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package quorum
import (
var (
quorumNodes = 100
msg = "Testing"
hmy = "Harmony"
reg = "Stakers"
basicDecider Decider
maxAccountGen = int64(98765654323123134)
accountGen = rand.New(rand.NewSource(1337))
maxKeyGen = int64(98765654323123134)
keyGen = rand.New(rand.NewSource(42))
maxStakeGen = int64(200)
stakeGen = rand.New(rand.NewSource(541))
type secretKeyMap map[shard.BlsPublicKey]bls.SecretKey
func init() {
basicDecider = NewDecider(SuperMajorityStake)
func generateRandomSlot() (shard.Slot, bls.SecretKey) {
addr := common.Address{}
secretKey := bls.SecretKey{}
key := shard.BlsPublicKey{}
stake := numeric.NewDecFromBigInt(big.NewInt(int64(stakeGen.Int63n(maxStakeGen))))
return shard.Slot{addr, key, &stake}, secretKey
// 50 Harmony Nodes, 50 Staked Nodes
func setupBaseCase() (Decider, *TallyResult, shard.SlotList, map[string]secretKeyMap) {
slotList := shard.SlotList{}
sKeys := make(map[string]secretKeyMap)
sKeys[hmy] = make(secretKeyMap)
sKeys[reg] = make(secretKeyMap)
pubKeys := []*bls.PublicKey{}
for i := 0; i < quorumNodes; i++ {
newSlot, sKey := generateRandomSlot()
if i < 50 {
newSlot.EffectiveStake = nil
sKeys[hmy][newSlot.BlsPublicKey] = sKey
} else {
sKeys[reg][newSlot.BlsPublicKey] = sKey
slotList = append(slotList, newSlot)
pubKeys = append(pubKeys, sKey.GetPublicKey())
decider := NewDecider(SuperMajorityStake)
decider.SetShardIDProvider(func() (uint32, error) { return 0, nil })
tally, err := decider.SetVoters(slotList, false)
if err != nil {
panic("Unable to SetVoters for Base Case")
return decider, tally, slotList, sKeys
// 33 Harmony Nodes, 67 Staked Nodes
func setupEdgeCase() (Decider, *TallyResult, shard.SlotList, secretKeyMap) {
slotList := shard.SlotList{}
sKeys := make(secretKeyMap)
pubKeys := []*bls.PublicKey{}
for i := 0; i < quorumNodes; i++ {
newSlot, sKey := generateRandomSlot()
if i < 33 {
newSlot.EffectiveStake = nil
sKeys[newSlot.BlsPublicKey] = sKey
slotList = append(slotList, newSlot)
pubKeys = append(pubKeys, sKey.GetPublicKey())
decider := NewDecider(SuperMajorityStake)
decider.SetShardIDProvider(func() (uint32, error) { return 0, nil })
tally, err := decider.SetVoters(slotList, false)
if err != nil {
panic("Unable to SetVoters for Edge Case")
return decider, tally, slotList, sKeys
func sign(d Decider, k secretKeyMap, p Phase) {
for _, v := range k {
pubKey := v.GetPublicKey()
sig := v.Sign(msg)
d.AddSignature(p, pubKey, sig)
func TestPolicy(t *testing.T) {
expectedPolicy := SuperMajorityStake
policy := basicDecider.Policy()
if expectedPolicy != policy {
t.Errorf("Expected: %s, Got: %s", expectedPolicy.String(), policy.String())
func TestQuorumThreshold(t *testing.T) {
expectedThreshold := numeric.NewDec(2).Quo(numeric.NewDec(3))
quorumThreshold := basicDecider.QuorumThreshold()
if !expectedThreshold.Equal(quorumThreshold) {
t.Errorf("Expected: %s, Got: %s", expectedThreshold.String(), quorumThreshold.String())
func TestEvenNodes(t *testing.T) {
stakedVote, result, _, sKeys := setupBaseCase()
// Check HarmonyPercent + StakePercent == 1
sum := result.ourPercent.Add(result.theirPercent)
if !sum.Equal(numeric.OneDec()) {
t.Errorf("Total voting power does not equal 1. Harmony voting power: %s, Staked voting power: %s, Sum: %s",
