import { RESIZE, TYPOGRAPHY, } from '../../../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import ZENDESK_URLS from '../../../../../helpers/constants/zendesk-url'; function getValues(pendingApproval, t, actions) { const { title, description, textAreaContent } = pendingApproval.requestData; return { content: [ { element: 'Typography', key: 'title', children: title, props: { variant: TYPOGRAPHY.H3, align: 'center', fontWeight: 'bold', boxProps: { margin: [0, 0, 4], }, }, }, ...(description ? [ { element: 'Typography', key: 'subtitle', children: description, props: { variant: TYPOGRAPHY.H6, align: 'center', boxProps: { margin: [0, 0, 4], }, }, }, ] : []), ...(textAreaContent ? [ { element: 'div', key: 'text-area', children: { element: 'TextArea', props: { // TODO(ritave): Terrible hard-coded height hack. Fixing this to adjust automatically to current window height would // mean allowing template compoments to change global css, and since the intended use of the template // renderer was to allow users to build their own UIs, this would be a big no-no. height: '238px', value: textAreaContent, readOnly: true, resize: RESIZE.VERTICAL, scrollable: true, className: 'text', }, }, props: { className: 'snap-confirm', }, }, ] : []), { element: 'Typography', key: 'only-interact-with-entities-you-trust', children: [ { element: 'span', key: 'only-connect-trust', children: `${t('onlyConnectTrust')} `, }, { element: 'a', children: t('learnMoreUpperCase'), key: 'learnMore-a-href', props: { href: ZENDESK_URLS.USER_GUIDE_DAPPS, target: '__blank', }, }, ], props: { variant: TYPOGRAPHY.H7, align: 'center', boxProps: { margin: 0, }, }, }, ], approvalText: t('approveButtonText'), cancelText: t('reject'), onApprove: () => actions.resolvePendingApproval(, true), onCancel: () => actions.resolvePendingApproval(, false), }; } const snapConfirm = { getValues, }; export default snapConfirm;