Merge pull request #2116 from chikeichan/nm
[NewUI] Fix merge conflict with latest masterfeature/default_network_editable
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
// log rpc activity
module.exports = createLoggerMiddleware |
function createLoggerMiddleware({ origin }) { |
return function loggerMiddleware (req, res, next, end) { |
next((cb) => { |
if (res.error) { |
log.error('Error in RPC response:\n', res) |
} |
if (req.isMetamaskInternal) return |
|`RPC (${origin}):`, req, '->', res) |
cb() |
}) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
// append dapp origin domain to request
module.exports = createOriginMiddleware |
function createOriginMiddleware({ origin }) { |
return function originMiddleware (req, res, next, end) { |
req.origin = origin |
next() |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
module.exports = createProviderMiddleware |
// forward requests to provider
function createProviderMiddleware({ provider }) { |
return (req, res, next, end) => { |
provider.sendAsync(req, (err, _res) => { |
if (err) return end(err) |
res.result = _res.result |
end() |
}) |
} |
} |
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ |
const through = require('through2') |
module.exports = ObjectMultiplex |
function ObjectMultiplex (opts) { |
opts = opts || {} |
// create multiplexer
const mx = through.obj(function (chunk, enc, cb) { |
const name = |
const data = |
if (!name) { |
console.warn(`ObjectMultiplex - Malformed chunk without name "${chunk}"`) |
return cb() |
} |
const substream = mx.streams[name] |
if (!substream) { |
console.warn(`ObjectMultiplex - orphaned data for stream "${name}"`) |
} else { |
if (substream.push) substream.push(data) |
} |
return cb() |
}) |
mx.streams = {} |
// create substreams
mx.createStream = function (name) { |
const substream = mx.streams[name] = through.obj(function (chunk, enc, cb) { |
mx.push({ |
name: name, |
data: chunk, |
}) |
return cb() |
}) |
mx.on('end', function () { |
return substream.emit('end') |
}) |
if (opts.error) { |
mx.on('error', function () { |
return substream.emit('error') |
}) |
} |
return substream |
} |
// ignore streams (dont display orphaned data warning)
mx.ignoreStream = function (name) { |
mx.streams[name] = true |
} |
return mx |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
const jsonDiffer = require('fast-json-patch') |
const clone = require('clone') |
module.exports = { |
generateHistoryEntry, |
replayHistory, |
snapshotFromTxMeta, |
migrateFromSnapshotsToDiffs, |
} |
function migrateFromSnapshotsToDiffs(longHistory) { |
return ( |
longHistory |
// convert non-initial history entries into diffs
.map((entry, index) => { |
if (index === 0) return entry |
return generateHistoryEntry(longHistory[index - 1], entry) |
}) |
) |
} |
function generateHistoryEntry(previousState, newState) { |
return, newState) |
} |
function replayHistory(shortHistory) { |
return shortHistory.reduce((val, entry) => jsonDiffer.applyPatch(val, entry).newDocument) |
} |
function snapshotFromTxMeta(txMeta) { |
// create txMeta snapshot for history
const snapshot = clone(txMeta) |
// dont include previous history in this snapshot
delete snapshot.history |
return snapshot |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
const version = 18 |
/* |
This migration updates "transaction state history" to diffs style |
*/ |
const clone = require('clone') |
const txStateHistoryHelper = require('../lib/tx-state-history-helper') |
module.exports = { |
version, |
migrate: function (originalVersionedData) { |
const versionedData = clone(originalVersionedData) |
versionedData.meta.version = version |
try { |
const state = |
const newState = transformState(state) |
| = newState |
} catch (err) { |
console.warn(`MetaMask Migration #${version}` + err.stack) |
} |
return Promise.resolve(versionedData) |
}, |
} |
function transformState (state) { |
const newState = state |
const transactions = newState.TransactionController.transactions |
newState.TransactionController.transactions = => { |
// no history: initialize
if (!txMeta.history || txMeta.history.length === 0) { |
const snapshot = txStateHistoryHelper.snapshotFromTxMeta(txMeta) |
txMeta.history = [snapshot] |
return txMeta |
} |
// has history: migrate
const newHistory = ( |
txStateHistoryHelper.migrateFromSnapshotsToDiffs(txMeta.history) |
// remove empty diffs
.filter((entry) => { |
return !Array.isArray(entry) || entry.length > 0 |
}) |
) |
txMeta.history = newHistory |
return txMeta |
}) |
return newState |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ |
const version = 19 |
/* |
This migration sets transactions as failed |
whos nonce is too high |
*/ |
const clone = require('clone') |
module.exports = { |
version, |
migrate: function (originalVersionedData) { |
const versionedData = clone(originalVersionedData) |
versionedData.meta.version = version |
try { |
const state = |
const newState = transformState(state) |
| = newState |
} catch (err) { |
console.warn(`MetaMask Migration #${version}` + err.stack) |
