import { useSelector } from 'react-redux' import { getKnownMethodData } from '../selectors/selectors' import { getTransactionActionKey, getStatusKey } from '../helpers/utils/transactions.util' import { camelCaseToCapitalize } from '../helpers/utils/common.util' import { PRIMARY, SECONDARY } from '../helpers/constants/common' import { getTokenAddressParam } from '../helpers/utils/token-util' import { formatDateWithYearContext, shortenAddress, stripHttpSchemes } from '../helpers/utils/util' import { CONTRACT_INTERACTION_KEY, DEPLOY_CONTRACT_ACTION_KEY, INCOMING_TRANSACTION, TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER, TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER_FROM, SEND_ETHER_ACTION_KEY, TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_APPROVAL, TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_INTERACTION, TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_RECEIVE, TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_SEND, TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_SIGNATURE_REQUEST, TOKEN_METHOD_APPROVE, PENDING_STATUS_HASH, TOKEN_CATEGORY_HASH, } from '../helpers/constants/transactions' import { getTokens } from '../ducks/metamask/metamask' import { useI18nContext } from './useI18nContext' import { useTokenFiatAmount } from './useTokenFiatAmount' import { useUserPreferencedCurrency } from './useUserPreferencedCurrency' import { useCurrencyDisplay } from './useCurrencyDisplay' import { useTokenDisplayValue } from './useTokenDisplayValue' import { useTokenData } from './useTokenData' /** * @typedef {Object} TransactionDisplayData * @property {string} title - primary description of the transaction * @property {string} subtitle - supporting text describing the transaction * @property {bool} subtitleContainsOrigin - true if the subtitle includes the origin of the tx * @property {string} category - the transaction category * @property {string} primaryCurrency - the currency string to display in the primary position * @property {string} [secondaryCurrency] - the currency string to display in the secondary position * @property {string} status - the status of the transaction * @property {string} senderAddress - the Ethereum address of the sender * @property {string} recipientAddress - the Ethereum address of the recipient */ /** * Get computed values used for displaying transaction data to a user * * The goal of this method is to perform all of the necessary computation and * state access required to take a transactionGroup and derive from it a shape * of data that can power all views related to a transaction. Presently the main * case is for shared logic between transaction-list-item and transaction-detail-view * @param {Object} transactionGroup group of transactions * @return {TransactionDisplayData} */ export function useTransactionDisplayData (transactionGroup) { const knownTokens = useSelector(getTokens) const t = useI18nContext() const { initialTransaction, primaryTransaction } = transactionGroup // initialTransaction contains the data we need to derive the primary purpose of this transaction group const { transactionCategory } = initialTransaction const { from: senderAddress, to } = initialTransaction.txParams || {} // for smart contract interactions, methodData can be used to derive the name of the action being taken const methodData = useSelector((state) => getKnownMethodData(state, initialTransaction?.txParams?.data)) || {} const actionKey = getTransactionActionKey(initialTransaction) const status = getStatusKey(primaryTransaction) const primaryValue = primaryTransaction.txParams?.value let prefix = '-' const date = formatDateWithYearContext(initialTransaction.time || 0) let subtitle let subtitleContainsOrigin = false let recipientAddress = to // This value is used to determine whether we should look inside // to pull out and render token related information const isTokenCategory = TOKEN_CATEGORY_HASH[transactionCategory] // these values are always instantiated because they are either // used by or returned from hooks. Hooks must be called at the top level, // so as an additional safeguard against inappropriately associating token // transfers, we pass an additional argument to these hooks that will be // false for non-token transactions. This additional argument forces the // hook to return null const token = isTokenCategory && knownTokens.find(({ address }) => address === recipientAddress) const tokenData = useTokenData(initialTransaction?.txParams?.data, isTokenCategory) const tokenDisplayValue = useTokenDisplayValue(initialTransaction?.txParams?.data, token, isTokenCategory) const tokenFiatAmount = useTokenFiatAmount(token?.address, tokenDisplayValue, token?.symbol) const origin = stripHttpSchemes(initialTransaction.origin || initialTransaction.msgParams?.origin || '') let category let title // There are four types of transaction entries that are currently differentiated in the design // 1. signature request // 2. Send (sendEth sendTokens) // 3. Deposit // 4. Site interaction // 5. Approval if (transactionCategory === null || transactionCategory === undefined) { category = TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_SIGNATURE_REQUEST title = t('signatureRequest') subtitle = origin subtitleContainsOrigin = true } else if (transactionCategory === TOKEN_METHOD_APPROVE) { category = TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_APPROVAL title = t('approveSpendLimit', [token?.symbol || t('token')]) subtitle = origin subtitleContainsOrigin = true } else if (transactionCategory === DEPLOY_CONTRACT_ACTION_KEY || transactionCategory === CONTRACT_INTERACTION_KEY) { category = TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_INTERACTION title = (methodData?.name && camelCaseToCapitalize( || (actionKey && t(actionKey)) || '' subtitle = origin subtitleContainsOrigin = true } else if (transactionCategory === INCOMING_TRANSACTION) { category = TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_RECEIVE title = t('receive') prefix = '' subtitle = t('fromAddress', [shortenAddress(senderAddress)]) } else if (transactionCategory === TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER_FROM || transactionCategory === TOKEN_METHOD_TRANSFER) { category = TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_SEND title = t('sendSpecifiedTokens', [token?.symbol || t('token')]) recipientAddress = getTokenAddressParam(tokenData) subtitle = t('toAddress', [shortenAddress(recipientAddress)]) } else if (transactionCategory === SEND_ETHER_ACTION_KEY) { category = TRANSACTION_CATEGORY_SEND title = t('sendETH') subtitle = t('toAddress', [shortenAddress(recipientAddress)]) } const primaryCurrencyPreferences = useUserPreferencedCurrency(PRIMARY) const secondaryCurrencyPreferences = useUserPreferencedCurrency(SECONDARY) const [primaryCurrency] = useCurrencyDisplay(primaryValue, { prefix, displayValue: isTokenCategory ? tokenDisplayValue : undefined, suffix: isTokenCategory ? token?.symbol : undefined, ...primaryCurrencyPreferences, }) const [secondaryCurrency] = useCurrencyDisplay(primaryValue, { prefix, displayValue: isTokenCategory ? tokenFiatAmount : undefined, hideLabel: isTokenCategory ? true : undefined, ...secondaryCurrencyPreferences, }) return { title, category, date, subtitle, subtitleContainsOrigin, primaryCurrency, senderAddress, recipientAddress, secondaryCurrency: isTokenCategory && !tokenFiatAmount ? undefined : secondaryCurrency, status, isPending: status in PENDING_STATUS_HASH, } }