I always keep writing up this same announcement message whenever I publish a new version.
I've now written a script to automate my announcement formatting, it looks like this:
**MetaMask 2.13.2** now published to the Chrome Store! It should be available over the next hour!
- Fix bug where chosen FIAT exchange rate does no persist when switching networks
- Fix additional parameters that made MetaMask sometimes receive errors from Parity.
- Fix bug where invalid transactions would still open the MetaMask popup.
Fixed logo deallocation related bugs, had to patch the logo repo itself to add a stopAnimating method.
Also tuned up the logo to more closely resemble the old behavior.
- Overlaps the title text
- Points nose at cursor, not just front of eyes
- Cursor is more "distant" from fox, to avoid extreme angles on edges.
Dev mode now reloads on file changes (although it seems to sometimes reload too soon, not getting the update... we can tune the timeout interval in development/index.html)
Dev mode now reloads on all non-`node_modules` file changes, so the `ui` and `app` folders are both being watched for live reloading.