const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx')
const LightwalletKeyStore = require('eth-lightwallet').keystore
const LightwalletSigner = require('eth-lightwallet').signing
const async = require('async')
const clone = require('clone')
const extend = require('xtend')
const createId = require('web3-provider-engine/util/random-id')
const autoFaucet = require('./auto-faucet')
Made configuration migrateable
Abstract all configuration data into a singleton called `configManager`, who is responsible for reading and writing to the persisted storage (localStorage, in our case).
Uses my new module [pojo-migrator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pojo-migrator), and wraps it with the `ConfigManager` class, which we can hang any state setting or getting methods we need.
By keeping all the persisted state in one place, we can stabilize its outward-facing API, making the interactions increasingly atomic, which will allow us to add features that require restructuring the persisted data in the long term without having to rewrite UI or even `background.js` code.
All the restructuring and data-type management is kept in one neat little place.
This should make it very easy to add new configuration options like user-configured providers, per-domain vaults, and more!
I know this doesn't seem like a big user-facing feature, but we have a big laundry list of features that I think this will really help streamline.
9 years ago
const configManager = require('./config-manager-singleton')
const DEFAULT_RPC = 'https://rawtestrpc.metamask.io/'
module.exports = IdentityStore
inherits(IdentityStore, EventEmitter)
function IdentityStore(ethStore) {
// we just use the ethStore to auto-add accounts
this._ethStore = ethStore
// lightwallet key store
this._keyStore = null
// lightwallet wrapper
this._idmgmt = null
this.hdPathString = "m/44'/60'/0'/0"
this._currentState = {
selectedAddress: null,
identities: {},
unconfTxs: {},
// not part of serilized metamask state - only kept in memory
this._unconfTxCbs = {}
// public
IdentityStore.prototype.createNewVault = function(password, entropy, cb){
delete this._keyStore
Made configuration migrateable
Abstract all configuration data into a singleton called `configManager`, who is responsible for reading and writing to the persisted storage (localStorage, in our case).
Uses my new module [pojo-migrator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pojo-migrator), and wraps it with the `ConfigManager` class, which we can hang any state setting or getting methods we need.
By keeping all the persisted state in one place, we can stabilize its outward-facing API, making the interactions increasingly atomic, which will allow us to add features that require restructuring the persisted data in the long term without having to rewrite UI or even `background.js` code.
All the restructuring and data-type management is kept in one neat little place.
This should make it very easy to add new configuration options like user-configured providers, per-domain vaults, and more!
I know this doesn't seem like a big user-facing feature, but we have a big laundry list of features that I think this will really help streamline.
9 years ago
this._createIdmgmt(password, null, entropy, (err) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
var seedWords = this._idmgmt.getSeed()
cb(null, seedWords)
IdentityStore.prototype.recoverFromSeed = function(password, seed, cb){
this._createIdmgmt(password, seed, null, (err) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
cb(null, this.getState())
IdentityStore.prototype.setStore = function(store){
this._ethStore = store
IdentityStore.prototype.clearSeedWordCache = function(cb) {
IdentityStore.prototype.getState = function(){
var seedWords = this.getSeedIfUnlocked()
Made configuration migrateable
Abstract all configuration data into a singleton called `configManager`, who is responsible for reading and writing to the persisted storage (localStorage, in our case).
Uses my new module [pojo-migrator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pojo-migrator), and wraps it with the `ConfigManager` class, which we can hang any state setting or getting methods we need.
By keeping all the persisted state in one place, we can stabilize its outward-facing API, making the interactions increasingly atomic, which will allow us to add features that require restructuring the persisted data in the long term without having to rewrite UI or even `background.js` code.
All the restructuring and data-type management is kept in one neat little place.
This should make it very easy to add new configuration options like user-configured providers, per-domain vaults, and more!
I know this doesn't seem like a big user-facing feature, but we have a big laundry list of features that I think this will really help streamline.
9 years ago
var wallet = configManager.getWallet()
return clone(extend(this._currentState, {
isInitialized: !!configManager.getWallet() && !seedWords,
isUnlocked: this._isUnlocked(),
seedWords: seedWords,
IdentityStore.prototype.getSeedIfUnlocked = function() {
var showSeed = configManager.getShouldShowSeedWords()
var idmgmt = this._idmgmt
var shouldShow = showSeed && !!idmgmt
var seedWords = shouldShow ? idmgmt.getSeed() : null
return seedWords
IdentityStore.prototype.getSelectedAddress = function(){
return this._currentState.selectedAddress
IdentityStore.prototype.setSelectedAddress = function(address){
if (!address) {
var addresses = this._getAddresses()
address = addresses[0]
this._currentState.selectedAddress = address
IdentityStore.prototype.setLocked = function(cb){
delete this._keyStore
delete this._idmgmt
IdentityStore.prototype.submitPassword = function(password, cb){
this._tryPassword(password, (err) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
// load identities before returning...