} |
return Promise.resolve(versionedData) |
}, |
} |
function transformState (state) { |
const newState = state |
const transactions = newState.TransactionController.transactions |
newState.TransactionController.transactions =, _, txList) => { |
if (txMeta.status !== 'submitted') return txMeta |
const confirmedTxs = txList.filter((tx) => tx.status === 'confirmed') |
.filter((tx) => tx.txParams.from === txMeta.txParams.from) |
.filter((tx) => tx.metamaskNetworkId.from === txMeta.metamaskNetworkId.from) |
const highestConfirmedNonce = getHighestNonce(confirmedTxs) |
const pendingTxs = txList.filter((tx) => tx.status === 'submitted') |
.filter((tx) => tx.txParams.from === txMeta.txParams.from) |
.filter((tx) => tx.metamaskNetworkId.from === txMeta.metamaskNetworkId.from) |
const highestContinuousNonce = getHighestContinuousFrom(pendingTxs, highestConfirmedNonce) |
const maxNonce = Math.max(highestContinuousNonce, highestConfirmedNonce) |
if (parseInt(txMeta.txParams.nonce, 16) > maxNonce + 1) { |
txMeta.status = 'failed' |
txMeta.err = { |
message: 'nonce too high', |
note: 'migration 019 custom error', |
} |
} |
return txMeta |
}) |
return newState |
} |
function getHighestContinuousFrom (txList, startPoint) { |
const nonces = => { |
const nonce = txMeta.txParams.nonce |
return parseInt(nonce, 16) |
}) |
let highest = startPoint |
while (nonces.includes(highest)) { |
highest++ |
} |
return highest |
} |
function getHighestNonce (txList) { |
const nonces = => { |
const nonce = txMeta.txParams.nonce |
return parseInt(nonce || '0x0', 16) |
}) |
const highestNonce = Math.max.apply(null, nonces) |
return highestNonce |
} |
@ -1,10 +1,17 @@ |
machine: |
machine: |
node: |
node: |
version: 8.1.4 |
version: 8.1.4 |
dependencies: |
pre: |
- "npm i -g testem" |
- "npm i -g mocha" |
test: |
test: |
override: |
override: |
- "npm run ci" |
- "npm run ci" |
dependencies: |
pre: |
- sudo apt-get update |
# get latest stable firefox |
- sudo apt-get install firefox |
- firefox_cmd=`which firefox`; sudo rm -f $firefox_cmd; sudo ln -s `which firefox.ubuntu` $firefox_cmd |
# get latest stable chrome |
- wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - |
- sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list' |
- sudo apt-get update |
- sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
// Karma configuration
// Generated on Mon Sep 11 2017 18:45:48 GMT-0700 (PDT)
module.exports = function(config) { |
config.set({ |
// base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)
basePath: process.cwd(), |
browserConsoleLogOptions: { |
terminal: false, |
}, |
// frameworks to use
// available frameworks:
frameworks: ['qunit'], |
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [ |
'development/bundle.js', |
'test/integration/jquery-3.1.0.min.js', |
'test/integration/bundle.js', |
{ pattern: 'dist/chrome/images/**/*.*', watched: false, included: false, served: true }, |
{ pattern: 'dist/chrome/fonts/**/*.*', watched: false, included: false, served: true }, |
], |
proxies: { |
'/images/': '/base/dist/chrome/images/', |
'/fonts/': '/base/dist/chrome/fonts/', |
}, |
// test results reporter to use
// possible values: 'dots', 'progress'
// available reporters:
reporters: ['progress'], |
// web server port
port: 9876, |
// enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
colors: true, |
// level of logging
// possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO, |
// enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
autoWatch: false, |
// start these browsers
// available browser launchers:
browsers: ['Chrome', 'Firefox'], |
// Continuous Integration mode
// if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
singleRun: true, |
// Concurrency level
// how many browser should be started simultaneous
concurrency: Infinity |
}) |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
function wait(time) { |
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { |
setTimeout(function () { |
resolve() |
}, time * 3 || 1500) |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
const extend = require('xtend') |
const BN = require('ethereumjs-util').BN |
const template = { |
'status': 'submitted', |
'txParams': { |
'from': '0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926', |
'gas': '0x30d40', |
'value': '0x0', |
'nonce': '0x3', |
}, |
} |
class TxGenerator { |
constructor () { |
this.txs = [] |
} |
generate (tx = {}, opts = {}) { |
let { count, fromNonce } = opts |
let nonce = fromNonce || this.txs.length |
let txs = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
txs.push(extend(template, { |
txParams: { |
nonce: hexify(nonce++), |
} |
}, tx)) |
} |
this.txs = this.txs.concat(txs) |
return txs |
} |
} |
function hexify (number) { |
return '0x' + (new BN(number)).toString(16) |
} |
module.exports = TxGenerator |
@ -1,41 +1,203 @@ |
const assert = require('assert') |
const assert = require('assert') |
const NonceTracker = require('../../app/scripts/lib/nonce-tracker') |
