import assert from 'assert' import reduceApp from '../../../../../ui/app/ducks/app/app' import { actionConstants } from '../../../../../ui/app/store/actions' const actions = actionConstants describe('App State', function () { const metamaskState = { selectedAddress: '0xAddress', identities: { '0xAddress': { name: 'account 1', address: '0xAddress', }, }, } it('App init state', function () { const initState = reduceApp(metamaskState, {}) assert(initState) }) it('sets networkDropdownOpen dropdown to true', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.NETWORK_DROPDOWN_OPEN, }) assert.equal(state.networkDropdownOpen, true) }) it('sets networkDropdownOpen dropdown to false', function () { const dropdown = { networkDropdowopen: true } const state = { ...metamaskState, ...dropdown } const newState = reduceApp(state, { type: actions.NETWORK_DROPDOWN_CLOSE, }) assert.equal(newState.networkDropdownOpen, false) }) it('opens sidebar', function () { const value = { 'transitionName': 'sidebar-right', 'type': 'wallet-view', 'isOpen': true, } const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SIDEBAR_OPEN, value, }) assert.deepEqual(state.sidebar, value) }) it('closes sidebar', function () { const openSidebar = { sidebar: { isOpen: true } } const state = { ...metamaskState, ...openSidebar } const newState = reduceApp(state, { type: actions.SIDEBAR_CLOSE, }) assert.equal(newState.sidebar.isOpen, false) }) it('opens alert', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.ALERT_OPEN, value: 'test message', }) assert.equal(state.alertOpen, true) assert.equal(state.alertMessage, 'test message') }) it('closes alert', function () { const alert = { alertOpen: true, alertMessage: 'test message' } const state = { ...metamaskState, ...alert } const newState = reduceApp(state, { type: actions.ALERT_CLOSE, }) assert.equal(newState.alertOpen, false) assert.equal(newState.alertMessage, null) }) it('detects qr code data', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.QR_CODE_DETECTED, value: 'qr data', }) assert.equal(state.qrCodeData, 'qr data') }) it('opens modal', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.MODAL_OPEN, payload: { name: 'test', }, }) assert.equal(, true) assert.equal(, 'test') }) it('closes modal, but moves open modal state to previous modal state', function () { const opensModal = { modal: { open: true, modalState: { name: 'test', }, }, } const state = { ...metamaskState, appState: { ...opensModal } } const newState = reduceApp(state, { type: actions.MODAL_CLOSE, }) assert.equal(, false) assert.equal(, null) }) it('transitions forwards', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.TRANSITION_FORWARD, }) assert.equal(state.transForward, true) }) it('shows send token page', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SHOW_SEND_TOKEN_PAGE, }) assert.equal(state.transForward, true) assert.equal(state.warning, null) }) it('unlocks Metamask', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.UNLOCK_METAMASK, }) assert.equal(state.forgottenPassword, null) assert.deepEqual(state.detailView, {}) assert.equal(state.transForward, true) assert.equal(state.warning, null) }) it('locks Metamask', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.LOCK_METAMASK, }) assert.equal(state.transForward, false) assert.equal(state.warning, null) }) it('goes home', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.GO_HOME, }) assert.equal(state.accountDetail.subview, 'transactions') assert.equal(state.accountDetail.accountExport, 'none') assert.equal(state.accountDetail.privateKey, '') assert.equal(state.transForward, false) assert.equal(state.warning, null) }) it('shows account detail', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAIL, value: 'context address', }) assert.equal(state.forgottenPassword, null) // default assert.equal(state.accountDetail.subview, 'transactions') // default assert.equal(state.accountDetail.accountExport, 'none') // default assert.equal(state.accountDetail.privateKey, '') // default assert.equal(state.transForward, false) }) it('shoes account page', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SHOW_ACCOUNTS_PAGE, }) assert.equal(state.transForward, true) assert.equal(state.isLoading, false) assert.equal(state.warning, null) assert.equal(state.scrollToBottom, false) assert.equal(state.forgottenPassword, false) }) it('shows confirm tx page', function () { const txs = { unapprovedTxs: { 1: { id: 1, }, 2: { id: 2, }, }, } const oldState = { ...metamaskState, ...txs } const state = reduceApp(oldState, { type: actions.SHOW_CONF_TX_PAGE, id: 2, transForward: false, }) assert.equal(state.txId, 2) assert.equal(state.transForward, false) assert.equal(state.warning, null) assert.equal(state.isLoading, false) }) it('completes tx continues to show pending txs current view context', function () { const txs = { unapprovedTxs: { 1: { id: 1, }, 2: { id: 2, }, }, } const oldState = { ...metamaskState, ...txs } const state = reduceApp(oldState, { type: actions.COMPLETED_TX, value: { id: 1, }, }) assert.equal(state.txId, null) assert.equal(state.transForward, false) assert.equal(state.warning, null) }) it('returns