* Add mozilla plugin key to manifest
* Move all chrome references into platform-checking module
Addresses #453
* Add chrome global back to linter blacklist
* Add tests
* Fix tooltip to show to the 6 decimal place on balances ovr 0...
* Change font size for balance component in tx-list so it fits the notation
* Add to change log
* Linting
* change log
The styles that defined the `account-panel` component now belong to the `panel` component, which is now used by the `account-panel` component for its styles.
It accepts an optional `onClick` property that it will fire when clicked!
Planning to use it for the tx-list.
Account detail view now has an animated transitioning `subview` section that allows us to show extra details within it.
Clicking `export` now slide replaces the transaction list with the export UI.
Added cancel/done/submit buttons to the Export UI. Done submits like Enter did, the other two transition back to the transaction list.
For some reason when first unlocking, the selected account is being instantly replaced with the accounts list, so I need to fix that before merging this into master.