A Metamask fork with Infura removed and default networks editable
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

75 lines
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/*global Web3*/
const log = require('loglevel')
const LocalMessageDuplexStream = require('post-message-stream')
const setupDappAutoReload = require('./lib/auto-reload.js')
const MetamaskInpageProvider = require('./lib/inpage-provider.js')
log.setDefaultLevel(process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG ? 'debug' : 'warn')
// setup plugin communication
// setup background connection
var metamaskStream = new LocalMessageDuplexStream({
name: 'inpage',
target: 'contentscript',
// compose the inpage provider
var inpageProvider = new MetamaskInpageProvider(metamaskStream)
// setup web3
if (typeof window.web3 !== 'undefined') {
throw new Error(`MetaMask detected another web3.
MetaMask will not work reliably with another web3 extension.
This usually happens if you have two MetaMasks installed,
or MetaMask and another web3 extension. Please remove one
and try again.`)
var web3 = new Web3(inpageProvider)
9 years ago
web3.setProvider = function () {
log.debug('MetaMask - overrode web3.setProvider')
log.debug('MetaMask - injected web3')
// export global web3, with usage-detection
setupDappAutoReload(web3, inpageProvider.publicConfigStore)
// set web3 defaultAccount
9 years ago
inpageProvider.publicConfigStore.subscribe(function (state) {
web3.eth.defaultAccount = state.selectedAddress
// util
// need to make sure we aren't affected by overlapping namespaces
// and that we dont affect the app with our namespace
// mostly a fix for web3's BigNumber if AMD's "define" is defined...
9 years ago
var __define
9 years ago
function cleanContextForImports () {
__define = global.define
try {
global.define = undefined
} catch (_) {
console.warn('MetaMask - global.define could not be deleted.')
9 years ago
function restoreContextAfterImports () {
try {
global.define = __define
8 years ago
} catch (_) {
console.warn('MetaMask - global.define could not be overwritten.')