import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import yargs from 'yargs/yargs'; import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers'; import chokidar from 'chokidar'; import browserify from 'browserify'; import pify from 'pify'; import endOfStream from 'end-of-stream'; import pump from 'pump'; import gulp from 'gulp'; import gulpDartSass from 'gulp-dart-sass'; import sourcemaps from 'gulp-sourcemaps'; import autoprefixer from 'gulp-autoprefixer'; import fg from 'fast-glob'; import buildModulePartitions from './build-module-partitions'; const promisifiedPump = pify(pump); const projectDirectoryPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../'); const sourceDirectoryPath = path.join(projectDirectoryPath, 'src'); const intermediateDirectoryPath = path.join( projectDirectoryPath, 'intermediate', ); const buildDirectoryPath = path.join(projectDirectoryPath, 'build'); main().catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); }); /** * Compiles a set of files that we want to convert to TypeScript, divided by * level in the dependency tree. * * @param dest - The directory in which to hold the file. */ async function generateIntermediateFiles(dest: string) { const partitions = await buildModulePartitions(); const partitionsFile = path.resolve(dest, 'partitions.json'); await pify(fs.writeFile)( partitionsFile, JSON.stringify(partitions, null, ' '), ); console.log( `- Wrote intermediate partitions file: ${path.relative( projectDirectoryPath, partitionsFile, )}`, ); } /** * Compiles the JavaScript code for the dashboard. * * @param src - The path to the JavaScript entrypoint. * @param dest - The path to the compiled and bundled JavaScript file. */ async function compileScripts(src: string, dest: string) { const extensions = ['.js', '.ts', '.tsx']; const browserifyOptions: Record = { extensions, // Use entryFilepath for moduleIds, easier to determine origin file fullPaths: true, // For sourcemaps debug: true, }; const bundler = browserify(browserifyOptions); bundler.add(src); // Run TypeScript files through Babel bundler.transform('babelify', { extensions }); // Inline `fs.readFileSync` files bundler.transform('brfs'); const bundleStream = bundler.bundle(); bundleStream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(dest)); bundleStream.on('error', (error: Error) => { throw error; }); await pify(endOfStream(bundleStream)); console.log( `- Compiled scripts: ${path.relative( projectDirectoryPath, src, )} -> ${path.relative(projectDirectoryPath, dest)}`, ); } /** * Compiles the CSS code for the dashboard. * * @param src - The path to the CSS file. * @param dest - The path to the compiled CSS file. */ async function compileStylesheets(src: string, dest: string): Promise { await promisifiedPump( gulp.src(src), sourcemaps.init(), gulpDartSass().on('error', (error: unknown) => { throw error; }), autoprefixer(), sourcemaps.write(), gulp.dest(dest), ); console.log( `- Compiled stylesheets: ${path.relative( projectDirectoryPath, src, )} -> ${path.relative(projectDirectoryPath, dest)}`, ); } /** * Copies static files (images and the index HTML file) to the build directory. * * @param src - The path to the directory that holds the static files. * @param dest - The path where they should be copied. */ async function copyStaticFiles(src: string, dest: string): Promise { const entries = await fg([path.join(src, '*')], { onlyFiles: false, }); await Promise.all( (srcEntry) => { const destEntry = path.join(dest, path.basename(srcEntry)); await fs.copy(srcEntry, destEntry); console.log( `- Copied static files: ${path.relative( projectDirectoryPath, srcEntry, )} -> ${path.relative(projectDirectoryPath, destEntry)}`, ); }), ); } /** * Generates a compiled and bundled version of the dashboard ready for * distribution. * * @param options - The options. * @param options.isInitial - Whether this is the first time this function has * been called (if we are watching for file changes, we may call this function * multiple times). * @param options.isOnly - Whether this will be the only time this function will * be called (if we are not watching for file changes, then this will never be * called again). */ async function rebuild({ isInitial = false, isOnly = false, } = {}): Promise { if (isInitial && !isOnly) { console.log('Running initial build, please wait (may take a bit)...'); } if (!isInitial) { console.log('Detected change, rebuilding...'); } await fs.emptyDir(buildDirectoryPath); try { if (isInitial) { await fs.emptyDir(intermediateDirectoryPath); await generateIntermediateFiles(intermediateDirectoryPath); } await compileScripts( path.join(sourceDirectoryPath, 'index.tsx'), path.join(buildDirectoryPath, 'index.js'), ); await compileStylesheets( path.join(sourceDirectoryPath, 'index.scss'), path.join(buildDirectoryPath), ); await copyStaticFiles( path.join(sourceDirectoryPath, 'public'), path.join(buildDirectoryPath), ); } catch (error: unknown) { console.error(error); } } /** * The entrypoint to this script. Parses command-line arguments, then, depending * on whether `--watch` was given, either starts a file watcher, after which the * dashboard will be built on file changes, or builds the dashboard immediately. */ async function main() { const opts = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .usage('Usage: $0 [options]') .option('watch', { alias: 'w', type: 'boolean', description: 'Automatically build when there are changes', }) .help('h') .alias('h', 'help') .parseSync(); console.log(`Working directory: ${projectDirectoryPath}`); if ( { const rebuildIgnoringErrors = () => { rebuild().catch((error: Error) => { console.error(error); }); }; chokidar .watch(path.join(sourceDirectoryPath, '**/*.{html,ts,tsx,scss}'), { ignoreInitial: true, }) .on('add', rebuildIgnoringErrors) .on('change', rebuildIgnoringErrors) .on('unlink', rebuildIgnoringErrors) .on('error', (error: unknown) => { console.error(error); }); await rebuild({ isInitial: true, isOnly: false }); } else { await rebuild({ isInitial: true, isOnly: true }); } }