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304 lines
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package core
import (
nodeconfig ""
staking ""
// CommitOffChainData write off chain data of a block onto db writer.
func (bc *BlockChain) CommitOffChainData(
batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter,
block *types.Block,
receipts []*types.Receipt,
cxReceipts []*types.CXReceipt,
payout reward.Reader,
state *state.DB,
) (status WriteStatus, err error) {
// Write receipts of the block
rawdb.WriteReceipts(batch, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), receipts)
isBeaconChain := bc.CurrentHeader().ShardID() == shard.BeaconChainShardID
isStaking := bc.chainConfig.IsStaking(block.Epoch())
header := block.Header()
isNewEpoch := len(header.ShardState()) > 0
// Cross-shard txns
epoch := block.Header().Epoch()
if bc.chainConfig.HasCrossTxFields(block.Epoch()) {
shardingConfig := shard.Schedule.InstanceForEpoch(epoch)
shardNum := int(shardingConfig.NumShards())
for i := 0; i < shardNum; i++ {
if i == int(block.ShardID()) {
shardReceipts := types.CXReceipts(cxReceipts).GetToShardReceipts(uint32(i))
if err := rawdb.WriteCXReceipts(
batch, uint32(i), block.NumberU64(), block.Hash(), shardReceipts,
); err != nil {
Interface("shardReceipts", shardReceipts).
Int("toShardID", i).
Msg("WriteCXReceipts cannot write into database")
return NonStatTy, err
// Mark incomingReceipts in the block as spent
bc.WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent(batch, block.IncomingReceipts())
// VRF + VDF
// check non zero VRF field in header and add to local db
// if len(block.Vrf()) > 0 {
// vrfBlockNumbers, _ := bc.ReadEpochVrfBlockNums(block.Header().Epoch())
// if (len(vrfBlockNumbers) > 0) && (vrfBlockNumbers[len(vrfBlockNumbers)-1] == block.NumberU64()) {
// utils.Logger().Error().
// Str("number", block.Number().String()).
// Str("epoch", block.Header().Epoch().String()).
// Msg("VRF block number is already in local db")
// } else {
// vrfBlockNumbers = append(vrfBlockNumbers, block.NumberU64())
// err = bc.WriteEpochVrfBlockNums(block.Header().Epoch(), vrfBlockNumbers)
// if err != nil {
// utils.Logger().Error().
// Str("number", block.Number().String()).
// Str("epoch", block.Header().Epoch().String()).
// Msg("failed to write VRF block number to local db")
// return NonStatTy, err
// }
// }
////check non zero Vdf in header and add to local db
//if len(block.Vdf()) > 0 {
// err = bc.WriteEpochVdfBlockNum(block.Header().Epoch(), block.Number())
// if err != nil {
// utils.Logger().Error().
// Str("number", block.Number().String()).
// Str("epoch", block.Header().Epoch().String()).
// Msg("failed to write VDF block number to local db")
// return NonStatTy, err
// }
newEpoch := new(big.Int).Add(header.Epoch(), common.Big1)
// Shard State and Validator Update
if isNewEpoch {
// Write shard state for the new epoch
shardState, err := block.Header().GetShardState()
if err == nil && shardState.Epoch != nil && bc.chainConfig.IsStaking(shardState.Epoch) {
// After staking, the epoch will be decided by the epoch in the shard state.
newEpoch = new(big.Int).Set(shardState.Epoch)
newShardState, err := bc.WriteShardStateBytes(batch, newEpoch, header.ShardState())
if err != nil {
header.Logger(utils.Logger()).Warn().Err(err).Msg("cannot store shard state")
return NonStatTy, err
// Update elected validators
if err := bc.WriteElectedValidatorList(
batch, newShardState.StakedValidators().Addrs,
); err != nil {
return NonStatTy, err
// Do bookkeeping for new staking txns
newVals, err := bc.UpdateStakingMetaData(
batch, block.StakingTransactions(), state, epoch, newEpoch,
if err != nil {
utils.Logger().Err(err).Msg("UpdateStakingMetaData failed")
return NonStatTy, err
// Snapshot for all validators for new epoch at the second to last block
// This snapshot of the state is consistent with the state used for election
if isBeaconChain && shard.Schedule.IsLastBlock(header.Number().Uint64()+1) {
// Update snapshots for all validators
if err := bc.UpdateValidatorSnapshots(batch, newEpoch, state, newVals); err != nil {
return NonStatTy, err
// Writing beacon chain cross links
if isBeaconChain &&
bc.chainConfig.IsCrossLink(block.Epoch()) &&
len(header.CrossLinks()) > 0 {
crossLinks := &types.CrossLinks{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(
header.CrossLinks(), crossLinks,
); err != nil {
Msg("[insertChain/crosslinks] cannot parse cross links")
return NonStatTy, err
if !crossLinks.IsSorted() {
Msg("[insertChain/crosslinks] cross links are not sorted")
return NonStatTy, errors.New("proposed cross links are not sorted")
for _, crossLink := range *crossLinks {
// Process crosslink
if err := bc.WriteCrossLinks(
batch, types.CrossLinks{crossLink},
); err == nil {
Uint64("blockNum", crossLink.BlockNum()).
