The core protocol of WoopChain
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// Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
// Package rawdb contains a collection of low level database accessors.
package rawdb
import (
// The fields below define the low level database schema prefixing.
var (
// databaseVersionKey tracks the current database version.
databaseVersionKey = []byte("DatabaseVersion")
// headHeaderKey tracks the latest known header's hash.
headHeaderKey = []byte("LastHeader")
// headBlockKey tracks the latest known full block's hash.
headBlockKey = []byte("LastBlock")
// headFastBlockKey tracks the latest known incomplete block's hash during fast sync.
headFastBlockKey = []byte("LastFast")
// headFinalizedBlockKey tracks the latest known finalized block hash.
headFinalizedBlockKey = []byte("LastFinalized")
// lastPivotKey tracks the last pivot block used by fast sync (to reenable on sethead).
lastPivotKey = []byte("LastPivot")
// fastTrieProgressKey tracks the number of trie entries imported during fast sync.
fastTrieProgressKey = []byte("TrieSync")
// snapshotDisabledKey flags that the snapshot should not be maintained due to initial sync.
snapshotDisabledKey = []byte("SnapshotDisabled")
// SnapshotRootKey tracks the hash of the last snapshot.
SnapshotRootKey = []byte("SnapshotRoot")
// snapshotJournalKey tracks the in-memory diff layers across restarts.
snapshotJournalKey = []byte("SnapshotJournal")
// snapshotGeneratorKey tracks the snapshot generation marker across restarts.
snapshotGeneratorKey = []byte("SnapshotGenerator")
// snapshotRecoveryKey tracks the snapshot recovery marker across restarts.
snapshotRecoveryKey = []byte("SnapshotRecovery")
// snapshotSyncStatusKey tracks the snapshot sync status across restarts.
snapshotSyncStatusKey = []byte("SnapshotSyncStatus")
// skeletonSyncStatusKey tracks the skeleton sync status across restarts.
skeletonSyncStatusKey = []byte("SkeletonSyncStatus")
// txIndexTailKey tracks the oldest block whose transactions have been indexed.
txIndexTailKey = []byte("TransactionIndexTail")
// fastTxLookupLimitKey tracks the transaction lookup limit during fast sync.
fastTxLookupLimitKey = []byte("FastTransactionLookupLimit")
// badBlockKey tracks the list of bad blocks seen by local
badBlockKey = []byte("InvalidBlock")
// uncleanShutdownKey tracks the list of local crashes
uncleanShutdownKey = []byte("unclean-shutdown") // config prefix for the db
// transitionStatusKey tracks the eth2 transition status.
transitionStatusKey = []byte("eth2-transition")
headerPrefix = []byte("h") // headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash -> header
headerTDSuffix = []byte("t") // headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash + headerTDSuffix -> td
headerHashSuffix = []byte("n") // headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + headerHashSuffix -> hash
headerNumberPrefix = []byte("H") // headerNumberPrefix + hash -> num (uint64 big endian)
blockBodyPrefix = []byte("b") // blockBodyPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash -> block body
blockReceiptsPrefix = []byte("r") // blockReceiptsPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash -> block receipts
txLookupPrefix = []byte("l") // txLookupPrefix + hash -> transaction/receipt lookup metadata
cxLookupPrefix = []byte("cx") // cxLookupPrefix + hash -> cxReceipt lookup metadata
bloomBitsPrefix = []byte("B") // bloomBitsPrefix + bit (uint16 big endian) + section (uint64 big endian) + hash -> bloom bits
shardStatePrefix = []byte("ss") // shardStatePrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash -> shardState
lastCommitsKey = []byte("LastCommits")
blockCommitSigPrefix = []byte("block-sig-")
pendingCrosslinkKey = []byte("pendingCL") // prefix for shard last pending crosslink
pendingSlashingKey = []byte("pendingSC") // prefix for shard last pending slashing record
preimagePrefix = []byte("secure-key-") // preimagePrefix + hash -> preimage
configPrefix = []byte("ethereum-config-") // config prefix for the db
crosslinkPrefix = []byte("cl") // prefix for crosslink
delegatorValidatorListPrefix = []byte("dvl") // prefix for delegator's validator list
// TODO: shorten the key prefix so we don't waste db space
cxReceiptPrefix = []byte("cxReceipt") // prefix for cross shard transaction receipt
cxReceiptSpentPrefix = []byte("cxReceiptSpent") // prefix for indicator of unspent of cxReceiptsProof
validatorSnapshotPrefix = []byte("validator-snapshot") // prefix for staking validator's snapshot information
validatorStatsPrefix = []byte("validator-stats") // prefix for staking validator's stats information
validatorListKey = []byte("validator-list") // key for all validators list
// epochBlockNumberPrefix + epoch (big.Int.Bytes())
// -> epoch block number (big.Int.Bytes())
epochBlockNumberPrefix = []byte("harmony-epoch-block-number")
// epochVrfBlockNumbersPrefix + epoch (big.Int.Bytes())
epochVrfBlockNumbersPrefix = []byte("epoch-vrf-block-numbers")
// epochVdfBlockNumberPrefix + epoch (big.Int.Bytes())
epochVdfBlockNumberPrefix = []byte("epoch-vdf-block-number")
// Chain index prefixes (use `i` + single byte to avoid mixing data types).
