The core protocol of WoopChain
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package apr
import (
staking ""
// Reader ..
type Reader interface {
Config() *params.ChainConfig
GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *block.Header
// GetHeader retrieves a block header from the database by hash and number.
GetHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *block.Header
CurrentHeader() *block.Header
epoch *big.Int,
addr common.Address,
) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
const (
secondsInYear = int64(31_557_600)
var (
oneYear = big.NewInt(int64(secondsInYear))
func expectedRewardPerYear(
oneEpochAgo, twoEpochAgo *block.Header,
oneSnapshotAgo, twoSnapshotAgo *staking.ValidatorWrapper,
blocksPerEpoch uint64,
) (*big.Int, error) {
oneTAgo, twoTAgo := oneEpochAgo.Time(), twoEpochAgo.Time()
diffTime, diffReward :=
new(big.Int).Sub(twoTAgo, oneTAgo),
new(big.Int).Sub(twoSnapshotAgo.BlockReward, oneSnapshotAgo.BlockReward)
// impossibility but keep sane
if diffTime.Sign() == -1 {
return nil, errors.New("time stamp diff cannot be negative")
if diffTime.Cmp(common.Big0) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("cannot div by zero of diff in time")
// TODO some more sanity checks of some sort?
expectedValue := new(big.Int).Div(diffReward, diffTime)
expectedPerYear := new(big.Int).Mul(expectedValue, oneYear)
Uint64("diff-reward", diffReward.Uint64()).
Uint64("diff-time", diffTime.Uint64()).
Uint64("expected-value", expectedValue.Uint64()).
Uint64("expected-per-year", expectedPerYear.Uint64()).
Msg("expected reward per year computed")
return expectedPerYear, nil
func pastTwoEpochHeaders(
bc Reader,
) (*block.Header, *block.Header, error) {
current := bc.CurrentHeader()
epochNow := current.Epoch()
oneEpochAgo, twoEpochAgo :=
new(big.Int).Sub(epochNow, common.Big1),
new(big.Int).Sub(epochNow, common.Big2)
bottomOut := new(big.Int).Add(
var oneAgoHeader, twoAgoHeader **block.Header
for e1, e2 := false, false; ; {
current = bc.GetHeader(current.ParentHash(), current.Number().Uint64()-1)
if current == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("could not go up parent")
if current.Epoch().Cmp(bottomOut) == 0 {
if twoAgoHeader == nil || oneAgoHeader == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New(
"could not find headers for apr computation",
switch {
// haven't found either epoch yet
case !e1 && !e2:
if current.Epoch().Cmp(oneEpochAgo) == 0 {
e1 = true
oneAgoHeader = &current
case e1 && !e2:
if current.Epoch().Cmp(twoEpochAgo) == 0 {
e2 = true
twoAgoHeader = &current
return *oneAgoHeader, *twoAgoHeader, nil
var (
zero = numeric.ZeroDec()
// ComputeForValidator ..
func ComputeForValidator(
bc Reader,
now *big.Int,
state *state.DB,
validatorNow *staking.ValidatorWrapper,
blocksPerEpoch uint64,
) (*numeric.Dec, error) {
return &zero, nil
// twoEpochAgo, oneEpochAgo, zero :=
// new(big.Int).Sub(now, common.Big2),
// new(big.Int).Sub(now, common.Big1),
// numeric.ZeroDec()
// utils.Logger().Info().
// Uint64("now", now.Uint64()).
// Uint64("two-epoch-ago", twoEpochAgo.Uint64()).
// Uint64("one-epoch-ago", oneEpochAgo.Uint64()).
// Msg("apr - begin compute for validator ")
// twoSnapshotAgo, err := bc.ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch(
// twoEpochAgo,
// validatorNow.Address,
// )
// if err != nil {
// return &zero, nil
// }
// oneSnapshotAgo, err := bc.ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch(
// oneEpochAgo,
// validatorNow.Address,
// )
// if err != nil {
// return &zero, nil
// }
// blockNumAtTwoEpochAgo, blockNumAtOneEpochAgo :=
// shard.Schedule.EpochLastBlock(twoEpochAgo.Uint64()),
// shard.Schedule.EpochLastBlock(oneEpochAgo.Uint64())
// headerOneEpochAgo, headerTwoEpochAgo, err := pastTwoEpochHeaders(bc)
// // TODO Figure out why this is happening
// if headerOneEpochAgo == nil || headerTwoEpochAgo == nil || err != nil {
// utils.Logger().Debug().
// Msgf("apr compute headers epochs ago %+v %+v %+v %+v %+v %+v",
// twoEpochAgo, oneEpochAgo,
// blockNumAtTwoEpochAgo, blockNumAtOneEpochAgo,
// headerOneEpochAgo, headerTwoEpochAgo,
// )
// return &zero, nil
// }
// utils.Logger().Info().
// RawJSON("current-epoch-header", []byte(bc.CurrentHeader().String())).
// RawJSON("one-epoch-ago-header", []byte(headerOneEpochAgo.String())).
// RawJSON("two-epoch-ago-header", []byte(headerTwoEpochAgo.String())).
// Msg("headers used for apr computation")
// estimatedRewardPerYear, err := expectedRewardPerYear(
// headerOneEpochAgo, headerTwoEpochAgo,
// oneSnapshotAgo, twoSnapshotAgo,
// blocksPerEpoch,
// )
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// if estimatedRewardPerYear.Cmp(common.Big0) == 0 {
// return &zero, nil
// }
// total := numeric.NewDecFromBigInt(validatorNow.TotalDelegation())
// if total.IsZero() {
// return nil, errors.New("zero total delegation will cause div by zero")
// }
// result := numeric.NewDecFromBigInt(estimatedRewardPerYear).Quo(
// total,
// )
// return &result, nil