Uint32("shardID", crossLink.ShardID()).
Msg("[insertChain/crosslinks] Cross Link Added to Beaconchain")
cl0, _ := bc.ReadShardLastCrossLink(crossLink.ShardID())
if cl0 == nil {
rawdb.WriteShardLastCrossLink(batch, crossLink.ShardID(), crossLink.Serialize())
// clean/update local database cache after crosslink inserted into blockchain
num, err := bc.DeleteFromPendingCrossLinks(*crossLinks)
if err != nil && nodeconfig.GetDefaultConfig().ShardID == shard.BeaconChainShardID {
// Only beacon chain worries about this
const msg = "DeleteFromPendingCrossLinks, crosslinks in header %d, pending crosslinks: %d, problem: %+v"
utils.Logger().Debug().Msgf(msg, len(*crossLinks), num, err)
const msg = "DeleteFromPendingCrossLinks, crosslinks in header %d, pending crosslinks: %d"
Msgf(msg, len(*crossLinks), num)
utils.Logger().Debug().Msgf(msg, len(*crossLinks), num)
if isBeaconChain && bc.Config().IsCrossLink(bc.CurrentBlock().Epoch()) {
// Roll up latest crosslinks
for i, c := uint32(0), shard.Schedule.InstanceForEpoch(
).NumShards(); i < c; i++ {
if err := bc.LastContinuousCrossLink(batch, i); err != nil {
Err(err).Msg("Could not roll up last continuous crosslink")
// Update voting power of validators for all shards
tempValidatorStats := map[common.Address]*staking.ValidatorStats{}
if isNewEpoch && isBeaconChain {
currentSuperCommittee, _ := bc.ReadShardState(bc.CurrentHeader().Epoch())
if shardState, err := shard.DecodeWrapper(
); err == nil {
if stats, err := bc.UpdateValidatorVotingPower(
batch, block, shardState, currentSuperCommittee, state,
); err != nil {
Msg("[UpdateValidatorVotingPower] Failed to update voting power")
} else {
tempValidatorStats = stats
} else {
Msg("[UpdateValidatorVotingPower] Failed to decode shard state")
// Update block reward accumulator and slashes
if isBeaconChain {
if isStaking {
roundResult := payout.ReadRoundResult()
if err := bc.UpdateBlockRewardAccumulator(
batch, roundResult.Total, block.Number().Uint64(),
); err != nil {
return NonStatTy, err
for _, paid := range [...][]reward.Payout{
roundResult.BeaconchainAward, roundResult.ShardChainAward,
} {
for i := range paid {
stats, ok := tempValidatorStats[paid[i].Addr]
if !ok {
stats, err = bc.ReadValidatorStats(paid[i].Addr)
if err != nil {
Str("bls-earning-key", paid[i].EarningKey.Hex()).
Msg("could not read validator stats to update for earning per key")
tempValidatorStats[paid[i].Addr] = stats
for j := range stats.MetricsPerShard {
if stats.MetricsPerShard[j].Vote.Identity == paid[i].EarningKey {
type t struct {
addr common.Address
stats *staking.ValidatorStats
sortedStats, i := make([]t, len(tempValidatorStats)), 0
for key := range tempValidatorStats {
sortedStats[i] = t{key, tempValidatorStats[key]}
func(i, j int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(
sortedStats[i].addr[:], sortedStats[j].addr[:],
) == -1
for _, stat := range sortedStats {
if err := rawdb.WriteValidatorStats(
batch, stat.addr, stat.stats,
); err != nil {
Str("validator address", stat.addr.Hex()).
Msg("could not update stats for validator")
records := slash.Records{}
if s := header.Slashes(); len(s) > 0 {
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(s, &records); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Debug().Err(err).Msg("could not decode slashes in header")
if err := bc.DeleteFromPendingSlashingCandidates(records); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Debug().Err(err).Msg("could not deleting pending slashes")
} else {
// block reward never accumulate before staking
bc.WriteBlockRewardAccumulator(batch, common.Big0, block.Number().Uint64())
return CanonStatTy, nil