# Metamask Plugin
## Development
npm install
### Developing with Gulp
We're using an experimental version of `gulp-cli` , so if you have the old version of gulp, you'll need to uninstall it, `npm uninstall -g gulp` , and install this one instead:
npm install gulpjs/gulp-cli#4.0 -g
After that, you can just:
gulp dev
### In Chrome
Open `Settings` > `Extensions` .
Check "Developer mode".
At the top, click `Load Unpacked Extension` .
Navigate to your `metamask-plugin/dist` folder.
Click `Select` .
You now have the plugin, and can click 'inspect views: background plugin' to view its dev console.
### Developing the UI
To enjoy the live-reloading that `gulp dev` offers while working on the `metamask-ui` or `web3-provider-engine` dependencies:
1. Clone the dependency locally.
2. `npm install` in its folder.
3. Run `npm link` in its folder.
4. Run `npm link $DEP_NAME` in this project folder.
5. Next time you `gulp dev` it will watch the dependency for changes as well!
### Deploying the UI
You must be authorized already on the Metamask plugin.
0. Update the version in `app/manifest.json` and the Changelog in `CHANGELOG.md` .
1. Visit [the chrome developer dashboard ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/dashboard?authuser=2 ).
2. Zip the `dist` folder in this repository.
3. Upload that zip file as the updated package.