/** * A string representing the type of environment the application is currently running in * popup - When the user click's the icon in their browser's extension bar; the default view * notification - When the extension opens due to interaction with a Web3 enabled website * fullscreen - When the user clicks 'expand view' to open the extension in a new tab * background - The background process that powers the extension * @typedef {'popup' | 'notification' | 'fullscreen' | 'background'} EnvironmentType */ export const ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP = 'popup'; export const ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION = 'notification'; export const ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN = 'fullscreen'; export const ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_BACKGROUND = 'background'; /** * The distribution this build is intended for. * * This should be kept in-sync with the `BuildType` map in `development/build/utils.js`. */ export const BuildType = { beta: 'beta', flask: 'flask', main: 'main', }; export const PLATFORM_BRAVE = 'Brave'; export const PLATFORM_CHROME = 'Chrome'; export const PLATFORM_EDGE = 'Edge'; export const PLATFORM_FIREFOX = 'Firefox'; export const PLATFORM_OPERA = 'Opera'; export const MESSAGE_TYPE = { ADD_ETHEREUM_CHAIN: 'wallet_addEthereumChain', ETH_ACCOUNTS: 'eth_accounts', ETH_DECRYPT: 'eth_decrypt', ETH_GET_ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY: 'eth_getEncryptionPublicKey', ETH_REQUEST_ACCOUNTS: 'eth_requestAccounts', ETH_SIGN: 'eth_sign', ETH_SIGN_TYPED_DATA: 'eth_signTypedData', GET_PROVIDER_STATE: 'metamask_getProviderState', LOG_WEB3_SHIM_USAGE: 'metamask_logWeb3ShimUsage', PERSONAL_SIGN: 'personal_sign', SEND_METADATA: 'metamask_sendDomainMetadata', SWITCH_ETHEREUM_CHAIN: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain', WATCH_ASSET: 'wallet_watchAsset', WATCH_ASSET_LEGACY: 'metamask_watchAsset', }; export const POLLING_TOKEN_ENVIRONMENT_TYPES = { [ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP]: 'popupGasPollTokens', [ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION]: 'notificationGasPollTokens', [ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN]: 'fullScreenGasPollTokens', };