import assert from 'assert' import React from 'react' import sinon from 'sinon' import { mountWithRouter } from '../../../../../test/lib/render-helpers' import Lock from '..' describe('Lock', function () { it('replaces history with default route when isUnlocked false', function () { const props = { isUnlocked: false, history: { replace: sinon.spy(), }, } mountWithRouter() assert.strictEqual(props.history.replace.getCall(0).args[0], '/') }) it('locks and pushes history with default route when isUnlocked true', function (done) { const props = { isUnlocked: true, lockMetamask: sinon.stub(), history: { push: sinon.spy(), }, } props.lockMetamask.resolves() mountWithRouter() assert(props.lockMetamask.calledOnce) setImmediate(() => { assert.strictEqual(props.history.push.getCall(0).args[0], '/') done() }) }) })