const { strict: assert } = require('assert') const { By, Key } = require('selenium-webdriver') const { withFixtures } = require('./helpers') /** * WARNING: These tests must be run using a build created with `yarn build:test:metrics`, so that it has * the correct Segment host and write keys set. Otherwise this test will fail. */ describe('Segment metrics', function () { this.timeout(0) it('should send first three Page metric events upon fullscreen page load', async function () { const ganacheOptions = { accounts: [ { secretKey: '0x7C9529A67102755B7E6102D6D950AC5D5863C98713805CEC576B945B15B71EAC', balance: 25000000000000000000, }, ], } await withFixtures( { fixtures: 'metrics-enabled', ganacheOptions, title: this.test.title, mockSegment: true, }, async ({ driver, segmentSpy }) => { const passwordField = await driver.findElement(By.css('#password')) await passwordField.sendKeys('correct horse battery staple') await passwordField.sendKeys(Key.ENTER) // find arbitary element to ensure Home page has loaded await driver.findElement(By.css('[data-testid="eth-overview-send"]')) assert.ok(segmentSpy.called, 'Segment should receive metrics') const firstSegmentEvent = segmentSpy.getCall(0).args[0] assert.equal(, 'Home') assert.equal(, '/') const secondSegmentEvent = segmentSpy.getCall(1).args[0] assert.equal(, 'Unlock Page') assert.equal(, '/unlock') const thirdSegmentEvent = segmentSpy.getCall(2).args[0] assert.equal(, 'Home') assert.equal(, '/') }, ) }) })