const { Component } = require('react') const PropTypes = require('prop-types') const h = require('react-hyperscript') const connect = require('react-redux').connect const actions = require('../../../../actions') const { getMetaMaskAccounts } = require('../../../../selectors') const ConnectScreen = require('./connect-screen') const AccountList = require('./account-list') const { DEFAULT_ROUTE } = require('../../../../routes') const { formatBalance } = require('../../../../util') const { getPlatform } = require('../../../../../../app/scripts/lib/util') const { PLATFORM_FIREFOX } = require('../../../../../../app/scripts/lib/enums') class ConnectHardwareForm extends Component { constructor (props, context) { super(props) this.state = { error: null, selectedAccount: null, accounts: [], browserSupported: true, unlocked: false, device: null, } } componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) { const { accounts } = nextProps const newAccounts = => { const normalizedAddress = a.address.toLowerCase() const balanceValue = accounts[normalizedAddress] && accounts[normalizedAddress].balance || null a.balance = balanceValue ? formatBalance(balanceValue, 6) : '...' return a }) this.setState({accounts: newAccounts}) } componentDidMount () { this.checkIfUnlocked() } async checkIfUnlocked () { ['trezor', 'ledger'].forEach(async device => { const unlocked = await this.props.checkHardwareStatus(device, this.props.defaultHdPaths[device]) if (unlocked) { this.setState({unlocked: true}) this.getPage(device, 0, this.props.defaultHdPaths[device]) } }) } connectToHardwareWallet = (device) => { // Ledger hardware wallets are not supported on firefox if (getPlatform() === PLATFORM_FIREFOX && device === 'ledger') { this.setState({ browserSupported: false, error: null}) return null } if (this.state.accounts.length) { return null } // Default values this.getPage(device, 0, this.props.defaultHdPaths[device]) } onPathChange = (path) => { this.props.setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath({device: this.state.device, path}) this.getPage(this.state.device, 0, path) } onAccountChange = (account) => { this.setState({selectedAccount: account.toString(), error: null}) } onAccountRestriction = () => { this.setState({error: this.context.t('ledgerAccountRestriction') }) } showTemporaryAlert () { this.props.showAlert(this.context.t('hardwareWalletConnected')) // Autohide the alert after 5 seconds setTimeout(_ => { this.props.hideAlert() }, 5000) } getPage = (device, page, hdPath) => { this.props .connectHardware(device, page, hdPath) .then(accounts => { if (accounts.length) { // If we just loaded the accounts for the first time // (device previously locked) show the global alert if (this.state.accounts.length === 0 && !this.state.unlocked) { this.showTemporaryAlert() } const newState = { unlocked: true, device, error: null } // Default to the first account if (this.state.selectedAccount === null) { accounts.forEach((a, i) => { if (a.address.toLowerCase() === this.props.address) { newState.selectedAccount = a.index.toString() } }) // If the page doesn't contain the selected account, let's deselect it } else if (!accounts.filter(a => a.index.toString() === this.state.selectedAccount).length) { newState.selectedAccount = null } // Map accounts with balances newState.accounts = => { const normalizedAddress = account.address.toLowerCase() const balanceValue = this.props.accounts[normalizedAddress] && this.props.accounts[normalizedAddress].balance || null account.balance = balanceValue ? formatBalance(balanceValue, 6) : '...' return account }) this.setState(newState) } }) .catch(e => { if (e === 'Window blocked') { this.setState({ browserSupported: false, error: null}) } else if (e !== 'Window closed' && e !== 'Popup closed') { this.setState({ error: e.toString() }) } }) } onForgetDevice = (device) => { this.props.forgetDevice(device) .then(_ => { this.setState({ error: null, selectedAccount: null, accounts: [], unlocked: false, }) }).catch(e => { this.setState({ error: e.toString() }) }) } onUnlockAccount = (device) => { if (this.state.selectedAccount === null) { this.setState({ error: this.context.t('accountSelectionRequired') }) } this.props.unlockHardwareWalletAccount(this.state.selectedAccount, device) .then(_ => { this.props.history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE) }).catch(e => { this.setState({ error: e.toString() }) }) } onCancel = () => { this.props.history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE) } renderError () { return this.state.error ? h('span.error', { style: { margin: '20px 20px 10px', display: 'block', textAlign: 'center' } }, this.state.error) : null } renderContent () { if (!this.state.accounts.length) { return h(ConnectScreen, { connectToHardwareWallet: this.connectToHardwareWallet, browserSupported: this.state.browserSupported, }) } return h(AccountList, { onPathChange: this.onPathChange, selectedPath: this.props.defaultHdPaths[this.state.device], device: this.state.device, accounts: this.state.accounts, selectedAccount: this.state.selectedAccount, onAccountChange: this.onAccountChange, network:, getPage: this.getPage, history: this.props.history, onUnlockAccount: this.onUnlockAccount, onForgetDevice: this.onForgetDevice, onCancel: this.onCancel, onAccountRestriction: this.onAccountRestriction, }) } render () { return h('div', [ this.renderError(), this.renderContent(), ]) } } ConnectHardwareForm.propTypes = { hideModal: PropTypes.func, showImportPage: PropTypes.func, showConnectPage: PropTypes.func, connectHardware: PropTypes.func, checkHardwareStatus: PropTypes.func, forgetDevice: PropTypes.func, showAlert: PropTypes.func, hideAlert: PropTypes.func, unlockHardwareWalletAccount: PropTypes.func, setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath: PropTypes.func, numberOfExistingAccounts: PropTypes.number, history: PropTypes.object, t: PropTypes.func, network: PropTypes.string, accounts: PropTypes.object, address: PropTypes.string, defaultHdPaths: PropTypes.object, } const mapStateToProps = state => { const { metamask: { network, selectedAddress, identities = {} }, } = state const accounts = getMetaMaskAccounts(state) const numberOfExistingAccounts = Object.keys(identities).length const { appState: { defaultHdPaths }, } = state return { network, accounts, address: selectedAddress, numberOfExistingAccounts, defaultHdPaths, } } const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => { return { setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath: ({device, path}) => { return dispatch(actions.setHardwareWalletDefaultHdPath({device, path})) }, connectHardware: (deviceName, page, hdPath) => { return dispatch(actions.connectHardware(deviceName, page, hdPath)) }, checkHardwareStatus: (deviceName, hdPath) => { return dispatch(actions.checkHardwareStatus(deviceName, hdPath)) }, forgetDevice: (deviceName) => { return dispatch(actions.forgetDevice(deviceName)) }, unlockHardwareWalletAccount: (index, deviceName, hdPath) => { return dispatch(actions.unlockHardwareWalletAccount(index, deviceName, hdPath)) }, showImportPage: () => dispatch(actions.showImportPage()), showConnectPage: () => dispatch(actions.showConnectPage()), showAlert: (msg) => dispatch(actions.showAlert(msg)), hideAlert: () => dispatch(actions.hideAlert()), } } ConnectHardwareForm.contextTypes = { t: PropTypes.func, } module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)( ConnectHardwareForm )