IdentityStore.prototype.exportAccount = function(address, cb) {
var privateKey = this._idmgmt.exportPrivateKey(address)
cb(null, privateKey)
// comes from dapp via zero-client hooked-wallet provider
IdentityStore.prototype.addUnconfirmedTransaction = function(txParams, cb){
// create txData obj with parameters and meta data
var time = (new Date()).getTime()
var txId = createId()
var txData = {
id: txId,
txParams: txParams,
time: time,
status: 'unconfirmed',
this._currentState.unconfTxs[txId] = txData
console.log('addUnconfirmedTransaction:', txData)
// keep the cb around for after approval (requires user interaction)
this._unconfTxCbs[txId] = cb
// signal update
return txId
// comes from metamask ui
IdentityStore.prototype.approveTransaction = function(txId, cb){
var txData = this._currentState.unconfTxs[txId]
var txParams = txData.txParams
var approvalCb = this._unconfTxCbs[txId] || noop
// accept tx
approvalCb(null, true)
// clean up
delete this._currentState.unconfTxs[txId]
delete this._unconfTxCbs[txId]
// comes from metamask ui
IdentityStore.prototype.cancelTransaction = function(txId){
var txData = this._currentState.unconfTxs[txId]
var approvalCb = this._unconfTxCbs[txId] || noop
// reject tx
approvalCb(null, false)
// clean up
delete this._currentState.unconfTxs[txId]
delete this._unconfTxCbs[txId]
// performs the actual signing, no autofill of params
IdentityStore.prototype.signTransaction = function(txParams, cb){
try {
console.log('signing tx...', txParams)
var rawTx = this._idmgmt.signTx(txParams)
cb(null, rawTx)
} catch (err) {
// private
IdentityStore.prototype._didUpdate = function(){
this.emit('update', this.getState())
IdentityStore.prototype._isUnlocked = function(){
var result = Boolean(this._keyStore) && Boolean(this._idmgmt)
return result
// load identities from keyStoreet
IdentityStore.prototype._loadIdentities = function(){
if (!this._isUnlocked()) throw new Error('not unlocked')
var addresses = this._getAddresses()
addresses.forEach((address, i) => {
// // add to ethStore
// add to identities
var identity = {
name: 'Wallet ' + (i+1),
img: 'QmW6hcwYzXrNkuHrpvo58YeZvbZxUddv69ATSHY3BHpPdd',
address: address,
mayBeFauceting: this._mayBeFauceting(i),
this._currentState.identities[address] = identity
// mayBeFauceting
// If on testnet, index 0 may be fauceting.
// The UI will have to check the balance to know.
// If there is no balance and it mayBeFauceting,
// then it is in fact fauceting.
IdentityStore.prototype._mayBeFauceting = function(i) {
var config = configManager.getProvider()
if (i === 0 &&
config.type === 'rpc' &&
config.rpcTarget === DEFAULT_RPC) {
return true
return false
// keyStore managment - unlocking + deserialization
IdentityStore.prototype._tryPassword = function(password, cb){
this._createIdmgmt(password, null, null, cb)
IdentityStore.prototype._createIdmgmt = function(password, seed, entropy, cb){
var keyStore = null
LightwalletKeyStore.deriveKeyFromPassword(password, (err, derivedKey) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
Made configuration migrateable
Abstract all configuration data into a singleton called `configManager`, who is responsible for reading and writing to the persisted storage (localStorage, in our case).
Uses my new module [pojo-migrator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pojo-migrator), and wraps it with the `ConfigManager` class, which we can hang any state setting or getting methods we need.
By keeping all the persisted state in one place, we can stabilize its outward-facing API, making the interactions increasingly atomic, which will allow us to add features that require restructuring the persisted data in the long term without having to rewrite UI or even `background.js` code.
All the restructuring and data-type management is kept in one neat little place.
This should make it very easy to add new configuration options like user-configured providers, per-domain vaults, and more!
I know this doesn't seem like a big user-facing feature, but we have a big laundry list of features that I think this will really help streamline.
9 years ago
var serializedKeystore = configManager.getWallet()
if (seed) {
try {
keyStore = this._restoreFromSeed(password, seed, derivedKey)
} catch (e) {
return cb(e)
Made configuration migrateable
Abstract all configuration data into a singleton called `configManager`, who is responsible for reading and writing to the persisted storage (localStorage, in our case).
Uses my new module [pojo-migrator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pojo-migrator), and wraps it with the `ConfigManager` class, which we can hang any state setting or getting methods we need.
