const EventEmitter = require('events'); const gulp = require('gulp'); const watch = require('gulp-watch'); const source = require('vinyl-source-stream'); const buffer = require('vinyl-buffer'); const log = require('fancy-log'); const watchify = require('watchify'); const browserify = require('browserify'); const envify = require('loose-envify/custom'); const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); const terser = require('gulp-terser-js'); const babelify = require('babelify'); const brfs = require('brfs'); const pify = require('pify'); const endOfStream = pify(require('end-of-stream')); const labeledStreamSplicer = require('labeled-stream-splicer').obj; const metamaskrc = require('rc')('metamask', { INFURA_PROJECT_ID: process.env.INFURA_PROJECT_ID, SEGMENT_HOST: process.env.SEGMENT_HOST, SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY: process.env.SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY, SEGMENT_LEGACY_WRITE_KEY: process.env.SEGMENT_LEGACY_WRITE_KEY, }); const baseManifest = require('../../app/manifest/_base.json'); const packageJSON = require('../../package.json'); const { createTask, composeParallel, composeSeries, runInChildProcess, } = require('./task'); module.exports = createScriptTasks; const dependencies = Object.keys( (packageJSON && packageJSON.dependencies) || {}, ); const materialUIDependencies = ['@material-ui/core']; const reactDepenendencies = dependencies.filter((dep) => dep.match(/react/u)); const externalDependenciesMap = { background: ['3box'], ui: [...materialUIDependencies, ...reactDepenendencies], }; function createScriptTasks({ browserPlatforms, livereload }) { // internal tasks const core = { // dev tasks (live reload) dev: createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ taskPrefix: 'scripts:core:dev', devMode: true, }), testDev: createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ taskPrefix: 'scripts:core:test-live', devMode: true, testing: true, }), // built for CI tests test: createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ taskPrefix: 'scripts:core:test', testing: true, }), // production prod: createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ taskPrefix: 'scripts:core:prod' }), }; const deps = { background: createTasksForBuildJsDeps({ label: 'bg-libs', key: 'background', }), ui: createTasksForBuildJsDeps({ label: 'ui-libs', key: 'ui' }), }; // high level tasks const prod = composeParallel(deps.background, deps.ui,; const { dev, testDev } = core; const test = composeParallel(deps.background, deps.ui, core.test); return { prod, dev, testDev, test }; function createTasksForBuildJsDeps({ key, label }) { return createTask( `scripts:deps:${key}`, createNormalBundle({ label, destFilepath: `${label}.js`, modulesToExpose: externalDependenciesMap[key], devMode: false, browserPlatforms, }), ); } function createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ taskPrefix, devMode, testing }) { const standardBundles = [ 'background', 'ui', 'phishing-detect', 'initSentry', ]; const standardSubtasks = => { let extraEntries; if (devMode && label === 'ui') { extraEntries = ['./development/require-react-devtools.js']; } return createTask( `${taskPrefix}:${label}`, createBundleTaskForBuildJsExtensionNormal({ label, devMode, testing, extraEntries, }), ); }); // inpage must be built before contentscript // because inpage bundle result is included inside contentscript const contentscriptSubtask = createTask( `${taskPrefix}:contentscript`, createTaskForBuildJsExtensionContentscript({ devMode, testing }), ); // this can run whenever const disableConsoleSubtask = createTask( `${taskPrefix}:disable-console`, createTaskForBuildJsExtensionDisableConsole({ devMode }), ); // task for initiating browser livereload const initiateLiveReload = async () => { if (devMode) { // trigger live reload when the bundles are updated // this is not ideal, but overcomes the limitations: // - run from the main process (not child process tasks) // - after the first build has completed (thus the timeout) // - build tasks never "complete" when run with livereload + child process setTimeout(() => { watch('./dist/*/*.js', (event) => { livereload.changed(event.path); }); }, 