const { strict: assert } = require('assert'); const { convertToHexValue, withFixtures } = require('../helpers'); describe('Chain Interactions', function () { it('should add the XDAI chain and not switch the network', async function () { const ganacheOptions = { accounts: [ { secretKey: '0x7C9529A67102755B7E6102D6D950AC5D5863C98713805CEC576B945B15B71EAC', balance: convertToHexValue(25000000000000000000), }, ], }; await withFixtures( { dapp: true, fixtures: 'connected-state', ganacheOptions, title: this.test.title, }, async ({ driver }) => { await driver.navigate(); await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple'); await'#password', driver.Key.ENTER); // trigger add chain confirmation await driver.openNewPage(''); await driver.clickElement('#addEthereumChain'); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(3); const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles(); const extension = windowHandles[0]; await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle( 'MetaMask Notification', windowHandles, ); // verify chain details const [networkName, networkUrl, chainId] = await driver.findElements( '.definition-list dd', ); assert.equal(await networkName.getText(), 'xDAI Chain'); assert.equal(await networkUrl.getText(), ''); assert.equal(await chainId.getText(), '100'); // approve add chain, cancel switch chain await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Approve', tag: 'button' }); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Cancel', tag: 'button' }); // switch to extension await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); await driver.switchToWindow(extension); // verify networks const networkDisplay = await driver.findElement('.network-display'); await; assert.equal(await networkDisplay.getText(), 'Localhost 8545'); const xDaiChain = await driver.findElements({ text: 'xDAI Chain', tag: 'span', }); assert.ok(xDaiChain.length, 1); }, ); }); it('should add the XDAI chain and switch the network', async function () { const ganacheOptions = { accounts: [ { secretKey: '0x7C9529A67102755B7E6102D6D950AC5D5863C98713805CEC576B945B15B71EAC', balance: convertToHexValue(25000000000000000000), }, ], }; await withFixtures( { dapp: true, fixtures: 'connected-state', ganacheOptions, title: this.test.title, }, async ({ driver }) => { await driver.navigate(); await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple'); await'#password', driver.Key.ENTER); // trigger add chain confirmation await driver.openNewPage(''); await driver.clickElement('#addEthereumChain'); await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(3); const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles(); const extension = windowHandles[0]; await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle( 'MetaMask Notification', windowHandles, ); // approve and switch chain await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Approve', tag: 'button' }); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Switch network', tag: 'button' }); // switch to extension await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2); await driver.switchToWindow(extension); // verify current network const networkDisplay = await driver.findElement('.network-display'); assert.equal(await networkDisplay.getText(), 'xDAI Chain'); }, ); }); });