The core protocol of WoopChain
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// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package core
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
mrand "math/rand"
lru ""
consensus_engine ""
const (
headerCacheLimit = 512
tdCacheLimit = 1024
numberCacheLimit = 2048
// HeaderChain implements the basic block header chain logic that is shared by
// core.BlockChain and light.LightChain. It is not usable in itself, only as
// a part of either structure.
// It is not thread safe either, the encapsulating chain structures should do
// the necessary mutex locking/unlocking.
type HeaderChain struct {
config *params.ChainConfig
chainDb ethdb.Database
genesisHeader *block.Header
currentHeader atomic.Value // Current head of the header chain (may be above the block chain!)
currentHeaderHash common.Hash // Hash of the current head of the header chain (prevent recomputing all the time)
headerCache *lru.Cache // Cache for the most recent block headers
tdCache *lru.Cache // Cache for the most recent block total difficulties
numberCache *lru.Cache // Cache for the most recent block numbers
procInterrupt func() bool
rand *mrand.Rand
engine consensus_engine.Engine
// NewHeaderChain creates a new HeaderChain structure.
// getValidator should return the parent's validator
// procInterrupt points to the parent's interrupt semaphore
// wg points to the parent's shutdown wait group
func NewHeaderChain(chainDb ethdb.Database, config *params.ChainConfig, engine consensus_engine.Engine, procInterrupt func() bool) (*HeaderChain, error) {
headerCache, _ := lru.New(headerCacheLimit)
tdCache, _ := lru.New(tdCacheLimit)
numberCache, _ := lru.New(numberCacheLimit)
// Seed a fast but crypto originating random generator
seed, err := crand.Int(crand.Reader, big.NewInt(math.MaxInt64))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hc := &HeaderChain{
config: config,
chainDb: chainDb,
headerCache: headerCache,
tdCache: tdCache,
numberCache: numberCache,
procInterrupt: procInterrupt,
rand: mrand.New(mrand.NewSource(seed.Int64())),
engine: engine,
hc.genesisHeader = hc.GetHeaderByNumber(0)
if hc.genesisHeader == nil {
return nil, ErrNoGenesis
if head := rawdb.ReadHeadBlockHash(chainDb); head != (common.Hash{}) {
if chead := hc.GetHeaderByHash(head); chead != nil {
hc.currentHeaderHash = hc.CurrentHeader().Hash()
return hc, nil
// GetBlockNumber retrieves the block number belonging to the given hash
// from the cache or database
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockNumber(hash common.Hash) *uint64 {
if cached, ok := hc.numberCache.Get(hash); ok {
number := cached.(uint64)
return &number
number := rawdb.ReadHeaderNumber(hc.chainDb, hash)
if number != nil {
hc.numberCache.Add(hash, *number)
return number
// WriteHeader writes a header into the local chain, given that its parent is
// already known. If the total difficulty of the newly inserted header becomes
// greater than the current known TD, the canonical chain is re-routed.
// Note: This method is not concurrent-safe with inserting blocks simultaneously
// into the chain, as side effects caused by reorganisations cannot be emulated
// without the real blocks. Hence, writing headers directly should only be done
// in two scenarios: pure-header mode of operation (light clients), or properly
// separated header/block phases (non-archive clients).
func (hc *HeaderChain) WriteHeader(header *block.Header) (status WriteStatus, err error) {
// Cache some values to prevent constant recalculation
var (
hash = header.Hash()
number = header.Number().Uint64()
// TODO: implement fork choice mechanism
//localTd := hc.GetTd(hc.currentHeaderHash, hc.CurrentHeader().Number.Uint64())
//externTd := new(big.Int).Add(header.Difficulty, ptd)
// Irrelevant of the canonical status, write the td and header to the database
//if err := hc.WriteTd(hash, number, externTd); err != nil {
// // utils.Logger().Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to write header total difficulty")
// //}
//rawdb.WriteHeader(hc.chainDb, header)
// If the total difficulty is higher than our known, add it to the canonical chain
// Second clause in the if statement reduces the vulnerability to selfish mining.
