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// Package consensus implements the Cosi PBFT consensus
package consensus // consensus
import (
consensus_engine ""
bls_cosi ""
common2 ""
nodeconfig ""
// Block reward per block signature.
// TODO ek – per sig per stake
var (
BlockReward = big.NewInt(denominations.One / 10)
// Consensus is the main struct with all states and data related to consensus process.
type Consensus struct {
// PbftLog stores the pbft messages and blocks during PBFT process
PbftLog *PbftLog
// phase: different phase of PBFT protocol: pre-prepare, prepare, commit, finish etc
phase PbftPhase
// mode: indicate a node is in normal or viewchanging mode
mode PbftMode
// blockNum: the next blockNumber that PBFT is going to agree on, should be equal to the blockNumber of next block
blockNum uint64
// channel to receive consensus message
MsgChan chan []byte
// How long to delay sending commit messages.
delayCommit time.Duration
// Consensus rounds whose commit phase finished
commitFinishChan chan uint64
// 2 types of timeouts: normal and viewchange
consensusTimeout map[TimeoutType]*utils.Timeout
// Commits collected from validators.
prepareSigs map[string]*bls.Sign // key is the bls public key
commitSigs map[string]*bls.Sign // key is the bls public key
aggregatedPrepareSig *bls.Sign
aggregatedCommitSig *bls.Sign
prepareBitmap *bls_cosi.Mask
commitBitmap *bls_cosi.Mask
// Commits collected from view change
bhpSigs map[string]*bls.Sign // bhpSigs: blockHashPreparedSigs is the signature on m1 type message
nilSigs map[string]*bls.Sign // nilSigs: there is no prepared message when view change, it's signature on m2 type (i.e. nil) messages
viewIDSigs map[string]*bls.Sign // viewIDSigs: every validator sign on |viewID|blockHash| in view changing message
bhpBitmap *bls_cosi.Mask
nilBitmap *bls_cosi.Mask
viewIDBitmap *bls_cosi.Mask
m1Payload []byte // message payload for type m1 := |vcBlockHash|prepared_agg_sigs|prepared_bitmap|, new leader only need one
vcLock sync.Mutex // mutex for view change
// The chain reader for the blockchain this consensus is working on
ChainReader consensus_engine.ChainReader
// map of nodeID to validator Peer object
validators sync.Map // key is the hex string of the blsKey, value is p2p.Peer
// Minimal number of peers in the shard
// If the number of validators is less than minPeers, the consensus won't start
MinPeers int
// Leader's address
leader p2p.Peer
// Public keys of the committee including leader and validators
PublicKeys []*bls.PublicKey
CommitteePublicKeys map[string]bool
pubKeyLock sync.Mutex
// private/public keys of current node
priKey *bls.SecretKey
PubKey *bls.PublicKey
SelfAddress common.Address
// the publickey of leader
LeaderPubKey *bls.PublicKey
viewID uint64
// Blockhash - 32 byte
blockHash [32]byte
// Block to run consensus on
block []byte
// BlockHeader to run consensus on
blockHeader []byte
// Array of block hashes.
blockHashes [][32]byte
// Shard Id which this node belongs to
ShardID uint32
// whether to ignore viewID check
ignoreViewIDCheck bool
// global consensus mutex
mutex sync.Mutex
// Signal channel for starting a new consensus process
ReadySignal chan struct{}
// The post-consensus processing func passed from Node object
// Called when consensus on a new block is done
OnConsensusDone func(*types.Block)
// The verifier func passed from Node object
BlockVerifier func(*types.Block) error
// verified block to state sync broadcast
VerifiedNewBlock chan *types.Block
// will trigger state syncing when blockNum is low
blockNumLowChan chan struct{}
// Channel for DRG protocol to send pRnd (preimage of randomness resulting from combined vrf randomnesses) to consensus. The first 32 bytes are randomness, the rest is for bitmap.
PRndChannel chan []byte
// Channel for DRG protocol to send the final randomness to consensus. The first 32 bytes are the randomness and the last 32 bytes are the hash of the block where the corresponding pRnd was generated
RndChannel chan [64]byte
pendingRnds [][64]byte // A list of pending randomness
uniqueIDInstance *utils.UniqueValidatorID
// The p2p host used to send/receive p2p messages
host p2p.Host
// Staking information finder
stakeInfoFinder StakeInfoFinder
// Used to convey to the consensus main loop that block syncing has finished.
syncReadyChan chan struct{}
// Used to convey to the consensus main loop that node is out of sync
syncNotReadyChan chan struct{}
// If true, this consensus will not propose view change.
disableViewChange bool
// SetCommitDelay sets the commit message delay. If set to non-zero,
// validator delays commit message by the amount.
func (consensus *Consensus) SetCommitDelay(delay time.Duration) {
consensus.delayCommit = delay
// StakeInfoFinder returns the stake information finder instance this
// consensus uses, e.g. for block reward distribution.
func (consensus *Consensus) StakeInfoFinder() StakeInfoFinder {
return consensus.stakeInfoFinder
// SetStakeInfoFinder sets the stake information finder instance this
// consensus uses, e.g. for block reward distribution.
func (consensus *Consensus) SetStakeInfoFinder(stakeInfoFinder StakeInfoFinder) {
consensus.stakeInfoFinder = stakeInfoFinder
// DisableViewChangeForTestingOnly makes the receiver not propose view
// changes when it should, e.g. leader timeout.