const NonceTracker = require('../../app/scripts/lib/nonce-tracker') |
const MockTxGen = require('../lib/mock-tx-gen') |
let providerResultStub = {} |
describe('Nonce Tracker', function () { |
describe('Nonce Tracker', function () { |
let nonceTracker, provider, getPendingTransactions, pendingTxs |
let nonceTracker, provider |
let getPendingTransactions, pendingTxs |
let getConfirmedTransactions, confirmedTxs |
describe('#getNonceLock', function () { |
describe('with 3 confirmed and 1 pending', function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
pendingTxs = [{ |
const txGen = new MockTxGen() |
'status': 'submitted', |
confirmedTxs = txGen.generate({ status: 'confirmed' }, { count: 3 }) |
'txParams': { |
pendingTxs = txGen.generate({ status: 'submitted' }, { count: 1 }) |
'from': '0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926', |
nonceTracker = generateNonceTrackerWith(pendingTxs, confirmedTxs, '0x1') |
'gas': '0x30d40', |
}) |
'value': '0x0', |
'nonce': '0x0', |
}, |
}] |
it('should return 4', async function () { |
this.timeout(15000) |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '4', `nonce should be 4 got ${nonceLock.nextNonce}`) |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}) |
getPendingTransactions = () => pendingTxs |
it('should use localNonce if network returns a nonce lower then a confirmed tx in state', async function () { |
provider = { |
this.timeout(15000) |
sendAsync: (_, cb) => { cb(undefined, {result: '0x0'}) }, |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
_blockTracker: { |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '4', 'nonce should be 4') |
getCurrentBlock: () => '0x11b568', |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}, |
} |
nonceTracker = new NonceTracker({ |
provider, |
getPendingTransactions, |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
describe('#getNonceLock', function () { |
describe('with no previous txs', function () { |
it('should work', async function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
nonceTracker = generateNonceTrackerWith([], []) |
}) |
it('should return 0', async function () { |
this.timeout(15000) |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '0', `nonce should be 0 returned ${nonceLock.nextNonce}`) |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}) |
}) |
describe('with multiple previous txs with same nonce', function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
const txGen = new MockTxGen() |
confirmedTxs = txGen.generate({ status: 'confirmed' }, { count: 1 }) |
pendingTxs = txGen.generate({ |
status: 'submitted', |
txParams: { nonce: '0x01' }, |
}, { count: 5 }) |
nonceTracker = generateNonceTrackerWith(pendingTxs, confirmedTxs, '0x0') |
}) |
it('should return nonce after those', async function () { |
this.timeout(15000) |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '2', `nonce should be 2 got ${nonceLock.nextNonce}`) |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}) |
}) |
describe('when local confirmed count is higher than network nonce', function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
const txGen = new MockTxGen() |
confirmedTxs = txGen.generate({ status: 'confirmed' }, { count: 3 }) |
nonceTracker = generateNonceTrackerWith([], confirmedTxs, '0x1') |
}) |
it('should return nonce after those', async function () { |
this.timeout(15000) |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '3', `nonce should be 3 got ${nonceLock.nextNonce}`) |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}) |
}) |
describe('when local pending count is higher than other metrics', function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
const txGen = new MockTxGen() |
pendingTxs = txGen.generate({ status: 'submitted' }, { count: 2 }) |
nonceTracker = generateNonceTrackerWith(pendingTxs, []) |
}) |
it('should return nonce after those', async function () { |
this.timeout(15000) |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '2', `nonce should be 2 got ${nonceLock.nextNonce}`) |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}) |
}) |
describe('when provider nonce is higher than other metrics', function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
const txGen = new MockTxGen() |
pendingTxs = txGen.generate({ status: 'submitted' }, { count: 2 }) |
nonceTracker = generateNonceTrackerWith(pendingTxs, [], '0x05') |
}) |
it('should return nonce after those', async function () { |
this.timeout(15000) |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '5', `nonce should be 5 got ${nonceLock.nextNonce}`) |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}) |
}) |
describe('when there are some pending nonces below the remote one and some over.', function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
const txGen = new MockTxGen() |
pendingTxs = txGen.generate({ status: 'submitted' }, { count: 5 }) |
nonceTracker = generateNonceTrackerWith(pendingTxs, [], '0x03') |
}) |
it('should return nonce after those', async function () { |
