#!/usr/bin/env bash # Print commands and their arguments as they are executed. set -x # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status. set -e yarn --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts --har # Move HAR file into directory with consistent name so that we can cache it mkdir -p build-artifacts/yarn-install-har har_files=(./*.har) if [[ -f "${har_files[0]}" ]] then mv ./*.har build-artifacts/yarn-install-har/ fi # run each in subshell so directory change does not persist # scripts can be any of: # preinstall # install # postinstall # for build (cd node_modules/node-sass && yarn run postinstall) (cd node_modules/optipng-bin && yarn run postinstall) (cd node_modules/gifsicle && yarn run postinstall) (cd node_modules/jpegtran-bin && yarn run postinstall) # for test (cd node_modules/scrypt && yarn run install) (cd node_modules/weak && yarn run install) (cd node_modules/chromedriver && yarn run install) (cd node_modules/geckodriver && yarn run postinstall) # for release (cd node_modules/@sentry/cli && yarn run install)