const inherits = require('util').inherits const Component = require('react').Component const h = require('react-hyperscript') const metamaskLogo = require('metamask-logo') const debounce = require('debounce') module.exports = Mascot inherits(Mascot, Component) function Mascot ({width = '200', height = '200'}) { this.logo = metamaskLogo({ followMouse: true, pxNotRatio: true, width, height, }) this.refollowMouse = debounce(this.logo.setFollowMouse.bind(this.logo, true), 1000) this.unfollowMouse = this.logo.setFollowMouse.bind(this.logo, false) } Mascot.prototype.render = function () { // this is a bit hacky // the event emitter is on `this.props` // and we dont get that until render this.handleAnimationEvents() return h('#metamask-mascot-container', { style: { zIndex: 0 }, }) } Mascot.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { var targetDivId = 'metamask-mascot-container' var container = document.getElementById(targetDivId) container.appendChild(this.logo.container) } Mascot.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this.animations = this.props.animationEventEmitter this.animations.removeAllListeners() this.logo.container.remove() this.logo.stopAnimation() } Mascot.prototype.handleAnimationEvents = function () { // only setup listeners once if (this.animations) return this.animations = this.props.animationEventEmitter this.animations.on('point', this.lookAt.bind(this)) this.animations.on('setFollowMouse', this.logo.setFollowMouse.bind(this.logo)) } Mascot.prototype.lookAt = function (target) { this.unfollowMouse() this.logo.lookAt(target) this.refollowMouse() }