* Color tx-list-item text depending on transaction status.
* Handle css change of text colour with scss instead on inline styles, add classnames package and helper function.
* Refactored to use classnames with component property className.
* Adds utility for converting currencies (WIP)
* Implements confirm screen
* Style tweaks.
* Confirm screen total ammount now uses real data.
* Confirm screen total ammount now uses real data.
* Replace content divider with sibling css.
* Replace section divider with scss.
The state object had been changed, but our mock states for tx approval were using the old keys.
Rather than try to muck about and figure out each and every change, I've re-generated a UI dev state for tx approval, which should help @zanibas on his current project.
We can continue adding new dev states as needed from here. If anyone catches a state that doesn't render correctly, it's worth checking if a new snapshot doesn't solve things.
Debugged by adding new debugging loggers, and I've left them in place for easier future debugging.