import { isValidHexAddress, toChecksumHexAddress, } from '../../../shared/modules/hexstring-utils'; let iconFactory; export default function iconFactoryGenerator(jazzicon) { if (!iconFactory) { iconFactory = new IconFactory(jazzicon); } return iconFactory; } function IconFactory(jazzicon) { this.jazzicon = jazzicon; this.cache = {}; } IconFactory.prototype.iconForAddress = function ( address, diameter, useTokenDetection, tokenList, ) { if (process.env.TOKEN_DETECTION_V2) { if (iconExistsFor(address.toLowerCase(), tokenList)) { return imageElFor(address.toLowerCase(), useTokenDetection, tokenList); } } else { /** TODO: Remove during TOKEN_DETECTION_V2 feature flag clean up */ // When useTokenDetection flag is true the tokenList contains tokens with non-checksum address from the dynamic token service api, // When useTokenDetection flag is false the tokenList contains tokens with checksum addresses from contract-metadata. // So the flag indicates whether the address of tokens currently on the tokenList is checksum or not. // And since the token.address from allTokens is checksumaddress // tokenAddress have to be changed to lowercase when we are using dynamic list const addr = useTokenDetection ? address.toLowerCase() : toChecksumHexAddress(address); if (iconExistsFor(addr, tokenList)) { return imageElFor(addr, useTokenDetection, tokenList); } } return this.generateIdenticonSvg(address, diameter); }; // returns svg dom element IconFactory.prototype.generateIdenticonSvg = function (address, diameter) { const cacheId = `${address}:${diameter}`; // check cache, lazily generate and populate cache const identicon = this.cache[cacheId] || (this.cache[cacheId] = this.generateNewIdenticon(address, diameter)); // create a clean copy so you can modify it const cleanCopy = identicon.cloneNode(true); return cleanCopy; }; // creates a new identicon IconFactory.prototype.generateNewIdenticon = function (address, diameter) { const numericRepresentation = jsNumberForAddress(address); const identicon = this.jazzicon(diameter, numericRepresentation); return identicon; }; // util function iconExistsFor(address, tokenList) { return ( tokenList[address] && isValidHexAddress(address, { allowNonPrefixed: false }) && tokenList[address].iconUrl ); } function imageElFor(address, useTokenDetection, tokenList) { const tokenMetadata = tokenList[address]; const fileName = tokenMetadata?.iconUrl; // token from dynamic api list is fetched when useTokenDetection is true // In the static list, the iconUrl will be holding only a filename for the image, // the corresponding images will be available in the `images/contract/` location when the contract-metadata package was added to the extension // so that it can be accessed using the filename in iconUrl. const path = useTokenDetection ? fileName : `images/contract/${fileName}`; const img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = process.env.TOKEN_DETECTION_V2 ? fileName : path; = '100%'; return img; } function jsNumberForAddress(address) { const addr = address.slice(2, 10); const seed = parseInt(addr, 16); return seed; }