BloomBitsIndexPrefix = []byte("iB") // BloomBitsIndexPrefix is the data table of a chain indexer to track its progress
preimageCounter = metrics.NewRegisteredCounter("db/preimage/total", nil)
preimageHitCounter = metrics.NewRegisteredCounter("db/preimage/hits", nil)
currentRewardGivenOutPrefix = []byte("blk-rwd-")
// key of SnapdbInfo
snapdbInfoKey = []byte("SnapdbInfo")
// Data item prefixes (use single byte to avoid mixing data types, avoid `i`, used for indexes).
SnapshotAccountPrefix = []byte("a") // SnapshotAccountPrefix + account hash -> account trie value
SnapshotStoragePrefix = []byte("o") // SnapshotStoragePrefix + account hash + storage hash -> storage trie value
CodePrefix = []byte("c") // CodePrefix + code hash -> account code -> We not using this at the moment
skeletonHeaderPrefix = []byte("S") // skeletonHeaderPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) -> header
// Path-based trie node scheme.
trieNodeAccountPrefix = []byte("A") // trieNodeAccountPrefix + hexPath -> trie node
trieNodeStoragePrefix = []byte("O") // trieNodeStoragePrefix + accountHash + hexPath -> trie node
PreimagePrefix = []byte("secure-key-") // PreimagePrefix + hash -> preimage
genesisPrefix = []byte("ethereum-genesis-") // genesis state prefix for the db
ChtPrefix = []byte("chtRootV2-") // ChtPrefix + chtNum (uint64 big endian) -> trie root hash
ChtTablePrefix = []byte("cht-")
ChtIndexTablePrefix = []byte("chtIndexV2-")
BloomTriePrefix = []byte("bltRoot-") // BloomTriePrefix + bloomTrieNum (uint64 big endian) -> trie root hash
BloomTrieTablePrefix = []byte("blt-")
BloomTrieIndexPrefix = []byte("bltIndex-")
CliqueSnapshotPrefix = []byte("clique-")
// LegacyTxLookupEntry is the legacy TxLookupEntry definition with some unnecessary
// fields.
type LegacyTxLookupEntry struct {
BlockHash common.Hash
BlockIndex uint64
Index uint64
// headerKeyPrefix = headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian)
func headerKeyPrefix(number uint64) []byte {
return append(headerPrefix, encodeBlockNumber(number)...)
// accountSnapshotKey = SnapshotAccountPrefix + hash
func accountSnapshotKey(hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(SnapshotAccountPrefix, hash.Bytes()...)
// storageSnapshotKey = SnapshotStoragePrefix + account hash + storage hash
func storageSnapshotKey(accountHash, storageHash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(append(SnapshotStoragePrefix, accountHash.Bytes()...), storageHash.Bytes()...)
// storageSnapshotsKey = SnapshotStoragePrefix + account hash + storage hash
func storageSnapshotsKey(accountHash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(SnapshotStoragePrefix, accountHash.Bytes()...)
// skeletonHeaderKey = skeletonHeaderPrefix + num (uint64 big endian)
func skeletonHeaderKey(number uint64) []byte {
return append(skeletonHeaderPrefix, encodeBlockNumber(number)...)
// codeKey = CodePrefix + hash
func codeKey(hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(CodePrefix, hash.Bytes()...)
// IsCodeKey reports whether the given byte slice is the key of contract code,
// if so return the raw code hash as well.
func IsCodeKey(key []byte) (bool, []byte) {
if bytes.HasPrefix(key, CodePrefix) && len(key) == common.HashLength+len(CodePrefix) {
return true, key[len(CodePrefix):]
return false, nil
// genesisStateSpecKey = genesisPrefix + hash
func genesisStateSpecKey(hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(genesisPrefix, hash.Bytes()...)
// accountTrieNodeKey = trieNodeAccountPrefix + nodePath.
func accountTrieNodeKey(path []byte) []byte {
return append(trieNodeAccountPrefix, path...)
// storageTrieNodeKey = trieNodeStoragePrefix + accountHash + nodePath.
func storageTrieNodeKey(accountHash common.Hash, path []byte) []byte {
return append(append(trieNodeStoragePrefix, accountHash.Bytes()...), path...)
