// next version number /* normalizes txParams on unconfirmed txs */ import ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util' import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash' const version = 25 export default { version, async migrate (originalVersionedData) { const versionedData = cloneDeep(originalVersionedData) versionedData.meta.version = version const state = versionedData.data const newState = transformState(state) versionedData.data = newState return versionedData }, } function transformState (state) { const newState = state if (newState.TransactionController) { if (newState.TransactionController.transactions) { const { transactions } = newState.TransactionController newState.TransactionController.transactions = transactions.map((txMeta) => { if (txMeta.status !== 'unapproved') { return txMeta } txMeta.txParams = normalizeTxParams(txMeta.txParams) return txMeta }) } } return newState } function normalizeTxParams (txParams) { // functions that handle normalizing of that key in txParams const whiteList = { from: (from) => ethUtil.addHexPrefix(from).toLowerCase(), to: () => ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.to).toLowerCase(), nonce: (nonce) => ethUtil.addHexPrefix(nonce), value: (value) => ethUtil.addHexPrefix(value), data: (data) => ethUtil.addHexPrefix(data), gas: (gas) => ethUtil.addHexPrefix(gas), gasPrice: (gasPrice) => ethUtil.addHexPrefix(gasPrice), } // apply only keys in the whiteList const normalizedTxParams = {} Object.keys(whiteList).forEach((key) => { if (txParams[key]) { normalizedTxParams[key] = whiteList[key](txParams[key]) } }) return normalizedTxParams }