// As the name implies, this is intended for testing only,
// and should not be used on production network.
// This is also not part of the long-term consensus API and may go away later.
func (consensus *Consensus) DisableViewChangeForTestingOnly() {
consensus.disableViewChange = true
// BlocksSynchronized lets the main loop know that block synchronization finished
// thus the blockchain is likely to be up to date.
func (consensus *Consensus) BlocksSynchronized() {
consensus.syncReadyChan <- struct{}{}
// BlocksNotSynchronized lets the main loop know that block is not synchronized
func (consensus *Consensus) BlocksNotSynchronized() {
consensus.syncNotReadyChan <- struct{}{}
// WaitForSyncing informs the node syncing service to start syncing
func (consensus *Consensus) WaitForSyncing() {
// Quorum returns the consensus quorum of the current committee (2f+1).
func (consensus *Consensus) Quorum() int {
return len(consensus.PublicKeys)*2/3 + 1
// RewardThreshold returns the threshold to stop accepting commit messages
// when leader receives enough signatures for block reward
func (consensus *Consensus) RewardThreshold() int {
return len(consensus.PublicKeys) * 9 / 10
// StakeInfoFinder finds the staking account for the given consensus key.
type StakeInfoFinder interface {
// FindStakeInfoByNodeKey returns a list of staking information matching
// the given node key. Caller may modify the returned slice of StakeInfo
// struct pointers, but must not modify the StakeInfo structs themselves.
FindStakeInfoByNodeKey(key *bls.PublicKey) []*structs.StakeInfo
// FindStakeInfoByAccount returns a list of staking information matching
// the given account. Caller may modify the returned slice of StakeInfo
// struct pointers, but must not modify the StakeInfo structs themselves.
FindStakeInfoByAccount(addr common.Address) []*structs.StakeInfo
// New creates a new Consensus object
// TODO: put shardId into chain reader's chain config
func New(host p2p.Host, ShardID uint32, leader p2p.Peer, blsPriKey *bls.SecretKey) (*Consensus, error) {
consensus := Consensus{}
| = host
consensus.blockNumLowChan = make(chan struct{})
// pbft related
consensus.PbftLog = NewPbftLog()
consensus.phase = Announce
consensus.mode = PbftMode{mode: Normal}
// pbft timeout
consensus.consensusTimeout = createTimeout()
selfPeer := host.GetSelfPeer()
if leader.Port == selfPeer.Port && leader.IP == selfPeer.IP {
} else {
consensus.prepareSigs = map[string]*bls.Sign{}
consensus.commitSigs = map[string]*bls.Sign{}
consensus.CommitteePublicKeys = make(map[string]bool)
consensus.validators.Store(leader.ConsensusPubKey.SerializeToHexStr(), leader)
if blsPriKey != nil {
consensus.priKey = blsPriKey
consensus.PubKey = blsPriKey.GetPublicKey()
utils.GetLogInstance().Info("my pubkey is", "pubkey", consensus.PubKey.SerializeToHexStr())
} else {
utils.GetLogInstance().Error("the bls key is nil")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil bls key, aborting")
// viewID has to be initialized as the height of the blockchain during initialization
// as it was displayed on explorer as Height right now
consensus.viewID = 0
consensus.ShardID = ShardID
consensus.MsgChan = make(chan []byte)
consensus.syncReadyChan = make(chan struct{})
consensus.syncNotReadyChan = make(chan struct{})
consensus.commitFinishChan = make(chan uint64)
consensus.ReadySignal = make(chan struct{})
if nodeconfig.GetDefaultConfig().IsLeader() {
// send a signal to indicate it's ready to run consensus
// this signal is consumed by node object to create a new block and in turn trigger a new consensus on it
go func() {
consensus.ReadySignal <- struct{}{}
consensus.uniqueIDInstance = utils.GetUniqueValidatorIDInstance()
memprofiling.GetMemProfiling().Add("consensus.pbftLog", consensus.PbftLog)
return &consensus, nil
// accumulateRewards credits the coinbase of the given block with the mining
// reward. The total reward consists of the static block reward and rewards for
// included uncles. The coinbase of each uncle block is also rewarded.
func accumulateRewards(
bc consensus_engine.ChainReader, state *state.DB, header *types.Header,
) error {
logger := header.Logger(utils.GetLogInstance())
getLogger := func() log.Logger { return utils.WithCallerSkip(logger, 1) }
blockNum := header.Number.Uint64()
if blockNum == 0 {
// Epoch block has no parent to reward.
return nil
// TODO ek – retrieving by parent number (blockNum - 1) doesn't work,
// while it is okay with hash. Sounds like DB inconsistency.
