You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
535 lines
16 KiB
535 lines
16 KiB
package p2p
import (
dht ""
libp2p_pubsub ""
libp2p_crypto ""
libp2p_host ""
libp2p_network ""
libp2p_peer ""
libp2p_peerstore ""
libp2ptls ""
ma ""
nodeconfig ""
sttypes ""
type ConnectCallback func(net libp2p_network.Network, conn libp2p_network.Conn) error
type DisconnectCallback func(conn libp2p_network.Conn) error
// Host is the client + server in p2p network.
type Host interface {
Start() error
Close() error
GetSelfPeer() Peer
AddPeer(*Peer) error
GetID() libp2p_peer.ID
GetP2PHost() libp2p_host.Host
GetDiscovery() discovery.Discovery
GetPeerCount() int
ConnectHostPeer(Peer) error
// AddStreamProtocol add the given protocol
AddStreamProtocol(protocols ...sttypes.Protocol)
// SendMessageToGroups sends a message to one or more multicast groups.
SendMessageToGroups(groups []nodeconfig.GroupID, msg []byte) error
PubSub() *libp2p_pubsub.PubSub
PeerConnectivity() (int, int, int)
GetOrJoin(topic string) (*libp2p_pubsub.Topic, error)
ListPeer(topic string) []libp2p_peer.ID
ListTopic() []string
ListBlockedPeer() []libp2p_peer.ID
// Peer is the object for a p2p peer (node)
type Peer struct {
IP string // IP address of the peer
Port string // Port number of the peer
ConsensusPubKey *bls.PublicKey // Public key of the peer, used for consensus signing
Addrs []ma.Multiaddr // MultiAddress of the peer
PeerID libp2p_peer.ID // PeerID, the pubkey for communication
const (
// SetAsideForConsensus set the number of active validation goroutines for the consensus topic
SetAsideForConsensus = 1 << 13
// SetAsideOtherwise set the number of active validation goroutines for other topic
SetAsideOtherwise = 1 << 11
// MaxMessageHandlers ..
MaxMessageHandlers = SetAsideForConsensus + SetAsideOtherwise
// MaxMessageSize is 2Mb
MaxMessageSize = 1 << 21
// HostConfig is the config structure to create a new host
type HostConfig struct {
Self *Peer
BLSKey libp2p_crypto.PrivKey
BootNodes []string
DataStoreFile *string
DiscConcurrency int
MaxConnPerIP int
DisablePrivateIPScan bool
MaxPeers int64
WaitForEachPeerToConnect bool
func init() {
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubDlazy = 4
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubGossipFactor = 0.15
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubD = 5
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubDlo = 4
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubDhi = 8
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubHistoryLength = 2
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubHistoryGossip = 2
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubGossipRetransmission = 2
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubFanoutTTL = 10 * time.Second
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubMaxPendingConnections = 32
libp2p_pubsub.GossipSubMaxIHaveLength = 1000
// NewHost ..
func NewHost(cfg HostConfig) (Host, error) {
var (
self = cfg.Self
key = cfg.BLSKey
// listenAddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/tcp/%s", self.IP, self.Port))
// if err != nil {
// return nil, errors.Wrapf(err,
// "cannot create listen multiaddr from port %#v", self.Port)
// }
addr := fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/tcp/%s", self.IP, self.Port)
listenAddr := libp2p.ListenAddrStrings(
addr, // regular tcp connections
addr+"/quic", // a UDP endpoint for the QUIC transport
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
connmgr, err := connmgr.NewConnManager(
int(cfg.MaxPeers), // Lowwater
int(cfg.MaxPeers)*cfg.MaxConnPerIP, // HighWater,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var idht *dht.IpfsDHT
p2pHost, err := libp2p.New(
// support TLS connections
libp2p.Security(libp2ptls.ID, libp2ptls.New),
// support noise connections
libp2p.Security(noise.ID, noise.New),
// support any other default transports (TCP)
// Let's prevent our peer from having too many
// connections by attaching a connection manager.
// Attempt to open ports using uPNP for NATed hosts.
libp2p.Routing(func(h host.Host) (routing.PeerRouting, error) {
idht, err = dht.New(ctx, h)
return idht, err
// to help other peers to figure out if they are behind
// NATs, launch the server-side of AutoNAT too (AutoRelay
// already runs the client)
// This service is highly rate-limited and should not cause any
// performance issues.
// prevent dialing of public addresses
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot initialize libp2p host")
disc, err := discovery.NewDHTDiscovery(p2pHost, discovery.DHTConfig{
BootNodes: cfg.BootNodes,
DataStoreFile: cfg.DataStoreFile,
DiscConcurrency: cfg.DiscConcurrency,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot create DHT discovery")
options := []libp2p_pubsub.Option{
// WithValidateQueueSize sets the buffer of validate queue. Defaults to 32. When queue is full, validation is throttled and new messages are dropped.
// WithPeerOutboundQueueSize is an option to set the buffer size for outbound messages to a peer. We start dropping messages to a peer if the outbound queue if full.
