I'm unsure which will be more performant: A notification using a trimmed down version of the UI, or using them both, letting the browser cache them both.
In any case, here I've modified the normal UI to recognize when it's a popup, and change the UX accordingly in a few ways:
- Hide the menu bar
- Hide the back button from the notifications view.
- When confirming the last tx, close the window.
* Add platform specific folders to dist folder
* Remove gulp hacks
* Add platform specific bundling
dev and dist tasks now build into platform-specific folders within the `dist` folder.
Added tasks `gulp zip` and `gulp dist`.
`zip` builds the platform-specific folders into platform-specific bundles within the `dist` folder.
`dist` builds and then zips all at once.
* Fix chrome bundle zipping
* Fix broken reference in eth warning
* Fix but where web3.eth.accounts are not available in firefox.
* Bump changelog
Huge thanks to the Firefox team, for their help on the issue of our long-standing inpage script race condition.
The problem is that we were injecting a `script` tag and assigning its `src` attribute, which triggers an asynchronous fetch request, and does not guarantee execution order! (That was news to me!)
Instead, I'm now assigning the `script` tag a `textContent` value of the script to inject, and it seems to fix the problem!
There is also a Firefox-only API that could solve this whole problem in an even more elegant way, so we might want to expose a code path for that solution later on:
Allows you to expose an object from one scope to another. There was even talk of creating a polyfill for it that does virtually what we do, message passing between contexts.
* WIP: Buy button link
* Add buy eth and the buy eth warning message
* Add css
* Move the opening of coinbase page to background
and send to faucet if on test net
* Create a Warning about storeing eth
* Finish Buy button and Eth store warning screen
* fix frankies deletion and change chrome to extension
* Add mozilla plugin key to manifest
* Move all chrome references into platform-checking module
Addresses #453
* Add chrome global back to linter blacklist
* Add tests