import ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util' import MethodRegistry from 'eth-method-registry' import abi from 'human-standard-token-abi' import abiDecoder from 'abi-decoder' import { TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER, TOKEN_METHOD_APPROVE, TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER_FROM, SEND_ETHER_ACTION_KEY, DEPLOY_CONTRACT_ACTION_KEY, APPROVE_ACTION_KEY, SEND_TOKEN_ACTION_KEY, TRANSFER_FROM_ACTION_KEY, SIGNATURE_REQUEST_KEY, UNKNOWN_FUNCTION_KEY, CANCEL_ATTEMPT_ACTION_KEY, } from '../constants/transactions' import { addCurrencies } from '../conversion-util' abiDecoder.addABI(abi) export function getTokenData (data = '') { return abiDecoder.decodeMethod(data) } const registry = new MethodRegistry({ provider: global.ethereumProvider }) export async function getMethodData (data = '') { const prefixedData = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(data) const fourBytePrefix = prefixedData.slice(0, 10) const sig = await registry.lookup(fourBytePrefix) const parsedResult = registry.parse(sig) return { name:, params: parsedResult.args, } } export function isConfirmDeployContract (txData = {}) { const { txParams = {} } = txData return ! } /** * Returns the action of a transaction as a key to be passed into the translator. * @param {Object} transaction - txData object * @param {Object} methodData - Data returned from eth-method-registry * @returns {string|undefined} */ export async function getTransactionActionKey (transaction, methodData) { const { txParams: { data, to } = {}, msgParams, type } = transaction if (type === 'cancel') { return CANCEL_ATTEMPT_ACTION_KEY } if (msgParams) { return SIGNATURE_REQUEST_KEY } if (isConfirmDeployContract(transaction)) { return DEPLOY_CONTRACT_ACTION_KEY } if (data) { const toSmartContract = await isSmartContractAddress(to) if (!toSmartContract) { return SEND_ETHER_ACTION_KEY } const { name } = methodData const methodName = name && name.toLowerCase() if (!methodName) { return UNKNOWN_FUNCTION_KEY } switch (methodName) { case TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER: return SEND_TOKEN_ACTION_KEY case TOKEN_METHOD_APPROVE: return APPROVE_ACTION_KEY case TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER_FROM: return TRANSFER_FROM_ACTION_KEY default: return undefined } } else { return SEND_ETHER_ACTION_KEY } } export function getLatestSubmittedTxWithNonce (transactions = [], nonce = '0x0') { if (!transactions.length) { return {} } return transactions.reduce((acc, current) => { const { submittedTime, txParams: { nonce: currentNonce } = {} } = current if (currentNonce === nonce) { return acc.submittedTime ? submittedTime > acc.submittedTime ? current : acc : current } else { return acc } }, {}) } export async function isSmartContractAddress (address) { const code = await global.eth.getCode(address) return code && code !== '0x' && code !== '0x0'; // Infura will return '0x', and Ganache will return '0x0' } export function sumHexes (...args) { const total = args.reduce((acc, base) => { return addCurrencies(acc, base, { toNumericBase: 'hex', }) }) return ethUtil.addHexPrefix(total) }