import React from 'react'; import { fireEvent, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import { INITIALIZE_SEED_PHRASE_INTRO_ROUTE, INITIALIZE_SELECT_ACTION_ROUTE, } from '../../../../helpers/constants/routes'; import { renderWithProvider } from '../../../../../test/lib/render-helpers'; import NewAccount from '.'; describe('Name of the group', () => { const props = { onSubmit: jest.fn(), history: { push: jest.fn(), }, }; it('should match snapshot', () => { const { container } = renderWithProvider(); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should back button', () => { const { queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider(); const onboardingBackButton = queryByTestId('onboarding-back-button');; expect(props.history.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith( INITIALIZE_SELECT_ACTION_ROUTE, ); }); it('should initialize with a disabled create button', () => { const { queryByRole } = renderWithProvider(); const createButton = queryByRole('button', { type: 'primary' }); expect(createButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(createButton).toHaveAttribute('disabled'); }); it('should', async () => { const { queryByRole, queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider( , ); const password = 'a-new-password'; const checkTerms = queryByRole('checkbox'); const createPassword = queryByTestId('create-password'); const confirmPassword = queryByTestId('confirm-password'); const createButton = queryByRole('button', { type: 'primary' });; fireEvent.change(createPassword, { target: { value: password } }); fireEvent.change(confirmPassword, { target: { value: password } }); expect(createButton).not.toHaveAttribute('disabled');; await waitFor(() => { expect(props.history.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith( INITIALIZE_SEED_PHRASE_INTRO_ROUTE, ); }); }); it('should error when the password and the confirm password are not the same', () => { const { queryByRole, queryByTestId, queryByText } = renderWithProvider( , ); const password = 'a-new-password'; const wrongPassword = 'wrong-password'; const createPassword = queryByTestId('create-password'); const confirmPassword = queryByTestId('confirm-password'); fireEvent.change(createPassword, { target: { value: password } }); fireEvent.change(confirmPassword, { target: { value: wrongPassword } }); const errorMessage = queryByText(/passwordsDontMatch/u); expect(errorMessage).toBeInTheDocument(); // Create button is disabled. const createButton = queryByRole('button', { type: 'primary' }); expect(createButton).toHaveAttribute('disabled'); }); it('should disable the create button if the terms are not checked but passwords are correct', () => { const { queryByRole, queryByTestId } = renderWithProvider( , ); const password = 'a-new-password'; const createPassword = queryByTestId('create-password'); const confirmPassword = queryByTestId('confirm-password'); fireEvent.change(createPassword, { target: { value: password } }); fireEvent.change(confirmPassword, { target: { value: password } }); const createButton = queryByRole('button', { type: 'primary' }); expect(createButton).toHaveAttribute('disabled'); }); });