import React from 'react'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { mountWithRouter } from '../../../../test/lib/render-helpers'; import CreateAccountPage from '.'; describe('Create Account Page', () => { let wrapper; const props = { history: { push: sinon.spy(), }, location: { pathname: '/new-account', }, }; beforeAll(() => { wrapper = mountWithRouter(); }); afterEach(() => { props.history.push.resetHistory(); }); it('clicks create account and routes to new-account path', () => { const createAccount = wrapper.find('.new-account__tabs__tab').at(0); createAccount.simulate('click'); expect(props.history.push.getCall(0).args[0]).toStrictEqual('/new-account'); }); it('clicks import account and routes to import new account path', () => { const importAccount = wrapper.find('.new-account__tabs__tab').at(1); importAccount.simulate('click'); expect(props.history.push.getCall(0).args[0]).toStrictEqual( '/new-account/import', ); }); it('clicks connect HD Wallet and routes to connect new account path', () => { const connectHdWallet = wrapper.find('.new-account__tabs__tab').at(2); connectHdWallet.simulate('click'); expect(props.history.push.getCall(0).args[0]).toStrictEqual( '/new-account/connect', ); }); });