// polyfills import 'abortcontroller-polyfill/dist/polyfill-patch-fetch' import '@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/polyfill' import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import PortStream from 'extension-port-stream' import extension from 'extensionizer' import Dnode from 'dnode' import Eth from 'ethjs' import EthQuery from 'eth-query' import StreamProvider from 'web3-stream-provider' import log from 'loglevel' import launchMetaMaskUi from '../../ui' import { ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN, ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP, } from '../../shared/constants/app' import ExtensionPlatform from './platforms/extension' import { setupMultiplex } from './lib/stream-utils' import { getEnvironmentType } from './lib/util' start().catch(log.error) async function start() { // create platform global global.platform = new ExtensionPlatform() // identify window type (popup, notification) const windowType = getEnvironmentType() // setup stream to background const extensionPort = extension.runtime.connect({ name: windowType }) const connectionStream = new PortStream(extensionPort) const activeTab = await queryCurrentActiveTab(windowType) initializeUiWithTab(activeTab) function displayCriticalError(container, err) { container.innerHTML = '
The MetaMask app failed to load: please open and close MetaMask again to restart.
' container.style.height = '80px' log.error(err.stack) throw err } function initializeUiWithTab(tab) { const container = document.getElementById('app-content') initializeUi(tab, container, connectionStream, (err, store) => { if (err) { displayCriticalError(container, err) return } const state = store.getState() const { metamask: { completedOnboarding } = {} } = state if (!completedOnboarding && windowType !== ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_FULLSCREEN) { global.platform.openExtensionInBrowser() } }) } } async function queryCurrentActiveTab(windowType) { return new Promise((resolve) => { // At the time of writing we only have the `activeTab` permission which means // that this query will only succeed in the popup context (i.e. after a "browserAction") if (windowType !== ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP) { resolve({}) return } extension.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, (tabs) => { const [activeTab] = tabs const { id, title, url } = activeTab const { origin, protocol } = url ? new URL(url) : {} if (!origin || origin === 'null') { resolve({}) return } resolve({ id, title, origin, protocol, url }) }) }) } function initializeUi(activeTab, container, connectionStream, cb) { connectToAccountManager(connectionStream, (err, backgroundConnection) => { if (err) { cb(err) return } launchMetaMaskUi( { activeTab, container, backgroundConnection, }, cb, ) }) } /** * Establishes a connection to the background and a Web3 provider * * @param {PortDuplexStream} connectionStream - PortStream instance establishing a background connection * @param {Function} cb - Called when controller connection is established */ function connectToAccountManager(connectionStream, cb) { const mx = setupMultiplex(connectionStream) setupControllerConnection(mx.createStream('controller'), cb) setupWeb3Connection(mx.createStream('provider')) } /** * Establishes a streamed connection to a Web3 provider * * @param {PortDuplexStream} connectionStream - PortStream instance establishing a background connection */ function setupWeb3Connection(connectionStream) { const providerStream = new StreamProvider() providerStream.pipe(connectionStream).pipe(providerStream) connectionStream.on('error', console.error.bind(console)) providerStream.on('error', console.error.bind(console)) global.ethereumProvider = providerStream global.ethQuery = new EthQuery(providerStream) global.eth = new Eth(providerStream) } /** * Establishes a streamed connection to the background account manager * * @param {PortDuplexStream} connectionStream - PortStream instance establishing a background connection * @param {Function} cb - Called when the remote account manager connection is established */ function setupControllerConnection(connectionStream, cb) { const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter() // the "weak: false" option is for nodejs only (eg unit tests) // it is a workaround for node v12 support const backgroundDnode = Dnode( { sendUpdate(state) { eventEmitter.emit('update', state) }, }, { weak: false }, ) connectionStream.pipe(backgroundDnode).pipe(connectionStream) backgroundDnode.once('remote', function (backgroundConnection) { backgroundConnection.on = eventEmitter.on.bind(eventEmitter) cb(null, backgroundConnection) }) }