75e3); } }; // make each bundle run in a separate process const allSubtasks = [ ...standardSubtasks, contentscriptSubtask, disableConsoleSubtask, ].map((subtask) => runInChildProcess(subtask)); // const allSubtasks = [...standardSubtasks, contentscriptSubtask].map(subtask => (subtask)) // make a parent task that runs each task in a child thread return composeParallel(initiateLiveReload, ...allSubtasks); } function createBundleTaskForBuildJsExtensionNormal({ label, devMode, testing, extraEntries, }) { return createNormalBundle({ label, entryFilepath: `./app/scripts/${label}.js`, destFilepath: `${label}.js`, extraEntries, externalDependencies: devMode ? undefined : externalDependenciesMap[label], devMode, testing, browserPlatforms, }); } function createTaskForBuildJsExtensionDisableConsole({ devMode }) { const label = 'disable-console'; return createNormalBundle({ label, entryFilepath: `./app/scripts/${label}.js`, destFilepath: `${label}.js`, devMode, browserPlatforms, }); } function createTaskForBuildJsExtensionContentscript({ devMode, testing }) { const inpage = 'inpage'; const contentscript = 'contentscript'; return composeSeries( createNormalBundle({ label: inpage, entryFilepath: `./app/scripts/${inpage}.js`, destFilepath: `${inpage}.js`, externalDependencies: devMode ? undefined : externalDependenciesMap[inpage], devMode, testing, browserPlatforms, }), createNormalBundle({ label: contentscript, entryFilepath: `./app/scripts/${contentscript}.js`, destFilepath: `${contentscript}.js`, externalDependencies: devMode ? undefined : externalDependenciesMap[contentscript], devMode, testing, browserPlatforms, }), ); } } function createNormalBundle({ destFilepath, entryFilepath, extraEntries = [], modulesToExpose, externalDependencies, devMode, testing, browserPlatforms, }) { return async function () { // create bundler setup and apply defaults const buildConfiguration = createBuildConfiguration(); const { bundlerOpts, events } = buildConfiguration; const envVars = getEnvironmentVariables({ devMode, testing }); setupBundlerDefaults(buildConfiguration, { devMode, envVars, }); // set bundle entries bundlerOpts.entries = [...extraEntries]; if (entryFilepath) { bundlerOpts.entries.push(entryFilepath); } if (modulesToExpose) { bundlerOpts.require = bundlerOpts.require.concat(modulesToExpose); } if (externalDependencies) { // there doesnt seem to be a standard bify option for this // so we'll put it here but manually call it after bundle bundlerOpts.manualExternal = bundlerOpts.manualExternal.concat( externalDependencies, ); } // instrument pipeline events.on('configurePipeline', ({ pipeline }) => { // convert bundle stream to gulp vinyl stream // and ensure file contents are buffered pipeline.get('vinyl').push(source(destFilepath)); pipeline.get('vinyl').push(buffer()); // setup bundle destination browserPlatforms.forEach((platform) => { const dest = `./dist/${platform}/`; pipeline.get('dest').push(gulp.dest(dest)); }); }); await bundleIt(buildConfiguration); }; } function createBuildConfiguration() { const events = new EventEmitter(); const bundlerOpts = { entries: [], transform: [], plugin: [], require: [], // not a standard bify option manualExternal: [], }; return { bundlerOpts, events }; } function setupBundlerDefaults(buildConfiguration, { devMode, envVars }) { const { bundlerOpts } = buildConfiguration; // devMode options const reloadOnChange = Boolean(devMode); const minify = Boolean(devMode) === false; Object.assign(bundlerOpts, { // source transforms transform: [ // transpile top-level code babelify, // inline `fs.readFileSync` files brfs, ], // use entryFilepath for moduleIds, easier to determine origin file fullPaths: devMode, // for sourcemaps debug: true, }); // inject environment variables via node-style `process.env` if (envVars) { bundlerOpts.transform.push([envify(envVars), { global: true }]); } // setup reload on change if (reloadOnChange) { setupReloadOnChange(buildConfiguration); } if (minify) { setupMinification(buildConfiguration); } // setup source maps setupSourcemaps(buildConfiguration, { devMode }); } function setupReloadOnChange({ bundlerOpts, events }) { // add plugin to