const render = require('react-dom').render
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const Root = require('./app/root')
const actions = require('./app/actions')
const configureStore = require('./app/store')
const txHelper = require('./lib/tx-helper')
const { OLD_UI_NETWORK_TYPE, BETA_UI_NETWORK_TYPE } = require('../app/scripts/config').enums
global.log = require('loglevel')
module.exports = launchMetamaskUi
log.setLevel(global.METAMASK_DEBUG ? 'debug' : 'warn')
function launchMetamaskUi (opts, cb) {
var accountManager = opts.accountManager
// check if we are unlocked first
accountManager.getState(function (err, metamaskState) {
if (err) return cb(err)
const store = startApp(metamaskState, accountManager, opts)
cb(null, store)
function startApp (metamaskState, accountManager, opts) {
// parse opts
const store = configureStore({
// metamaskState represents the cross-tab state
metamask: metamaskState,
// appState represents the current tab's popup state
appState: {},
// Which blockchain we are using:
networkVersion: opts.networkVersion,
const useBetaUi = metamaskState.featureFlags.betaUI
const networkEndpointType = useBetaUi ? BETA_UI_NETWORK_TYPE : OLD_UI_NETWORK_TYPE
// if unconfirmed txs, start on txConf page
const unapprovedTxsAll = txHelper(metamaskState.unapprovedTxs, metamaskState.unapprovedMsgs, metamaskState.unapprovedPersonalMsgs, metamaskState.unapprovedTypedMessages, metamaskState.network)
const numberOfUnapprivedTx = unapprovedTxsAll.length
if (numberOfUnapprivedTx > 0) {
id: unapprovedTxsAll[numberOfUnapprivedTx - 1].id,
accountManager.on('update', function (metamaskState) {
// start app
h(Root, {
// inject initial state
store: store,
), opts.container)
return store