Previously the metamask controller only supported a single UI event listener, which wasn't useful for having a separate notification UI open at the same time.
Also reduced the notification's complexity down to a single method, which is heavily re-used.
Still has an outstanding bug where if the plugin ui dismisses the last tx, it does not close the notification popup.
* WIP: Buy button link
* Add buy eth and the buy eth warning message
* Add css
* Move the opening of coinbase page to background
and send to faucet if on test net
* Create a Warning about storeing eth
* Finish Buy button and Eth store warning screen
* fix frankies deletion and change chrome to extension
* Add mozilla plugin key to manifest
* Move all chrome references into platform-checking module
Addresses #453
* Add chrome global back to linter blacklist
* Add tests
Replace config-manager-singleton with one that is instantiated within the `background-controller`, and takes its persistence callbacks from its instantiated options.
Replaced class getters with more familiar get___() functions.