// WithValidateWorkers sets the number of synchronous validation worker goroutines. Defaults to NumCPU.
libp2p_pubsub.WithValidateWorkers(runtime.NumCPU() * 2),
// WithValidateThrottle sets the upper bound on the number of active validation goroutines across all topics. The default is 8192.
traceFile := os.Getenv("P2P_TRACEFILE")
if len(traceFile) > 0 {
var tracer libp2p_pubsub.EventTracer
var tracerErr error
if strings.HasPrefix(traceFile, "file:") {
tracer, tracerErr = libp2p_pubsub.NewJSONTracer(strings.TrimPrefix(traceFile, "file:"))
} else {
pi, err := libp2p_peer.AddrInfoFromP2pAddr(ma.StringCast(traceFile))
if err == nil {
tracer, tracerErr = libp2p_pubsub.NewRemoteTracer(ctx, p2pHost, *pi)
if tracerErr == nil && tracer != nil {
options = append(options, libp2p_pubsub.WithEventTracer(tracer))
} else {
Str("Tracer", traceFile).
Msg("can't add event tracer from P2P_TRACEFILE")
pubsub, err := libp2p_pubsub.NewGossipSub(ctx, p2pHost, options...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot initialize libp2p pub-sub")
self.PeerID = p2pHost.ID()
subLogger := utils.Logger().With().Str("hostID", p2pHost.ID().Pretty()).Logger()
security := security.NewManager(cfg.MaxConnPerIP, cfg.MaxPeers)
// has to save the private key for host
h := &HostV2{
h: p2pHost,
pubsub: pubsub,
joined: map[string]*libp2p_pubsub.Topic{},
self: *self,
priKey: key,
discovery: disc,
security: security,
onConnections: ConnectCallbacks{},
onDisconnects: DisconnectCallbacks{},
logger: &subLogger,
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
Str("self", net.JoinHostPort(self.IP, self.Port)).
Interface("PeerID", self.PeerID).
Str("PubKey", self.ConsensusPubKey.SerializeToHexStr()).
Msg("libp2p host ready")
return h, nil
// HostV2 is the version 2 p2p host
type HostV2 struct {
h libp2p_host.Host
pubsub *libp2p_pubsub.PubSub
joined map[string]*libp2p_pubsub.Topic
streamProtos []sttypes.Protocol
self Peer
priKey libp2p_crypto.PrivKey
lock sync.Mutex
discovery discovery.Discovery
security security.Security
logger *zerolog.Logger
blocklist libp2p_pubsub.Blacklist
onConnections ConnectCallbacks
onDisconnects DisconnectCallbacks
ctx context.Context
cancel func()
// PubSub ..
func (host *HostV2) PubSub() *libp2p_pubsub.PubSub {
return host.pubsub
// Start start the HostV2 discovery process
// TODO: move PubSub start handling logic here
func (host *HostV2) Start() error {
for _, proto := range host.streamProtos {
return host.discovery.Start()
// Close closes the HostV2.
func (host *HostV2) Close() error {
for _, proto := range host.streamProtos {
return host.h.Close()
// PeerConnectivity returns total number of known, connected and not connected peers.
func (host *HostV2) PeerConnectivity() (int, int, int) {
connected, not := 0, 0
peers := host.h.Peerstore().Peers()
for _, peer := range peers {
result := host.h.Network().Connectedness(peer)
if result == libp2p_network.Connected {
} else if result == libp2p_network.NotConnected {
return len(peers), connected, not
// AddStreamProtocol adds the stream protocols to the host to be started and closed
// when the host starts or close
func (host *HostV2) AddStreamProtocol(protocols ...sttypes.Protocol) {
for _, proto := range protocols {
host.streamProtos = append(host.streamProtos, proto)
host.h.SetStreamHandlerMatch(protocol.ID(proto.ProtoID()), proto.Match, proto.HandleStream)
// GetOrJoin ..
func (host *HostV2) GetOrJoin(topic string) (*libp2p_pubsub.Topic, error) {
defer host.lock.Unlock()
if t, ok := host.joined[topic]; ok {
return t, nil
} else if t, err := host.pubsub.Join(topic); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot join pubsub topic %x", topic)
} else {
host.joined[topic] = t
return t, nil
// SendMessageToGroups sends a message to one or more multicast groups.