// Please refer to
//if externTd.Cmp(localTd) > 0 || (externTd.Cmp(localTd) == 0 && mrand.Float64() < 0.5) {
// // Delete any canonical number assignments above the new head
// batch := hc.chainDb.NewBatch()
// for i := number + 1; ; i++ {
// hash := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(hc.chainDb, i)
// if hash == (common.Hash{}) {
// break
// }
// rawdb.DeleteCanonicalHash(batch, i)
// }
// batch.Write()
// // Overwrite any stale canonical number assignments
// var (
// headHash = header.ParentHash
// headNumber = header.Number.Uint64() - 1
// headHeader = hc.GetHeader(headHash, headNumber)
// )
// for rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(hc.chainDb, headNumber) != headHash {
// rawdb.WriteCanonicalHash(hc.chainDb, headHash, headNumber)
// headHash = headHeader.ParentHash
// headNumber = headHeader.Number.Uint64() - 1
// headHeader = hc.GetHeader(headHash, headNumber)
// }
// // Extend the canonical chain with the new header
// rawdb.WriteCanonicalHash(hc.chainDb, hash, number)
// rawdb.WriteHeadHeaderHash(hc.chainDb, hash)
// hc.currentHeaderHash = hash
// hc.currentHeader.Store(types.CopyHeader(header))
// status = CanonStatTy
//} else {
// status = SideStatTy
hc.headerCache.Add(hash, header)
hc.numberCache.Add(hash, number)
// WhCallback is a callback function for inserting individual headers.
// A callback is used for two reasons: first, in a LightChain, status should be
// processed and light chain events sent, while in a BlockChain this is not
// necessary since chain events are sent after inserting blocks. Second, the
// header writes should be protected by the parent chain mutex individually.
type WhCallback func(*block.Header) error
// ValidateHeaderChain validates header chain.
func (hc *HeaderChain) ValidateHeaderChain(chain []*block.Header, checkFreq int) (int, error) {
// Do a sanity check that the provided chain is actually ordered and linked
for i := 1; i < len(chain); i++ {
parentHash := chain[i].ParentHash()
if chain[i].Number().Uint64() != chain[i-1].Number().Uint64()+1 || parentHash != chain[i-1].Hash() {
// Chain broke ancestry, log a message (programming error) and skip insertion
Str("number", chain[i].Number().String()).
Str("hash", chain[i].Hash().Hex()).
Str("parent", parentHash.Hex()).
Str("prevnumber", chain[i-1].Number().String()).
Str("prevhash", chain[i-1].Hash().Hex()).
Msg("Non contiguous header insert")
return 0, fmt.Errorf("non contiguous insert: item %d is #%d [%x…], item %d is #%d [%x…] (parent [%x…])", i-1, chain[i-1].Number(),
chain[i-1].Hash().Bytes()[:4], i, chain[i].Number(), chain[i].Hash().Bytes()[:4], parentHash[:4])
// Generate the list of seal verification requests, and start the parallel verifier
seals := make([]bool, len(chain))
for i := 0; i < len(seals)/checkFreq; i++ {
index := i*checkFreq + hc.rand.Intn(checkFreq)
if index >= len(seals) {
index = len(seals) - 1
seals[index] = true
seals[len(seals)-1] = true // Last should always be verified to avoid junk
//abort, results := hc.engine.VerifyHeaders(hc, chain, seals)
//defer close(abort)
//// Iterate over the headers and ensure they all check out
//for i, _ := range chain {
// // If the chain is terminating, stop processing blocks
// if hc.procInterrupt() {
// utils.Logger().Debug().Msg("Premature abort during headers verification")
// return 0, errors.New("aborted")
// }
// // Otherwise wait for headers checks and ensure they pass
// if err := <-results; err != nil {
// return i, err
// }
return 0, nil
// InsertHeaderChain attempts to insert the given header chain in to the local
// chain, possibly creating a reorg. If an error is returned, it will return the
// index number of the failing header as well an error describing what went wrong.
