
Str("ShardGroupID", nodeConfig.GetShardGroupID().String()).
Str("BeaconGroupID", nodeConfig.GetBeaconGroupID().String()).
Str("ClientGroupID", nodeConfig.GetClientGroupID().String()).
Str("Role", currentNode.NodeConfig.Role().String()).
Str("multiaddress", fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/tcp/%s/p2p/%s", *ip, *port, myHost.GetID().Pretty())).
if *enableMemProfiling {
if *logP2P {
f, err := os.OpenFile(path.Join(*logFolder, "libp2p.log"), os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to open libp2p.log. %v\n", err)
} else {
defer f.Close()
backend1 := gologging.NewLogBackend(f, "", 0)
golog.SetAllLoggers(gologging.DEBUG) // Change to DEBUG for extra info
go currentNode.SupportSyncing()
// RPC for SDK not supported for mainnet.
if err := currentNode.StartRPC(*port); err != nil {
Msg("StartRPC failed")
// Run additional node collectors
// Collect node metrics if metrics flag is set
if currentNode.NodeConfig.GetMetricsFlag() {
go currentNode.CollectMetrics()