// It returns a nil error if and only if it has succeeded to schedule the given
// message for sending.
func (host *HostV2) SendMessageToGroups(groups []nodeconfig.GroupID, msg []byte) (err error) {
if len(msg) == 0 {
return errors.New("cannot send out empty message")
for _, group := range groups {
t, e := host.GetOrJoin(string(group))
if e != nil {
err = e
e = t.Publish(context.Background(), msg)
if e != nil {
err = e
return err
// AddPeer add p2p.Peer into Peerstore
func (host *HostV2) AddPeer(p *Peer) error {
if p.PeerID != "" && len(p.Addrs) != 0 {
host.Peerstore().AddAddrs(p.PeerID, p.Addrs, libp2p_peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
return nil
if p.PeerID == "" {
host.logger.Error().Msg("AddPeer PeerID is EMPTY")
return fmt.Errorf("AddPeer error: peerID is empty")
// reconstruct the multiaddress based on ip/port
// PeerID has to be known for the ip/port
addr := fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/tcp/%s", p.IP, p.Port)
targetAddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(addr)
if err != nil {
host.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("AddPeer NewMultiaddr error")
return err
p.Addrs = append(p.Addrs, targetAddr)
host.Peerstore().AddAddrs(p.PeerID, p.Addrs, libp2p_peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
host.logger.Info().Interface("peer", *p).Msg("AddPeer add to libp2p_peerstore")
return nil
// Peerstore returns the peer store
func (host *HostV2) Peerstore() libp2p_peerstore.Peerstore {
return host.h.Peerstore()
// GetID returns ID.Pretty
func (host *HostV2) GetID() libp2p_peer.ID {
return host.h.ID()
// GetSelfPeer gets self peer
func (host *HostV2) GetSelfPeer() Peer {
return host.self
// GetP2PHost returns the p2p.Host
func (host *HostV2) GetP2PHost() libp2p_host.Host {
return host.h
// GetDiscovery returns the underlying discovery
func (host *HostV2) GetDiscovery() discovery.Discovery {
return host.discovery
// ListTopic returns the list of topic the node subscribed
func (host *HostV2) ListTopic() []string {
defer host.lock.Unlock()
topics := make([]string, 0)
for t := range host.joined {
topics = append(topics, t)
return topics
// ListPeer returns list of peers in a topic
func (host *HostV2) ListPeer(topic string) []libp2p_peer.ID {
defer host.lock.Unlock()
return host.joined[topic].ListPeers()
// ListBlockedPeer returns list of blocked peer
func (host *HostV2) ListBlockedPeer() []libp2p_peer.ID {
// TODO: this is a place holder for now
peers := make([]libp2p_peer.ID, 0)
return peers
// GetPeerCount ...
func (host *HostV2) GetPeerCount() int {
return host.h.Peerstore().Peers().Len()
// ConnectHostPeer connects to peer host
func (host *HostV2) ConnectHostPeer(peer Peer) error {
ctx := context.Background()
addr := fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/tcp/%s/ipfs/%s", peer.IP, peer.Port, peer.PeerID.Pretty())
peerAddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(addr)
if err != nil {
host.logger.Error().Err(err).Interface("peer", peer).Msg("ConnectHostPeer")
return err
peerInfo, err := libp2p_peer.AddrInfoFromP2pAddr(peerAddr)
if err != nil {
host.logger.Error().Err(err).Interface("peer", peer).Msg("ConnectHostPeer")
return err
if err := host.h.Connect(ctx, *peerInfo); err != nil {
host.logger.Warn().Err(err).Interface("peer", peer).Msg("can't connect to peer")
return err
host.logger.Info().Interface("node", *peerInfo).Msg("connected to peer host")
return nil
// called when network starts listening on an addr
func (host *HostV2) Listen(net libp2p_network.Network, addr ma.Multiaddr) {
// called when network stops listening on an addr
func (host *HostV2) ListenClose(net libp2p_network.Network, addr ma.Multiaddr) {
// called when a connection opened
func (host *HostV2) Connected(net libp2p_network.Network, conn libp2p_network.Conn) {
host.logger.Info().Interface("node", conn.RemotePeer()).Msg("peer connected")
for _, function := range host.onConnections.GetAll() {
if err := function(net, conn); err != nil {
host.logger.Error().Err(err).Interface("node", conn.RemotePeer()).Msg("failed on peer connected callback")
// called when a connection closed
func (host *HostV2) Disconnected(net libp2p_network.Network, conn libp2p_network.Conn) {
host.logger.Info().Interface("node", conn.RemotePeer()).Msg("peer disconnected")
for _, function := range host.onDisconnects.GetAll() {
if err := function(conn); err != nil {
host.logger.Error().Err(err).Interface("node", conn.RemotePeer()).Msg("failed on peer disconnected callback")
// called when a stream opened
func (host *HostV2) OpenedStream(net libp2p_network.Network, stream libp2p_network.Stream) {
// called when a stream closed
func (host *HostV2) ClosedStream(net libp2p_network.Network, stream libp2p_network.Stream) {
func (host *HostV2) SetConnectCallback(callback ConnectCallback) {
func (host *HostV2) SetDisconnectCallback(callback DisconnectCallback) {
// NamedTopic represents pubsub topic
// Name is the human readable topic, groupID
type NamedTopic struct {
Name string
Topic *libp2p_pubsub.Topic
// ConstructMessage constructs the p2p message as [messageType, contentSize, content]
func ConstructMessage(content []byte) []byte {
message := make([]byte, 5+len(content))
message[0] = 17 // messageType 0x11
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(message[1:5], uint32(len(content)))
copy(message[5:], content)
return message