// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`AwaitingSwap renders the component with initial props 1`] = ` <div class="awaiting-swap__main-descrption" > <span> Your <span class="awaiting-swap__amount-and-symbol" > ETH </span> will be added to your account once this transaction has processed. </span> </div> `; exports[`AwaitingSwap renders the component with initial props 2`] = ` <div class="swaps-footer" > <div class="swaps-footer__buttons" > <div class="page-container__footer swaps-footer__custom-page-container-footer-class" > <footer> <button class="button btn-primary page-container__footer-button swaps-footer__custom-page-container-footer-button-class swaps-footer__custom-page-container-footer-button-class--single" data-testid="page-container-footer-next" disabled="" role="button" tabindex="0" > View in activity </button> </footer> </div> </div> </div> `;