// Figure out why.
parentHeader := bc.GetHeaderByHash(header.ParentHash)
if parentHeader == nil {
return ctxerror.New("cannot find parent block header in DB",
"parentHash", header.ParentHash)
if parentHeader.Number.Cmp(common.Big0) == 0 {
// Parent is an epoch block,
// which is not signed in the usual manner therefore rewards nothing.
return nil
parentShardState, err := bc.ReadShardState(parentHeader.Epoch)
if err != nil {
return ctxerror.New("cannot read shard state",
"epoch", parentHeader.Epoch,
parentCommittee := parentShardState.FindCommitteeByID(parentHeader.ShardID)
if parentCommittee == nil {
return ctxerror.New("cannot find shard in the shard state",
"parentBlockNumber", parentHeader.Number,
"shardID", parentHeader.ShardID,
var committerKeys []*bls.PublicKey
for _, member := range parentCommittee.NodeList {
committerKey := new(bls.PublicKey)
err := member.BlsPublicKey.ToLibBLSPublicKey(committerKey)
if err != nil {
return ctxerror.New("cannot convert BLS public key",
"blsPublicKey", member.BlsPublicKey).WithCause(err)
committerKeys = append(committerKeys, committerKey)
mask, err := bls_cosi.NewMask(committerKeys, nil)
if err != nil {
return ctxerror.New("cannot create group sig mask").WithCause(err)
if err := mask.SetMask(header.LastCommitBitmap); err != nil {
return ctxerror.New("cannot set group sig mask bits").WithCause(err)
totalAmount := big.NewInt(0)
numAccounts := 0
signers := []string{}
for idx, member := range parentCommittee.NodeList {
if signed, err := mask.IndexEnabled(idx); err != nil {
return ctxerror.New("cannot check for committer bit",
"committerIndex", idx,
} else if !signed {
account := member.EcdsaAddress
signers = append(signers, common2.MustAddressToBech32(account))
state.AddBalance(account, BlockReward)
totalAmount = new(big.Int).Add(totalAmount, BlockReward)
getLogger().Debug("【Block Reward] Successfully paid out block reward",
"NumAccounts", numAccounts,
"TotalAmount", totalAmount,
"Signers", signers)
return nil
// GenesisStakeInfoFinder is a stake info finder implementation using only
// genesis accounts.
// When used for block reward, it rewards only foundational nodes.
type GenesisStakeInfoFinder struct {
byNodeKey map[types.BlsPublicKey][]*structs.StakeInfo
byAccount map[common.Address][]*structs.StakeInfo
// FindStakeInfoByNodeKey returns the genesis account matching the given node
// key, as a single-item StakeInfo list.
// It returns nil if the key is not a genesis node key.
func (f *GenesisStakeInfoFinder) FindStakeInfoByNodeKey(
key *bls.PublicKey,
) []*structs.StakeInfo {
var pk types.BlsPublicKey
if err := pk.FromLibBLSPublicKey(key); err != nil {
ctxerror.Log15(utils.GetLogInstance().Warn, ctxerror.New(
"cannot convert BLS public key",
return nil
l, _ := f.byNodeKey[pk]
return l
// FindStakeInfoByAccount returns the genesis account matching the given
// address, as a single-item StakeInfo list.
// It returns nil if the address is not a genesis account.
func (f *GenesisStakeInfoFinder) FindStakeInfoByAccount(
addr common.Address,
) []*structs.StakeInfo {
l, _ := f.byAccount[addr]
return l
// NewGenesisStakeInfoFinder returns a stake info finder that can look up
// genesis nodes.
func NewGenesisStakeInfoFinder() (*GenesisStakeInfoFinder, error) {
f := &GenesisStakeInfoFinder{
byNodeKey: make(map[types.BlsPublicKey][]*structs.StakeInfo),
byAccount: make(map[common.Address][]*structs.StakeInfo),
for idx, account := range genesis.HarmonyAccounts {
pub := &bls.PublicKey{}
var blsPublicKey types.BlsPublicKey
if err := blsPublicKey.FromLibBLSPublicKey(pub); err != nil {
return nil, ctxerror.New("cannot convert BLS public key",
"accountIndex", idx,
addressBytes, err := hexutil.Decode(account.Address)
if err != nil {
return nil, ctxerror.New("cannot decode account address",
"accountIndex", idx,
var address common.Address
stakeInfo := &structs.StakeInfo{
Account: address,
BlsPublicKey: blsPublicKey,
BlockNum: common.Big0,
LockPeriodCount: big.NewInt(0x7fffffffffffffff),
Amount: common.Big0,
f.byNodeKey[blsPublicKey] = append(f.byNodeKey[blsPublicKey], stakeInfo)
f.byAccount[address] = append(f.byAccount[address], stakeInfo)
return f, nil