result.ourPercent, result.theirPercent, sum)
// Sign all Staker nodes
// Prepare
sign(stakedVote, sKeys[reg], Prepare)
achieved := stakedVote.IsQuorumAchieved(Prepare)
if achieved {
t.Errorf("[IsQuorumAchieved] Phase: %s, QuorumAchieved: %s, Expected: false (All Staker nodes = 32%%)",
Prepare, strconv.FormatBool(achieved))
// Commit
sign(stakedVote, sKeys[reg], Commit)
achieved = stakedVote.IsQuorumAchieved(Commit)
if achieved {
t.Errorf("[IsQuorumAchieved] Phase: %s, QuorumAchieved: %s, Expected: false (All Staker nodes = 32%%)",
Commit, strconv.FormatBool(achieved))
// ViewChange
sign(stakedVote, sKeys[reg], ViewChange)
achieved = stakedVote.IsQuorumAchieved(ViewChange)
if achieved {
t.Errorf("[IsQuorumAchieved] Phase: %s, Got: %s, Expected: false (All Staker nodes = 32%%)",
ViewChange, strconv.FormatBool(achieved))
// RewardThreshold
rewarded := stakedVote.IsRewardThresholdAchieved()
if rewarded {
t.Errorf("[IsRewardThresholdAchieved] Got: %s, Expected: false (All Staker nodes = 32%%)",
// Sign all Harmony Nodes
sign(stakedVote, sKeys[hmy], Prepare)
achieved = stakedVote.IsQuorumAchieved(Prepare)
if !achieved {
t.Errorf("[IsQuorumAchieved] Phase: %s, QuorumAchieved: %s, Expected: true (All nodes = 100%%)",
Prepare, strconv.FormatBool(achieved))
// Commit
sign(stakedVote, sKeys[hmy], Commit)
achieved = stakedVote.IsQuorumAchieved(Commit)
if !achieved {
t.Errorf("[IsQuorumAchieved] Phase: %s, QuorumAchieved: %s, Expected: true (All nodes = 100%%)",
Commit, strconv.FormatBool(achieved))
// ViewChange
sign(stakedVote, sKeys[hmy], ViewChange)
achieved = stakedVote.IsQuorumAchieved(ViewChange)
if !achieved {
t.Errorf("[IsQuorumAchieved] Phase: %s, Got: %s, Expected: true (All nodes = 100%%)",
ViewChange, strconv.FormatBool(achieved))
// RewardThreshold
rewarded = stakedVote.IsRewardThresholdAchieved()
if !rewarded {
t.Errorf("[IsRewardThresholdAchieved] Got: %s, Expected: true (All nodes = 100%%)",
func Test33HarmonyNodes(t *testing.T) {
stakedVote, result, _, sKeys := setupEdgeCase()
// Check HarmonyPercent + StakePercent == 1
sum := result.ourPercent.Add(result.theirPercent)
if !sum.Equal(numeric.OneDec()) {
t.Errorf("Total voting power does not equal 1. Harmony voting power: %s, Staked voting power: %s, Sum: %s",
result.ourPercent, result.theirPercent, sum)
// Sign all Harmony Nodes, 0 Staker Nodes
// Prepare
sign(stakedVote, sKeys, Prepare)
achieved := stakedVote.IsQuorumAchieved(Prepare)
if !achieved {
t.Errorf("[IsQuorumAchieved] Phase: %s, QuorumAchieved: %s, Expected: true (All Harmony nodes = 68%%)",
Prepare, strconv.FormatBool(achieved))
// Commit
sign(stakedVote, sKeys, Commit)
achieved = stakedVote.IsQuorumAchieved(Commit)
if !achieved {
t.Errorf("[IsQuorumAchieved] Phase: %s, QuorumAchieved: %s, Expected: true (All Harmony nodes = 68%%)",
Commit, strconv.FormatBool(achieved))
// ViewChange
sign(stakedVote, sKeys, ViewChange)
achieved = stakedVote.IsQuorumAchieved(ViewChange)
if !achieved {
t.Errorf("[IsQuorumAchieved] Phase: %s, Got: %s, Expected: true (All Harmony nodes = 68%%)",
ViewChange, strconv.FormatBool(achieved))
// RewardThreshold
rewarded := stakedVote.IsRewardThresholdAchieved()
if rewarded {
t.Errorf("[IsRewardThresholdAchieved] Got: %s, Expected: false (All Harmony nodes = 68%%)",