to account detail page when no unconf actions completed tx', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.COMPLETED_TX, value: { unconfirmedActionsCount: 0, }, }) assert.equal(state.transForward, false) assert.equal(state.warning, null) assert.equal(state.accountDetail.subview, 'transactions') }) it('sets default warning when unlock fails', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.UNLOCK_FAILED, }) assert.equal(state.warning, 'Incorrect password. Try again.') }) it('sets errors when unlock fails', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.UNLOCK_FAILED, value: 'errors', }) assert.equal(state.warning, 'errors') }) it('sets warning to empty string when unlock succeeds', function () { const errorState = { warning: 'errors' } const oldState = { ...metamaskState, ...errorState } const state = reduceApp(oldState, { type: actions.UNLOCK_SUCCEEDED, }) assert.equal(state.warning, '') }) it('sets hardware wallet default hd path', function () { const hdPaths = { trezor: "m/44'/60'/0'/0", ledger: "m/44'/60'/0'", } const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SET_HARDWARE_WALLET_DEFAULT_HD_PATH, value: { device: 'ledger', path: "m/44'/60'/0'", }, }) assert.deepEqual(state.defaultHdPaths, hdPaths) }) it('shows loading message', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SHOW_LOADING, value: 'loading', }) assert.equal(state.isLoading, true) assert.equal(state.loadingMessage, 'loading') }) it('hides loading message', function () { const loadingState = { isLoading: true } const oldState = { ...metamaskState, ...loadingState } const state = reduceApp(oldState, { type: actions.HIDE_LOADING, }) assert.equal(state.isLoading, false) }) it('shows sub loading indicator', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SHOW_SUB_LOADING_INDICATION, }) assert.equal(state.isSubLoading, true) }) it('hides sub loading indicator', function () { const oldState = { ...metamaskState, isSubLoading: true } const state = reduceApp(oldState, { type: actions.HIDE_SUB_LOADING_INDICATION, }) assert.equal(state.isSubLoading, false) }) it('displays warning', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.DISPLAY_WARNING, value: 'warning', }) assert.equal(state.isLoading, false) assert.equal(state.warning, 'warning') }) it('hides warning', function () { const displayWarningState = { warning: 'warning' } const oldState = { ...metamaskState, ...displayWarningState } const state = reduceApp(oldState, { type: actions.HIDE_WARNING, }) assert.equal(state.warning, undefined) }) it('shows private key', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SHOW_PRIVATE_KEY, value: 'private key', }) assert.equal(state.accountDetail.subview, 'export') assert.equal(state.accountDetail.accountExport, 'completed') assert.equal(state.accountDetail.privateKey, 'private key') }) it('updates pair', function () { const coinOptions = { BTC: { symbol: 'BTC', name: 'Bitcoin', image: '', imageSmall: '', status: 'available', minerFee: 0.00025, }, } const appState = { buyView: { buyAddress: '0xAddress', amount: '12.00', formView: { coinOptions, }, }, } const marketinfo = { pair: 'BTC_ETH', rate: 28.91191106, minerFee: 0.0022, limit: 0.76617432, minimum: 0.00015323, maxLimit: 0.76617432, } const oldState = { ...metamaskState, ...appState } const state = reduceApp(oldState, { type: actions.PAIR_UPDATE, value: { marketinfo, }, }) assert.equal(state.buyView.subview, 'ShapeShift') assert.equal(state.buyView.formView.shapeshift, true) assert.deepEqual(state.buyView.formView.marketinfo, marketinfo) assert.deepEqual(state.buyView.formView.coinOptions, coinOptions) assert.equal(state.buyView.buyAddress, '0xAddress') assert.equal(state.buyView.amount, '12.00') }) it('shows QR', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SHOW_QR, value: { message: 'message', data: 'data', }, }) assert.equal(state.qrRequested, true) assert.equal(state.transForward, true) assert.equal(state.Qr.message, 'message') assert.equal(, 'data') }) it('shows qr view', function () { const appState = { currentView: { context: 'accounts', }, } const oldState = { ...metamaskState, ...appState } const state = reduceApp(oldState, { type: actions.SHOW_QR_VIEW, value: { message: 'message', data: 'data', }, }) assert.equal(state.transForward, true) assert.equal(state.Qr.message, 'message') assert.equal(, 'data') }) it('set mouse user state', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SET_MOUSE_USER_STATE, value: true, }) assert.equal(state.isMouseUser, true) }) it('sets gas loading', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.GAS_LOADING_STARTED, }) assert.equal(state.gasIsLoading, true) }) it('unsets gas loading', function () { const gasLoadingState = { gasIsLoading: true } const oldState = { ...metamaskState, ...gasLoadingState } const state = reduceApp(oldState, { type: actions.GAS_LOADING_FINISHED, }) assert.equal(state.gasIsLoading, false) }) it('sets network nonce', function () { const state = reduceApp(metamaskState, { type: actions.SET_NETWORK_NONCE, value: '33', }) assert.equal(state.networkNonce, '33') }) })