options Object.assign(bundlerOpts, { plugin: [...bundlerOpts.plugin, watchify], // required by watchify cache: {}, packageCache: {}, }); // instrument pipeline events.on('configurePipeline', ({ bundleStream }) => { // handle build error to avoid breaking build process // (eg on syntax error) bundleStream.on('error', (err) => { gracefulError(err); }); }); } function setupMinification(buildConfiguration) { const { events } = buildConfiguration; events.on('configurePipeline', ({ pipeline }) => { pipeline.get('minify').push( terser({ mangle: { reserved: ['MetamaskInpageProvider'], }, sourceMap: { content: true, }, }), ); }); } function setupSourcemaps(buildConfiguration, { devMode }) { const { events } = buildConfiguration; events.on('configurePipeline', ({ pipeline }) => { pipeline.get('sourcemaps:init').push(sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true })); pipeline .get('sourcemaps:write') // Use inline source maps for development due to Chrome DevTools bug // .push( devMode ? sourcemaps.write() : sourcemaps.write('../sourcemaps', { addComment: false }), ); }); } async function bundleIt(buildConfiguration) { const { bundlerOpts, events } = buildConfiguration; const bundler = browserify(bundlerOpts); // manually apply non-standard option bundler.external(bundlerOpts.manualExternal); // output build logs to terminal bundler.on('log', log); // forward update event (used by watchify) bundler.on('update', () => performBundle()); await performBundle(); async function performBundle() { // this pipeline is created for every bundle // the labels are all the steps you can hook into const pipeline = labeledStreamSplicer([ 'vinyl', [], 'sourcemaps:init', [], 'minify', [], 'sourcemaps:write', [], 'dest', [], ]); const bundleStream = bundler.bundle(); // trigger build pipeline instrumentations events.emit('configurePipeline', { pipeline, bundleStream }); // start bundle, send into pipeline bundleStream.pipe(pipeline); // nothing will consume pipeline, so let it flow pipeline.resume(); await endOfStream(pipeline); } } function getEnvironmentVariables({ devMode, testing }) { const environment = getEnvironment({ devMode, testing }); if (environment === 'production' && !process.env.SENTRY_DSN) { throw new Error('Missing SENTRY_DSN environment variable'); } return { METAMASK_DEBUG: devMode, METAMASK_ENVIRONMENT: environment, METAMASK_VERSION: baseManifest.version, NODE_ENV: devMode ? 'development' : 'production', IN_TEST: testing ? 'true' : false, PUBNUB_SUB_KEY: process.env.PUBNUB_SUB_KEY || '', PUBNUB_PUB_KEY: process.env.PUBNUB_PUB_KEY || '', CONF: devMode ? metamaskrc : {}, SENTRY_DSN: process.env.SENTRY_DSN, INFURA_PROJECT_ID: testing ? '00000000000000000000000000000000' : metamaskrc.INFURA_PROJECT_ID, SEGMENT_HOST: metamaskrc.SEGMENT_HOST, // When we're in the 'production' environment we will use a specific key only set in CI // Otherwise we'll use the key from .metamaskrc or from the environment variable. If // the value of SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY that we envify is undefined then no events will be tracked // in the build. This is intentional so that developers can contribute to MetaMask without // inflating event volume. SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY: environment === 'production' ? process.env.SEGMENT_PROD_WRITE_KEY : metamaskrc.SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY, SEGMENT_LEGACY_WRITE_KEY: environment === 'production' ? process.env.SEGMENT_PROD_LEGACY_WRITE_KEY : metamaskrc.SEGMENT_LEGACY_WRITE_KEY, }; } function getEnvironment({ devMode, testing }) { // get environment slug if (devMode) { return 'development'; } else if (testing) { return 'testing'; } else if (process.env.CIRCLE_BRANCH === 'master') { return 'production'; } else if ( /^Version-v(\d+)[.](\d+)[.](\d+)/u.test(process.env.CIRCLE_BRANCH) ) { return 'release-candidate'; } else if (process.env.CIRCLE_BRANCH === 'develop') { return 'staging'; } else if (process.env.CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST) { return 'pull-request'; } return 'other'; } function beep() { process.stdout.write('\x07'); } function gracefulError(err) { console.warn(err); beep(); }