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const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
var valueTable = {
9 years ago
wei: '1000000000000000000',
kwei: '1000000000000000',
mwei: '1000000000000',
gwei: '1000000000',
szabo: '1000000',
9 years ago
finney: '1000',
ether: '1',
9 years ago
kether: '0.001',
mether: '0.000001',
gether: '0.000000001',
tether: '0.000000000001',
var bnTable = {}
for (var currency in valueTable) {
bnTable[currency] = new ethUtil.BN(valueTable[currency], 10)
module.exports = {
valuesFor: valuesFor,
addressSummary: addressSummary,
isAllOneCase: isAllOneCase,
isValidAddress: isValidAddress,
numericBalance: numericBalance,
parseBalance: parseBalance,
formatBalance: formatBalance,
dataSize: dataSize,
readableDate: readableDate,
ethToWei: ethToWei,
weiToEth: weiToEth,
normalizeToWei: normalizeToWei,
normalizeEthStringToWei: normalizeEthStringToWei,
normalizeNumberToWei: normalizeNumberToWei,
valueTable: valueTable,
bnTable: bnTable,
9 years ago
function valuesFor (obj) {
if (!obj) return []
return Object.keys(obj)
9 years ago
.map(function (key) { return obj[key] })
9 years ago
function addressSummary (address) {
if (!address) return ''
var checked = ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address)
9 years ago
return checked ? checked.slice(0, 2 + 8) + '...' + checked.slice(-4) : '...'
9 years ago
function isValidAddress (address) {
var prefixed = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(address)
return (isAllOneCase(prefixed) && ethUtil.isValidAddress(prefixed)) || ethUtil.isValidChecksumAddress(prefixed)
9 years ago
function isAllOneCase (address) {
if (!address) return true
var lower = address.toLowerCase()
var upper = address.toUpperCase()
return address === lower || address === upper
// Takes wei Hex, returns wei BN, even if input is null
9 years ago
function numericBalance (balance) {
if (!balance) return new ethUtil.BN(0, 16)
var stripped = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(balance)
return new ethUtil.BN(stripped, 16)
// Takes eth BN, returns BN wei
9 years ago
function ethToWei (bn) {
var eth = new ethUtil.BN('1000000000000000000')
var wei = bn.mul(eth)
return wei
// Takes BN in Wei, returns BN in eth
9 years ago
function weiToEth (bn) {
var diff = new ethUtil.BN('1000000000000000000')
var eth = bn.div(diff)
return eth
// Takes hex, returns [beforeDecimal, afterDecimal]
9 years ago
function parseBalance (balance) {
9 years ago
var beforeDecimal, afterDecimal
const wei = numericBalance(balance).toString()
const trailingZeros = /0+$/
9 years ago
beforeDecimal = wei.length > 18 ? wei.slice(0, wei.length - 18) : '0'
afterDecimal = ('000000000000000000' + wei).slice(-18).replace(trailingZeros, '')
if (afterDecimal === '') { afterDecimal = '0' }
return [beforeDecimal, afterDecimal]
// Takes wei hex, returns "None" or "${formattedAmount} ETH"
9 years ago
function formatBalance (balance, decimalsToKeep) {
var parsed = parseBalance(balance)
var beforeDecimal = parsed[0]
var afterDecimal = parsed[1]
9 years ago
var formatted = 'None'
if (decimalsToKeep === undefined) {
if (beforeDecimal === '0') {
if (afterDecimal !== '0') {
var sigFigs = afterDecimal.match(/^0*(.{2})/) // default: grabs 2 most significant digits
if (sigFigs) { afterDecimal = sigFigs[0] }
formatted = '0.' + afterDecimal + ' ETH'
9 years ago
} else {
formatted = beforeDecimal + '.' + afterDecimal.slice(0, 3) + ' ETH'
9 years ago
} else {
afterDecimal += Array(decimalsToKeep).join('0')
formatted = beforeDecimal + '.' + afterDecimal.slice(0, decimalsToKeep) + ' ETH'
return formatted
9 years ago
function dataSize (data) {
var size = data ? ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(data).length : 0
9 years ago
return size + ' bytes'
// Takes a BN and an ethereum currency name,
// returns a BN in wei
9 years ago
function normalizeToWei (amount, currency) {
try {
return amount.mul(bnTable.wei).div(bnTable[currency])
} catch (e) {}
return amount
9 years ago
function normalizeEthStringToWei (str) {
const parts = str.split('.')
let eth = new ethUtil.BN(parts[0], 10).mul(bnTable.wei)
if (parts[1]) {
var decimal = parts[1]
9 years ago
while (decimal.length < 18) {
decimal += '0'
const decimalBN = new ethUtil.BN(decimal, 10)
eth = eth.add(decimalBN)
return eth
var multiple = new ethUtil.BN('10000', 10)
9 years ago
function normalizeNumberToWei (n, currency) {
var enlarged = n * 10000
var amount = new ethUtil.BN(String(enlarged), 10)
return normalizeToWei(amount, currency).div(multiple)
9 years ago
function readableDate (ms) {
var date = new Date(ms)
var month = date.getMonth()
var day = date.getDate()
var year = date.getFullYear()
var hours = date.getHours()
9 years ago
var minutes = '0' + date.getMinutes()
var seconds = '0' + date.getSeconds()
9 years ago
var dateStr = `${month}/${day}/${year}`
var time = `${hours}:${minutes.substr(-2)}:${seconds.substr(-2)}`
9 years ago
return `${dateStr} ${time}`