// TxLookupEntry is a positional metadata to help looking up the data content of
// a transaction or receipt given only its hash.
type TxLookupEntry struct {
BlockHash common.Hash
BlockIndex uint64
Index uint64
// encodeBlockNumber encodes a block number as big endian uint64
func encodeBlockNumber(number uint64) []byte {
enc := make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(enc, number)
return enc
// decodeBlockNumber decodes a block number as big endian uint64
func decodeBlockNumber(b []byte) uint64 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b)
// headerKey = headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash
func headerKey(number uint64, hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(append(headerPrefix, encodeBlockNumber(number)...), hash.Bytes()...)
// headerTDKey = headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash + headerTDSuffix
func headerTDKey(number uint64, hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(headerKey(number, hash), headerTDSuffix...)
// headerHashKey = headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + headerHashSuffix
func headerHashKey(number uint64) []byte {
return append(append(headerPrefix, encodeBlockNumber(number)...), headerHashSuffix...)
// headerNumberKey = headerNumberPrefix + hash
func headerNumberKey(hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(headerNumberPrefix, hash.Bytes()...)
// blockBodyKey = blockBodyPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash
func blockBodyKey(number uint64, hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(append(blockBodyPrefix, encodeBlockNumber(number)...), hash.Bytes()...)
// blockReceiptsKey = blockReceiptsPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash
func blockReceiptsKey(number uint64, hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(append(blockReceiptsPrefix, encodeBlockNumber(number)...), hash.Bytes()...)
// txLookupKey = txLookupPrefix + hash
func txLookupKey(hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(txLookupPrefix, hash.Bytes()...)
// cxLookupKey = cxLookupPrefix + hash
func cxLookupKey(hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(cxLookupPrefix, hash.Bytes()...)
// bloomBitsKey = bloomBitsPrefix + bit (uint16 big endian) + section (uint64 big endian) + hash
func bloomBitsKey(bit uint, section uint64, hash common.Hash) []byte {
key := append(append(bloomBitsPrefix, make([]byte, 10)...), hash.Bytes()...)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(key[1:], uint16(bit))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(key[3:], section)
return key
// preimageKey = preimagePrefix + hash
func preimageKey(hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(preimagePrefix, hash.Bytes()...)
// configKey = configPrefix + hash
func configKey(hash common.Hash) []byte {
return append(configPrefix, hash.Bytes()...)
func shardStateKey(epoch *big.Int) []byte {
return append(shardStatePrefix, epoch.Bytes()...)
func epochBlockNumberKey(epoch *big.Int) []byte {
return append(epochBlockNumberPrefix, epoch.Bytes()...)
func epochVrfBlockNumbersKey(epoch *big.Int) []byte {
return append(epochVrfBlockNumbersPrefix, epoch.Bytes()...)
func epochVdfBlockNumberKey(epoch *big.Int) []byte {
return append(epochVdfBlockNumberPrefix, epoch.Bytes()...)
func shardLastCrosslinkKey(shardID uint32) []byte {
sbKey := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(sbKey, shardID)
key := append(crosslinkPrefix, sbKey...)
return key
func crosslinkKey(shardID uint32, blockNum uint64) []byte {
prefix := crosslinkPrefix
sbKey := make([]byte, 12)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(sbKey, shardID)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(sbKey[4:], blockNum)
key := append(prefix, sbKey...)
return key
func delegatorValidatorListKey(delegator common.Address) []byte {
return append(delegatorValidatorListPrefix, delegator.Bytes()...)
// cxReceiptKey = cxReceiptsPrefix + shardID + num (uint64 big endian) + hash
func cxReceiptKey(shardID uint32, number uint64, hash common.Hash) []byte {
prefix := cxReceiptPrefix
sKey := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(sKey, shardID)
tmp := append(prefix, sKey...)
tmp1 := append(tmp, encodeBlockNumber(number)...)
return append(tmp1, hash.Bytes()...)
// cxReceiptSpentKey = cxReceiptsSpentPrefix + shardID + num (uint64 big endian)
func cxReceiptSpentKey(shardID uint32, number uint64) []byte {
prefix := cxReceiptSpentPrefix
sKey := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(sKey, shardID)
tmp := append(prefix, sKey...)
return append(tmp, encodeBlockNumber(number)...)
func validatorSnapshotKey(addr common.Address, epoch *big.Int) []byte {
prefix := validatorSnapshotPrefix
tmp := append(prefix, addr.Bytes()...)
return append(tmp, epoch.Bytes()...)
func validatorStatsKey(addr common.Address) []byte {
prefix := validatorStatsPrefix
return append(prefix, addr.Bytes()...)
func blockRewardAccumKey(number uint64) []byte {
return append(currentRewardGivenOutPrefix, encodeBlockNumber(number)...)
func blockCommitSigKey(number uint64) []byte {
return append(blockCommitSigPrefix, encodeBlockNumber(number)...)