const Component = require('react').Component const connect = require('react-redux').connect const h = require('react-hyperscript') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const inherits = require('util').inherits const actions = require('../../actions') const selectors = require('../../selectors') // const BalanceComponent = require('./balance-component') const Identicon = require('../identicon') const TokenBalance = require('../token-balance') const CurrencyToggle = require('../send/currency-toggle') const GasTooltip = require('../send/gas-tooltip') const GasFeeDisplay = require('../send/gas-fee-display') module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(SendTokenScreen) function mapStateToProps (state) { // const sidebarOpen = state.appState.sidebarOpen const identities = state.metamask.identities const addressBook = state.metamask.addressBook const conversionRate = state.metamask.conversionRate const currentBlockGasLimit = state.metamask.currentBlockGasLimit // const accounts = state.metamask.accounts // const network = const selectedTokenAddress = state.metamask.selectedTokenAddress // const selectedAddress = state.metamask.selectedAddress || Object.keys(accounts)[0] // const checksumAddress = selectedAddress && ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(selectedAddress) // const identity = identities[selectedAddress] return { // sidebarOpen, // selectedAddress, // checksumAddress, selectedTokenAddress, identities, addressBook, conversionRate, currentBlockGasLimit, selectedToken: selectors.getSelectedToken(state), // selectedToken: selectors.getSelectedToken(state), // identity, // network, } } function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) { return { // showSidebar: () => { dispatch(actions.showSidebar()) }, // hideSidebar: () => { dispatch(actions.hideSidebar()) }, // showModal: (payload) => { dispatch(actions.showModal(payload)) }, // showSendPage: () => { dispatch(actions.showSendPage()) }, // showSendTokenPage: () => { dispatch(actions.showSendTokenPage()) }, } } inherits(SendTokenScreen, Component) function SendTokenScreen () { this.state = { to: '', selectedCurrency: 'USD', isGasTooltipOpen: false, gasPrice: '0x5d21dba00', gasLimit: '0x7b0d', } } SendTokenScreen.prototype.renderToAddressInput = function () { const { identities, addressBook, } = this.props const { to, } = this.state return h('div.send-screen-input-wrapper', {}, [ h('div', ['To:']), h('input.large-input.send-screen-input', { name: 'address', list: 'addresses', placeholder: 'Address', value: to, onChange: e => this.setState({ to: }), }), h('datalist#addresses', [ // Corresponds to the addresses owned. Object.entries(identities).map(([key, { address, name }]) => { return h('option', { value: address, label: name, key: address, }) }),{ address, name }) => { return h('option', { value: address, label: name, key: address, }) }), ]), ]) } SendTokenScreen.prototype.renderAmountInput = function () { const { selectedCurrency, } = this.state const { selectedToken: {symbol}, } = this.props return h('div.send-screen-input-wrapper', {}, [ h('div.send-screen-amount-labels', [ h('span', ['Amount']), h(CurrencyToggle, { selectedCurrency, onClick: currency => this.setState({ selectedCurrency: currency }), }), ]), h('input.large-input.send-screen-input', { placeholder: `0 ${symbol}`, type: 'number', onChange: e => this.setState({ amount: }), }), ]) } SendTokenScreen.prototype.renderGasInput = function () { const { isGasTooltipOpen, gasPrice, gasLimit, selectedCurrency, } = this.state const { conversionRate, currentBlockGasLimit, } = this.props return h('div.send-screen-input-wrapper', [ isGasTooltipOpen && h(GasTooltip, { className: 'send-tooltip', gasPrice, gasLimit, onClose: () => this.setState({ isGasTooltipOpen: false }), onFeeChange: ({ gasLimit, gasPrice }) => { this.setState({ gasLimit, gasPrice }) }, }), h('div.send-screen-gas-labels', {}, [ h('span', [ h('i.fa.fa-bolt'), 'Gas fee:']), h('span', ['What\'s this?']), ]), h('div.large-input.send-screen-gas-input', [ h(GasFeeDisplay, { conversionRate, gasPrice, currentCurrency: selectedCurrency, gas: gasLimit, blockGasLimit: currentBlockGasLimit, }), h( 'div.send-screen-gas-input-customize', { onClick: () => this.setState({ isGasTooltipOpen: !isGasTooltipOpen }) }, ['Customize'] ), ]), ]) } SendTokenScreen.prototype.renderMemoInput = function () { return h('div.send-screen-input-wrapper', {}, [ h('div', {}, ['Transaction memo (optional)']), h( 'input.large-input.send-screen-input', { onChange: e => this.setState({ memo: }) } ), ]) } SendTokenScreen.prototype.render = function () { const { selectedTokenAddress, selectedToken, } = this.props return h('div.send-token', [ h(Identicon, { diameter: 75, address: selectedTokenAddress, }), h('div.send-token__title', ['Send Tokens']), h('div.send-token__description', ['Send Tokens to anyone with an Ethereum account']), h('div.send-token__balance-text', ['Your Token Balance is:']), h('div.send-token__token-balance', [ h(TokenBalance, { token: selectedToken, balanceOnly: true }), ]), h('div.send-token__token-symbol', [selectedToken.symbol]), this.renderToAddressInput(), this.renderAmountInput(), this.renderGasInput(), this.renderMemoInput(), ]) }