this.timeout(15000) |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '5', `nonce should be 5 got ${nonceLock.nextNonce}`) |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}) |
}) |
describe('when there are pending nonces non sequentially over the network nonce.', function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
const txGen = new MockTxGen() |
txGen.generate({ status: 'submitted' }, { count: 5 }) |
// 5 over that number
pendingTxs = txGen.generate({ status: 'submitted' }, { count: 5 }) |
nonceTracker = generateNonceTrackerWith(pendingTxs, [], '0x00') |
}) |
it('should return nonce after network nonce', async function () { |
this.timeout(15000) |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '0', `nonce should be 0 got ${nonceLock.nextNonce}`) |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}) |
}) |
describe('When all three return different values', function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
const txGen = new MockTxGen() |
const confirmedTxs = txGen.generate({ status: 'confirmed' }, { count: 10 }) |
const pendingTxs = txGen.generate({ |
status: 'submitted', |
nonce: 100, |
}, { count: 1 }) |
// 0x32 is 50 in hex:
nonceTracker = generateNonceTrackerWith(pendingTxs, confirmedTxs, '0x32') |
}) |
it('should return nonce after network nonce', async function () { |
this.timeout(15000) |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '50', `nonce should be 50 got ${nonceLock.nextNonce}`) |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}) |
}) |
describe('Faq issue 67', function () { |
beforeEach(function () { |
const txGen = new MockTxGen() |
const confirmedTxs = txGen.generate({ status: 'confirmed' }, { count: 64 }) |
const pendingTxs = txGen.generate({ |
status: 'submitted', |
}, { count: 10 }) |
// 0x40 is 64 in hex:
nonceTracker = generateNonceTrackerWith(pendingTxs, [], '0x40') |
}) |
it('should return nonce after network nonce', async function () { |
this.timeout(15000) |
this.timeout(15000) |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
const nonceLock = await nonceTracker.getNonceLock('0x7d3517b0d011698406d6e0aed8453f0be2697926') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '1', 'nonce should be 1') |
assert.equal(nonceLock.nextNonce, '74', `nonce should be 74 got ${nonceLock.nextNonce}`) |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
await nonceLock.releaseLock() |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
function generateNonceTrackerWith (pending, confirmed, providerStub = '0x0') { |
const getPendingTransactions = () => pending |
const getConfirmedTransactions = () => confirmed |
providerResultStub.result = providerStub |
const provider = { |
sendAsync: (_, cb) => { cb(undefined, providerResultStub) }, |
_blockTracker: { |
getCurrentBlock: () => '0x11b568', |
}, |
} |
return new NonceTracker({ |
provider, |
getPendingTransactions, |
getConfirmedTransactions, |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
const assert = require('assert') |
const clone = require('clone') |
const txStateHistoryHelper = require('../../app/scripts/lib/tx-state-history-helper') |
describe('deepCloneFromTxMeta', function () { |
it('should clone deep', function () { |
const input = { |
foo: { |
bar: { |
bam: 'baz' |
} |
} |
} |
const output = txStateHistoryHelper.snapshotFromTxMeta(input) |
assert('foo' in output, 'has a foo key') |
assert('bar' in, 'has a bar key') |
assert('bam' in, 'has a bar key') |
assert.equal(, 'baz', 'has a baz value') |
}) |
it('should remove the history key', function () { |
const input = { foo: 'bar', history: 'remembered' } |
const output = txStateHistoryHelper.snapshotFromTxMeta(input) |
assert(typeof output.history, 'undefined', 'should remove history') |
}) |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
const assert = require('assert') |
const txStateHistoryHelper = require('../../app/scripts/lib/tx-state-history-helper') |
const testVault = require('../data/v17-long-history.json') |
describe('tx-state-history-helper', function () { |
it('migrates history to diffs and can recover original values', function () { |
|, index) => { |
const newHistory = txStateHistoryHelper.migrateFromSnapshotsToDiffs(tx.history) |
newHistory.forEach((newEntry, index) => { |
if (index === 0) { |
assert.equal(Array.isArray(newEntry), false, 'initial history item IS NOT a json patch obj') |
} else { |
assert.equal(Array.isArray(newEntry), true, 'non-initial history entry IS a json patch obj') |
} |
const oldEntry = tx.history[index] |
const historySubset = newHistory.slice(0, index + 1) |
const reconstructedValue = txStateHistoryHelper.replayHistory(historySubset) |
assert.deepEqual(oldEntry, reconstructedValue, 'was able to reconstruct old entry from diffs') |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
launch_in_dev: |
- Chrome |
- Firefox |
launch_in_ci: |
- Chrome |
- Firefox |
framework: |
- qunit |
before_tests: "npm run buildCiUnits" |
test_page: "test/integration/index.html" |
Reference in new issue