By keeping all the persisted state in one place, we can stabilize its outward-facing API, making the interactions increasingly atomic, which will allow us to add features that require restructuring the persisted data in the long term without having to rewrite UI or even `background.js` code.
All the restructuring and data-type management is kept in one neat little place.
This should make it very easy to add new configuration options like user-configured providers, per-domain vaults, and more!
I know this doesn't seem like a big user-facing feature, but we have a big laundry list of features that I think this will really help streamline.
9 years ago
// returning user, recovering from storage
} else if (serializedKeystore) {
keyStore = LightwalletKeyStore.deserialize(serializedKeystore)
var isCorrect = keyStore.isDerivedKeyCorrect(derivedKey)
if (!isCorrect) return cb(new Error('Lightwallet - password incorrect'))
// first time here
} else {
keyStore = this._createFirstWallet(entropy, derivedKey)
this._keyStore = keyStore
this._idmgmt = new IdManagement({
keyStore: keyStore,
derivedKey: derivedKey,
hdPathSTring: this.hdPathString,
IdentityStore.prototype._restoreFromSeed = function(password, seed, derivedKey) {
var keyStore = new LightwalletKeyStore(seed, derivedKey, this.hdPathString)
keyStore.addHdDerivationPath(this.hdPathString, derivedKey, {curve: 'secp256k1', purpose: 'sign'});
keyStore.generateNewAddress(derivedKey, 3)
Made configuration migrateable
Abstract all configuration data into a singleton called `configManager`, who is responsible for reading and writing to the persisted storage (localStorage, in our case).
Uses my new module [pojo-migrator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pojo-migrator), and wraps it with the `ConfigManager` class, which we can hang any state setting or getting methods we need.
By keeping all the persisted state in one place, we can stabilize its outward-facing API, making the interactions increasingly atomic, which will allow us to add features that require restructuring the persisted data in the long term without having to rewrite UI or even `background.js` code.
All the restructuring and data-type management is kept in one neat little place.
This should make it very easy to add new configuration options like user-configured providers, per-domain vaults, and more!
I know this doesn't seem like a big user-facing feature, but we have a big laundry list of features that I think this will really help streamline.
9 years ago
console.log('restored from seed. saved to keystore')
return keyStore
IdentityStore.prototype._createFirstWallet = function(entropy, derivedKey) {
var secretSeed = LightwalletKeyStore.generateRandomSeed(entropy)
var keyStore = new LightwalletKeyStore(secretSeed, derivedKey, this.hdPathString)
keyStore.addHdDerivationPath(this.hdPathString, derivedKey, {curve: 'secp256k1', purpose: 'sign'});
keyStore.generateNewAddress(derivedKey, 3)
Made configuration migrateable
Abstract all configuration data into a singleton called `configManager`, who is responsible for reading and writing to the persisted storage (localStorage, in our case).
Uses my new module [pojo-migrator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pojo-migrator), and wraps it with the `ConfigManager` class, which we can hang any state setting or getting methods we need.
By keeping all the persisted state in one place, we can stabilize its outward-facing API, making the interactions increasingly atomic, which will allow us to add features that require restructuring the persisted data in the long term without having to rewrite UI or even `background.js` code.
All the restructuring and data-type management is kept in one neat little place.
This should make it very easy to add new configuration options like user-configured providers, per-domain vaults, and more!
I know this doesn't seem like a big user-facing feature, but we have a big laundry list of features that I think this will really help streamline.
9 years ago
console.log('saved to keystore')
return keyStore
// get addresses and normalize address hexString
IdentityStore.prototype._getAddresses = function() {
return this._keyStore.getAddresses(this.hdPathString).map((address) => { return '0x'+address })
IdentityStore.prototype._autoFaucet = function() {
var addresses = this._getAddresses()
function IdManagement(opts) {
if (!opts) opts = {}
this.keyStore = opts.keyStore
this.derivedKey = opts.derivedKey
this.hdPathString = "m/44'/60'/0'/0"
this.getAddresses = function(){
return keyStore.getAddresses(this.hdPathString).map(function(address){ return '0x'+address })
this.signTx = function(txParams){
// normalize values
txParams.to = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.to)
txParams.from = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.from)
txParams.value = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.value)
txParams.data = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.data)
txParams.gasLimit = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.gasLimit || txParams.gas)
txParams.nonce = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.nonce)
var tx = new Transaction(txParams)
var rawTx = '0x'+tx.serialize().toString('hex')
return '0x'+LightwalletSigner.signTx(this.keyStore, this.derivedKey, rawTx, txParams.from, this.hdPathString)
this.getSeed = function(){
return this.keyStore.getSeed(this.derivedKey)
this.exportPrivateKey = function(address) {
return this.keyStore.exportPrivateKey(address, this.derivedKey, this.hdPathString)
// util
function noop(){}