import assert from 'assert'
import proxyquire from 'proxyquire'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import { TOKEN_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE } from '../../send.constants'
const stubs = {
rawEncode: sinon.stub().callsFake((arr1, arr2) => {
return [...arr1, ...arr2]
const sendUtils = proxyquire('../send-footer.utils.js', {
'ethereumjs-abi': {
rawEncode: stubs.rawEncode,
const { addressIsNew, constructTxParams, constructUpdatedTx } = sendUtils
describe('send-footer utils', function () {
describe('addressIsNew()', function () {
it('should return false if the address exists in toAccounts', function () {
[{ address: '0xabc' }, { address: '0xdef' }, { address: '0xghi' }],
it('should return true if the address does not exists in toAccounts', function () {
[{ address: '0xabc' }, { address: '0xdef' }, { address: '0xghi' }],
describe('constructTxParams()', function () {
it('should return a new txParams object with data if there data is given', function () {
data: 'someData',
sendToken: undefined,
to: 'mockTo',
amount: 'mockAmount',
from: 'mockFrom',
gas: 'mockGas',
gasPrice: 'mockGasPrice',
data: '0xsomeData',
to: '0xmockTo',
value: '0xmockAmount',
from: '0xmockFrom',
gas: '0xmockGas',
gasPrice: '0xmockGasPrice',
it('should return a new txParams object with value and to properties if there is no sendToken', function () {
sendToken: undefined,
to: 'mockTo',
amount: 'mockAmount',
from: 'mockFrom',
gas: 'mockGas',
gasPrice: 'mockGasPrice',
data: undefined,
to: '0xmockTo',
value: '0xmockAmount',
from: '0xmockFrom',
gas: '0xmockGas',
gasPrice: '0xmockGasPrice',
it('should return a new txParams object without a to property and a 0 value if there is a sendToken', function () {
sendToken: { address: '0x0' },
to: 'mockTo',
amount: 'mockAmount',
from: 'mockFrom',
gas: 'mockGas',
gasPrice: 'mockGasPrice',
data: undefined,
value: '0x0',
from: '0xmockFrom',
gas: '0xmockGas',
gasPrice: '0xmockGasPrice',
describe('constructUpdatedTx()', function () {
it('should return a new object with an updated txParams', function () {
const result = constructUpdatedTx({
amount: 'mockAmount',
editingTransactionId: '0x456',
from: 'mockFrom',
gas: 'mockGas',
gasPrice: 'mockGasPrice',
sendToken: false,
to: 'mockTo',
unapprovedTxs: {
'0x123': {},
'0x456': {
unapprovedTxParam: 'someOtherParam',
txParams: {
data: 'someData',
assert.deepEqual(result, {
unapprovedTxParam: 'someOtherParam',
txParams: {
from: '0xmockFrom',
gas: '0xmockGas',
gasPrice: '0xmockGasPrice',
value: '0xmockAmount',
to: '0xmockTo',
data: '0xsomeData',
it('should not have data property if there is non in the original tx', function () {
const result = constructUpdatedTx({
amount: 'mockAmount',
editingTransactionId: '0x456',
from: 'mockFrom',
gas: 'mockGas',
gasPrice: 'mockGasPrice',
sendToken: false,
to: 'mockTo',
unapprovedTxs: {
'0x123': {},
'0x456': {
unapprovedTxParam: 'someOtherParam',
txParams: {
from: 'oldFrom',
gas: 'oldGas',
gasPrice: 'oldGasPrice',
assert.deepEqual(result, {
unapprovedTxParam: 'someOtherParam',
txParams: {
from: '0xmockFrom',
gas: '0xmockGas',
gasPrice: '0xmockGasPrice',
value: '0xmockAmount',
to: '0xmockTo',
it('should have token property values if sendToken is truthy', function () {
const result = constructUpdatedTx({
amount: 'mockAmount',
editingTransactionId: '0x456',
from: 'mockFrom',
gas: 'mockGas',
gasPrice: 'mockGasPrice',
sendToken: {
address: 'mockTokenAddress',
to: 'mockTo',
unapprovedTxs: {
'0x123': {},
'0x456': {
unapprovedTxParam: 'someOtherParam',
txParams: {},
assert.deepEqual(result, {
unapprovedTxParam: 'someOtherParam',
txParams: {
from: '0xmockFrom',
gas: '0xmockGas',
gasPrice: '0xmockGasPrice',
value: '0x0',
to: '0xmockTokenAddress',