import React from 'react' import assert from 'assert' import { shallow } from 'enzyme' import sinon from 'sinon' import { CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ROUTE, DEFAULT_ROUTE } from '../../../../helpers/constants/routes' import SendFooter from '../send-footer.component.js' import PageContainerFooter from '../../../../components/ui/page-container/page-container-footer' describe('SendFooter Component', function () { let wrapper const propsMethodSpies = { addToAddressBookIfNew: sinon.spy(), clearSend: sinon.spy(), sign: sinon.spy(), update: sinon.spy(), } const historySpies = { push: sinon.spy(), } const MOCK_EVENT = { preventDefault: () => {} } before(function () { sinon.spy(SendFooter.prototype, 'onCancel') sinon.spy(SendFooter.prototype, 'onSubmit') }) beforeEach(function () { wrapper = shallow(( ), { context: { t: (str) => str, metricsEvent: () => ({}) } }) }) afterEach(function () { propsMethodSpies.clearSend.resetHistory() propsMethodSpies.addToAddressBookIfNew.resetHistory() propsMethodSpies.clearSend.resetHistory() propsMethodSpies.sign.resetHistory() propsMethodSpies.update.resetHistory() historySpies.push.resetHistory() SendFooter.prototype.onCancel.resetHistory() SendFooter.prototype.onSubmit.resetHistory() }) after(function () { sinon.restore() }) describe('onCancel', function () { it('should call clearSend', function () { assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.clearSend.callCount, 0) wrapper.instance().onCancel() assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.clearSend.callCount, 1) }) it('should call history.push', function () { assert.equal(historySpies.push.callCount, 0) wrapper.instance().onCancel() assert.equal(historySpies.push.callCount, 1) assert.equal(historySpies.push.getCall(0).args[0], DEFAULT_ROUTE) }) }) describe('formShouldBeDisabled()', function () { const config = { 'should return true if inError is truthy': { inError: true, expectedResult: true, gasIsLoading: false, }, 'should return true if gasTotal is falsy': { inError: false, gasTotal: '', expectedResult: true, gasIsLoading: false, }, 'should return true if to is truthy': { to: '0xsomevalidAddress', inError: false, gasTotal: '', expectedResult: true, gasIsLoading: false, }, 'should return true if selectedToken is truthy and tokenBalance is falsy': { selectedToken: { mockProp: 'mockSelectedTokenProp' }, tokenBalance: '', expectedResult: true, gasIsLoading: false, }, 'should return true if gasIsLoading is truthy but all other params are falsy': { inError: false, gasTotal: '', selectedToken: null, tokenBalance: '', expectedResult: true, gasIsLoading: true, }, 'should return false if inError is false and all other params are truthy': { inError: false, gasTotal: '0x123', selectedToken: { mockProp: 'mockSelectedTokenProp' }, tokenBalance: '123', expectedResult: false, gasIsLoading: false, }, } Object.entries(config).map(([description, obj]) => { it(description, function () { wrapper.setProps(obj) assert.equal(wrapper.instance().formShouldBeDisabled(), obj.expectedResult) }) }) }) describe('onSubmit', function () { it('should call addToAddressBookIfNew with the correct params', function () { wrapper.instance().onSubmit(MOCK_EVENT) assert(propsMethodSpies.addToAddressBookIfNew.calledOnce) assert.deepEqual( propsMethodSpies.addToAddressBookIfNew.getCall(0).args, ['mockTo', ['mockAccount']] ) }) it('should call props.update if editingTransactionId is truthy', async function () { await wrapper.instance().onSubmit(MOCK_EVENT) assert(propsMethodSpies.update.calledOnce) assert.deepEqual( propsMethodSpies.update.getCall(0).args[0], { data: undefined, amount: 'mockAmount', editingTransactionId: 'mockEditingTransactionId', from: 'mockAddress', gas: 'mockGasLimit', gasPrice: 'mockGasPrice', selectedToken: { mockProp: 'mockSelectedTokenProp' }, to: 'mockTo', unapprovedTxs: {}, } ) }) it('should not call props.sign if editingTransactionId is truthy', function () { assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.sign.callCount, 0) }) it('should call props.sign if editingTransactionId is falsy', async function () { wrapper.setProps({ editingTransactionId: null }) await wrapper.instance().onSubmit(MOCK_EVENT) assert(propsMethodSpies.sign.calledOnce) assert.deepEqual( propsMethodSpies.sign.getCall(0).args[0], { data: undefined, amount: 'mockAmount', from: 'mockAddress', gas: 'mockGasLimit', gasPrice: 'mockGasPrice', selectedToken: { mockProp: 'mockSelectedTokenProp' }, to: 'mockTo', } ) }) it('should not call props.update if editingTransactionId is falsy', function () { assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.update.callCount, 0) }) it('should call history.push', async function () { await wrapper.instance().onSubmit(MOCK_EVENT) assert.equal(historySpies.push.callCount, 1) assert.equal(historySpies.push.getCall(0).args[0], CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ROUTE) }) }) describe('render', function () { beforeEach(function () { sinon.stub(SendFooter.prototype, 'formShouldBeDisabled').returns(true) wrapper = shallow(( ), { context: { t: (str) => str, metricsEvent: () => ({}) } }) }) afterEach(function () { SendFooter.prototype.formShouldBeDisabled.restore() }) it('should render a PageContainerFooter component', function () { assert.equal(wrapper.find(PageContainerFooter).length, 1) }) it('should pass the correct props to PageContainerFooter', function () { const { onCancel, onSubmit, disabled, } = wrapper.find(PageContainerFooter).props() assert.equal(disabled, true) assert.equal(SendFooter.prototype.onSubmit.callCount, 0) onSubmit(MOCK_EVENT) assert.equal(SendFooter.prototype.onSubmit.callCount, 1) assert.equal(SendFooter.prototype.onCancel.callCount, 0) onCancel() assert.equal(SendFooter.prototype.onCancel.callCount, 1) }) }) })