// The verify parameter can be used to fine tune whether nonce verification
// should be done or not. The reason behind the optional check is because some
// of the header retrieval mechanisms already need to verfy nonces, as well as
// because nonces can be verified sparsely, not needing to check each.
func (hc *HeaderChain) InsertHeaderChain(chain []*block.Header, writeHeader WhCallback, start time.Time) (int, error) {
// Collect some import statistics to report on
stats := struct{ processed, ignored int }{}
// All headers passed verification, import them into the database
for i, header := range chain {
// Short circuit insertion if shutting down
if hc.procInterrupt() {
utils.Logger().Debug().Msg("Premature abort during headers import")
return i, errors.New("aborted")
// If the header's already known, skip it, otherwise store
if hc.HasHeader(header.Hash(), header.Number().Uint64()) {
if err := writeHeader(header); err != nil {
return i, err
// Report some public statistics so the user has a clue what's going on
last := chain[len(chain)-1]
context := utils.Logger().With().
Int("count", stats.processed).
Str("elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)).String()).
Str("number", last.Number().String()).
Str("hash", last.Hash().Hex())
if timestamp := time.Unix(last.Time().Int64(), 0); time.Since(timestamp) > time.Minute {
context = context.Str("age", common.PrettyAge(timestamp).String())
if stats.ignored > 0 {
context = context.Int("ignored", stats.ignored)
logger := context.Logger()
logger.Info().Msg("Imported new block headers")
return 0, nil
// GetBlockHashesFromHash retrieves a number of block hashes starting at a given
// hash, fetching towards the genesis block.
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, max uint64) []common.Hash {
// Get the origin header from which to fetch
header := hc.GetHeaderByHash(hash)
if header == nil {
return nil
// Iterate the headers until enough is collected or the genesis reached
chain := make([]common.Hash, 0, max)
for i := uint64(0); i < max; i++ {
next := header.ParentHash()
if header = hc.GetHeader(next, header.Number().Uint64()-1); header == nil {
chain = append(chain, next)
if header.Number().Sign() == 0 {
return chain
// GetAncestor retrieves the Nth ancestor of a given block. It assumes that either the given block or
// a close ancestor of it is canonical. maxNonCanonical points to a downwards counter limiting the
// number of blocks to be individually checked before we reach the canonical chain.
// Note: ancestor == 0 returns the same block, 1 returns its parent and so on.
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetAncestor(hash common.Hash, number, ancestor uint64, maxNonCanonical *uint64) (common.Hash, uint64) {
if ancestor > number {
return common.Hash{}, 0
if ancestor == 1 {
// in this case it is cheaper to just read the header
if header := hc.GetHeader(hash, number); header != nil {
return header.ParentHash(), number - 1
return common.Hash{}, 0
for ancestor != 0 {
if rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(hc.chainDb, number) == hash {
number -= ancestor
return rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(hc.chainDb, number), number
if *maxNonCanonical == 0 {
return common.Hash{}, 0
header := hc.GetHeader(hash, number)
if header == nil {
return common.Hash{}, 0
hash = header.ParentHash()
return hash, number
// GetTd retrieves a block's total difficulty in the canonical chain from the
// database by hash and number, caching it if found.
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetTd(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *big.Int {
// Short circuit if the td's already in the cache, retrieve otherwise
if cached, ok := hc.tdCache.Get(hash); ok {
return cached.(*big.Int)
td := rawdb.ReadTd(hc.chainDb, hash, number)
if td == nil {
return nil
// Cache the found body for next time and return
hc.tdCache.Add(hash, td)
return td
// GetTdByHash retrieves a block's total difficulty in the canonical chain from the
// database by hash, caching it if found.
