import ObservableStore from 'obs-store' import log from 'loglevel' import BN from 'bn.js' import createId from '../lib/random-id' import { bnToHex } from '../lib/util' import fetchWithTimeout from '../lib/fetch-with-timeout' import { ROPSTEN, RINKEBY, KOVAN, GOERLI, MAINNET, NETWORK_TYPE_TO_ID_MAP, } from './network/enums' const fetch = fetchWithTimeout({ timeout: 30000, }) /** * This controller is responsible for retrieving incoming transactions. Etherscan is polled once every block to check * for new incoming transactions for the current selected account on the current network * * Note that only the built-in Infura networks are supported (i.e. anything in `INFURA_PROVIDER_TYPES`). We will not * attempt to retrieve incoming transactions on any custom RPC endpoints. */ export default class IncomingTransactionsController { constructor (opts = {}) { const { blockTracker, networkController, preferencesController, } = opts this.blockTracker = blockTracker this.networkController = networkController this.preferencesController = preferencesController this.getCurrentNetwork = () => networkController.getProviderConfig().type this._onLatestBlock = async (newBlockNumberHex) => { const selectedAddress = this.preferencesController.getSelectedAddress() const newBlockNumberDec = parseInt(newBlockNumberHex, 16) await this._update({ address: selectedAddress, newBlockNumberDec, }) } const initState = { incomingTransactions: {}, incomingTxLastFetchedBlocksByNetwork: { [ROPSTEN]: null, [RINKEBY]: null, [KOVAN]: null, [GOERLI]: null, [MAINNET]: null, }, ...opts.initState, } = new ObservableStore(initState), currState) => { const { featureFlags: { showIncomingTransactions: prevShowIncomingTransactions } = {} } = prevState const { featureFlags: { showIncomingTransactions: currShowIncomingTransactions } = {} } = currState if (currShowIncomingTransactions === prevShowIncomingTransactions) { return } if (prevShowIncomingTransactions && !currShowIncomingTransactions) { this.stop() return } this.start() })) (prevState, currState) => { const { selectedAddress: prevSelectedAddress } = prevState const { selectedAddress: currSelectedAddress } = currState if (currSelectedAddress === prevSelectedAddress) { return } await this._update({ address: currSelectedAddress, }) })) this.networkController.on('networkDidChange', async (newType) => { const address = this.preferencesController.getSelectedAddress() await this._update({ address, networkType: newType, }) }) } start () { const { featureFlags = {} } = const { showIncomingTransactions } = featureFlags if (!showIncomingTransactions) { return } this.blockTracker.removeListener('latest', this._onLatestBlock) this.blockTracker.addListener('latest', this._onLatestBlock) } stop () { this.blockTracker.removeListener('latest', this._onLatestBlock) } async _update ({ address, newBlockNumberDec, networkType } = {}) { try { const dataForUpdate = await this._getDataForUpdate({ address, newBlockNumberDec, networkType }) await this._updateStateWithNewTxData(dataForUpdate) } catch (err) { log.error(err) } } async _getDataForUpdate ({ address, newBlockNumberDec, networkType } = {}) { const { incomingTransactions: currentIncomingTxs, incomingTxLastFetchedBlocksByNetwork: currentBlocksByNetwork, } = const network = networkType || this.getCurrentNetwork() const lastFetchBlockByCurrentNetwork = currentBlocksByNetwork[network] let blockToFetchFrom = lastFetchBlockByCurrentNetwork || newBlockNumberDec if (blockToFetchFrom === undefined) { blockToFetchFrom = parseInt(this.blockTracker.getCurrentBlock(), 16) } const { latestIncomingTxBlockNumber, txs: newTxs } = await this._fetchAll(address, blockToFetchFrom, network) return { latestIncomingTxBlockNumber, newTxs, currentIncomingTxs, currentBlocksByNetwork, fetchedBlockNumber: blockToFetchFrom, network, } } async _updateStateWithNewTxData ({ latestIncomingTxBlockNumber, newTxs, currentIncomingTxs, currentBlocksByNetwork, fetchedBlockNumber, network, }) { const newLatestBlockHashByNetwork = latestIncomingTxBlockNumber ? parseInt(latestIncomingTxBlockNumber, 10) + 1 : fetchedBlockNumber + 1 const newIncomingTransactions = { ...currentIncomingTxs, } newTxs.forEach((tx) => { newIncomingTransactions[tx.hash] = tx }){ incomingTxLastFetchedBlocksByNetwork: { ...currentBlocksByNetwork, [network]: newLatestBlockHashByNetwork, }, incomingTransactions: newIncomingTransactions, }) } async _fetchAll (address, fromBlock, networkType) { const fetchedTxResponse = await this._fetchTxs(address, fromBlock, networkType) return this._processTxFetchResponse(fetchedTxResponse) } async _fetchTxs (address, fromBlock, networkType) { let etherscanSubdomain = 'api' const currentNetworkID = NETWORK_TYPE_TO_ID_MAP[networkType]?.networkId if (!currentNetworkID) { return {} } if (networkType !== MAINNET) { etherscanSubdomain = `api-${networkType}` } const apiUrl = `https://${etherscanSubdomain}` let url = `${apiUrl}/api?module=account&action=txlist&address=${address}&tag=latest&page=1` if (fromBlock) { url += `&startBlock=${parseInt(fromBlock, 10)}` } const response = await fetch(url) const parsedResponse = await response.json() return { ...parsedResponse, address, currentNetworkID, } } _processTxFetchResponse ({ status, result = [], address, currentNetworkID }) { if (status === '1' && Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0) { const remoteTxList = {} const remoteTxs = [] result.forEach((tx) => { if (!remoteTxList[tx.hash]) { remoteTxs.push(this._normalizeTxFromEtherscan(tx, currentNetworkID)) remoteTxList[tx.hash] = 1 } }) const incomingTxs = remoteTxs.filter((tx) => && === address.toLowerCase()) incomingTxs.sort((a, b) => (a.time < b.time ? -1 : 1)) let latestIncomingTxBlockNumber = null incomingTxs.forEach((tx) => { if ( tx.blockNumber && (!latestIncomingTxBlockNumber || parseInt(latestIncomingTxBlockNumber, 10) < parseInt(tx.blockNumber, 10)) ) { latestIncomingTxBlockNumber = tx.blockNumber } }) return { latestIncomingTxBlockNumber, txs: incomingTxs, } } return { latestIncomingTxBlockNumber: null, txs: [], } } _normalizeTxFromEtherscan (txMeta, currentNetworkID) { const time = parseInt(txMeta.timeStamp, 10) * 1000 const status = txMeta.isError === '0' ? 'confirmed' : 'failed' return { blockNumber: txMeta.blockNumber, id: createId(), metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkID, status, time, txParams: { from: txMeta.from, gas: bnToHex(new BN(txMeta.gas)), gasPrice: bnToHex(new BN(txMeta.gasPrice)), nonce: bnToHex(new BN(txMeta.nonce)), to:, value: bnToHex(new BN(txMeta.value)), }, hash: txMeta.hash, transactionCategory: 'incoming', } } } function pairwise (fn) { let first = true let cache return (value) => { try { if (first) { first = false return fn(value, value) } return fn(cache, value) } finally { cache = value } } }