const EventEmitter = require('events') const extend = require('xtend') const ObservableStore = require('obs-store') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx') const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query') const TransactionStateManger = require('../lib/tx-state-manager') const TxGasUtil = require('../lib/tx-gas-utils') const PendingTransactionTracker = require('../lib/pending-tx-tracker') const createId = require('../lib/random-id') const NonceTracker = require('../lib/nonce-tracker') /* Transaction Controller is an aggregate of sub-controllers and trackers composing them in a way to be exposed to the metamask controller - txStateManager responsible for the state of a transaction and storing the transaction - pendingTxTracker watching blocks for transactions to be include and emitting confirmed events - txGasUtil gas calculations and safety buffering - nonceTracker calculating nonces */ module.exports = class TransactionController extends EventEmitter { constructor (opts) { super() this.networkStore = opts.networkStore || new ObservableStore({}) this.preferencesStore = opts.preferencesStore || new ObservableStore({}) this.provider = opts.provider this.blockTracker = opts.blockTracker this.signEthTx = opts.signTransaction this.ethStore = opts.ethStore this.memStore = new ObservableStore({}) this.query = new EthQuery(this.provider) this.txGasUtil = new TxGasUtil(this.provider) this.txStateManager = new TransactionStateManger({ initState: extend({ transactions: [], }, opts.initState), txHistoryLimit: opts.txHistoryLimit, getNetwork: this.getNetwork.bind(this), }) this.nonceTracker = new NonceTracker({ provider: this.provider, getPendingTransactions: (address) => { return this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ from: address, status: 'submitted', }) }, getConfirmedTransactions: (address) => { return this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ from: address, status: 'confirmed', err: undefined, }) }, giveUpOnTransaction: (txId) => { const msg = `Gave up submitting after 3500 blocks un-mined.` this.setTxStatusFailed(txId, msg) }, }) this.pendingTxTracker = new PendingTransactionTracker({ provider: this.provider, nonceTracker: this.nonceTracker, getBalance: (address) => { const account = this.ethStore.getState().accounts[address] if (!account) return return account.balance }, publishTransaction: this.query.sendRawTransaction, getPendingTransactions: () => { return this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ status: 'submitted' }) }, }) this.txStateManager.subscribe(() => { this.emit('update') this.emit('updateBadge') }) this.pendingTxTracker.on('txWarning', this.txStateManager.updateTx.bind(this.txStateManager)) this.pendingTxTracker.on('txFailed', this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed.bind(this.txStateManager)) this.pendingTxTracker.on('txConfirmed', this.txStateManager.setTxStatusConfirmed.bind(this.txStateManager)) this.blockTracker.on('rawBlock', this.pendingTxTracker.checkForTxInBlock.bind(this.pendingTxTracker)) // this is a little messy but until ethstore has been either // removed or redone this is to guard against the race condition // where ethStore hasent been populated by the results yet this.blockTracker.once('latest', () => { this.blockTracker.on('latest', this.pendingTxTracker.resubmitPendingTxs.bind(this.pendingTxTracker)) }) this.blockTracker.on('sync', this.pendingTxTracker.queryPendingTxs.bind(this.pendingTxTracker)) // memstore is computed from a few different stores this._updateMemstore() this.txStateManager.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore()) this.networkStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore()) this.preferencesStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore()) } getState () { return this.memStore.getState() } getNetwork () { return this.networkStore.getState() } getSelectedAddress () { return this.preferencesStore.getState().selectedAddress } getUnapprovedTxCount () { return Object.keys(this.txStateManager.getUnapprovedTxList()).length } getPendingTxCount () { return this.txStateManager.getTxsByMetaData('status', 'signed').length } getChainId () { const networkState = this.networkStore.getState() const getChainId = parseInt(networkState) if (Number.isNaN(getChainId)) { return 0 } else { return getChainId } } // Adds a tx to the txlist addTx (txMeta) { this.txStateManager.addTx(txMeta) this.emit(`${}:unapproved`, txMeta) } async newUnapprovedTransaction (txParams) { log.debug(`MetaMaskController newUnapprovedTransaction ${JSON.stringify(txParams)}`) const txMeta = await this.addUnapprovedTransaction(txParams) this.emit('newUnaprovedTx', txMeta) // listen for tx completion (success, fail) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.txStateManager.once(`${}:finished`, (completedTx) => { switch (completedTx.status) { case 'submitted': return resolve(completedTx.hash) case 'rejected': return reject(new Error('MetaMask Tx Signature: User denied transaction signature.')) default: return reject(new Error(`MetaMask Tx Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(completedTx.txParams)}`)) } }) }) } async addUnapprovedTransaction (txParams) { // validate await this.txGasUtil.validateTxParams(txParams) // construct txMeta const txMeta = { id: createId(), time: (new Date()).getTime(), status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: this.getNetwork(), txParams: txParams, } // add default tx params await this.addTxDefaults(txMeta) // save txMeta this.addTx(txMeta) return txMeta } async addTxDefaults (txMeta) { const txParams = txMeta.txParams // ensure value const gasPrice = txParams.gasPrice || await this.query.gasPrice() txParams.value = txParams.value || '0x0' txParams.gasPrice = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(gasPrice.toString(16)) // set gasLimit return await this.txGasUtil.analyzeGasUsage(txMeta) } async updateAndApproveTransaction (txMeta) { this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta) await this.approveTransaction( } async approveTransaction (txId) { let nonceLock try { // approve this.txStateManager.setTxStatusApproved(txId) // get next nonce const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) const fromAddress = txMeta.txParams.from // wait for a nonce nonceLock = await this.nonceTracker.getNonceLock(fromAddress) // add nonce to txParams txMeta.txParams.nonce = nonceLock.nextNonce // add nonce debugging information to txMeta txMeta.nonceDetails = nonceLock.nonceDetails this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta) // sign transaction const rawTx = await this.signTransaction(txId) await this.publishTransaction(txId, rawTx) // must set transaction to submitted/failed before releasing lock nonceLock.releaseLock() } catch (err) { this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(txId, err) // must set transaction to submitted/failed before releasing lock if (nonceLock) nonceLock.releaseLock() // continue with error chain throw err } } async signTransaction (txId) { const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) const txParams = txMeta.txParams const fromAddress = txParams.from // add network/chain id txParams.chainId = this.getChainId() const ethTx = new Transaction(txParams) await this.signEthTx(ethTx, fromAddress) this.txStateManager.setTxStatusSigned( const rawTx = ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethTx.serialize()) return rawTx } async publishTransaction (txId, rawTx) { const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) txMeta.rawTx = rawTx this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta) const txHash = await this.query.sendRawTransaction(rawTx) this.setTxHash(txId, txHash) this.txStateManager.setTxStatusSubmitted(txId) } async cancelTransaction (txId) { this.txStateManager.setTxStatusRejected(txId) } // receives a txHash records the tx as signed setTxHash (txId, txHash) { // Add the tx hash to the persisted meta-tx object const txMeta = this.txStateManager.getTx(txId) txMeta.hash = txHash this.txStateManager.updateTx(txMeta) } /* _____________________________________ | | | PRIVATE METHODS | |______________________________________*/ _updateMemstore () { const unapprovedTxs = this.txStateManager.getUnapprovedTxList() const selectedAddressTxList = this.txStateManager.getFilteredTxList({ from: this.getSelectedAddress(), metamaskNetworkId: this.getNetwork(), }) this.memStore.updateState({ unapprovedTxs, selectedAddressTxList }) } }