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetTdByHash(hash common.Hash) *big.Int {
number := hc.GetBlockNumber(hash)
if number == nil {
return nil
return hc.GetTd(hash, *number)
// WriteTd stores a block's total difficulty into the database, also caching it
// along the way.
func (hc *HeaderChain) WriteTd(hash common.Hash, number uint64, td *big.Int) error {
rawdb.WriteTd(hc.chainDb, hash, number, td)
hc.tdCache.Add(hash, new(big.Int).Set(td))
return nil
// GetHeader retrieves a block header from the database by hash and number,
// caching it if found.
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *block.Header {
// Short circuit if the header's already in the cache, retrieve otherwise
if header, ok := hc.headerCache.Get(hash); ok {
return header.(*block.Header)
header := rawdb.ReadHeader(hc.chainDb, hash, number)
if header == nil {
return nil
// Cache the found header for next time and return
hc.headerCache.Add(hash, header)
return header
// GetHeaderByHash retrieves a block header from the database by hash, caching it if
// found.
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *block.Header {
number := hc.GetBlockNumber(hash)
if number == nil {
return nil
return hc.GetHeader(hash, *number)
// HasHeader checks if a block header is present in the database or not.
func (hc *HeaderChain) HasHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool {
if hc.numberCache.Contains(hash) || hc.headerCache.Contains(hash) {
return true
return rawdb.HasHeader(hc.chainDb, hash, number)
// GetHeaderByNumber retrieves a block header from the database by number,
// caching it (associated with its hash) if found.
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *block.Header {
hash := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(hc.chainDb, number)
if hash == (common.Hash{}) {
return nil
return hc.GetHeader(hash, number)
// CurrentHeader retrieves the current head header of the canonical chain. The
// header is retrieved from the HeaderChain's internal cache.
func (hc *HeaderChain) CurrentHeader() *block.Header {
return hc.currentHeader.Load().(*block.Header)
// SetCurrentHeader sets the current head header of the canonical chain.
func (hc *HeaderChain) SetCurrentHeader(head *block.Header) {
rawdb.WriteHeadHeaderHash(hc.chainDb, head.Hash())
hc.currentHeaderHash = head.Hash()
// DeleteCallback is a callback function that is called by SetHead before
// each header is deleted.
type DeleteCallback func(rawdb.DatabaseDeleter, common.Hash, uint64)
// SetHead rewinds the local chain to a new head. Everything above the new head
// will be deleted and the new one set.
func (hc *HeaderChain) SetHead(head uint64, delFn DeleteCallback) {
height := uint64(0)
if hdr := hc.CurrentHeader(); hdr != nil {
height = hdr.Number().Uint64()
batch := hc.chainDb.NewBatch()
for hdr := hc.CurrentHeader(); hdr != nil && hdr.Number().Uint64() > head; hdr = hc.CurrentHeader() {
hash := hdr.Hash()
num := hdr.Number().Uint64()
if delFn != nil {
delFn(batch, hash, num)
rawdb.DeleteHeader(batch, hash, num)
rawdb.DeleteTd(batch, hash, num)
hc.currentHeader.Store(hc.GetHeader(hdr.ParentHash(), hdr.Number().Uint64()-1))
// Roll back the canonical chain numbering
for i := height; i > head; i-- {
rawdb.DeleteCanonicalHash(batch, i)
// Clear out any stale content from the caches
if hc.CurrentHeader() == nil {
hc.currentHeaderHash = hc.CurrentHeader().Hash()
rawdb.WriteHeadHeaderHash(hc.chainDb, hc.currentHeaderHash)
// SetGenesis sets a new genesis block header for the chain
func (hc *HeaderChain) SetGenesis(head *block.Header) {
hc.genesisHeader = head
// Config retrieves the header chain's chain configuration.
func (hc *HeaderChain) Config() *params.ChainConfig { return hc.config }
// Engine retrieves the header chain's consensus engine.
func (hc *HeaderChain) Engine() consensus_engine.Engine { return hc.engine }
// GetBlock implements consensus.ChainReader, and returns nil for every input as
// a header chain does not have blocks available for retrieval.
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.Block {
return nil