const inherits = require('util').inherits const Component = require('react').Component const connect = require('react-redux').connect const { compose } = require('recompose') const { withRouter } = require('react-router-dom') const PropTypes = require('prop-types') const h = require('react-hyperscript') const actions = require('../../actions') const { Menu, Item, Divider, CloseArea } = require('../dropdowns/components/menu') const { ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP } = require('../../../../app/scripts/lib/enums') const { getEnvironmentType } = require('../../../../app/scripts/lib/util') const Tooltip = require('../tooltip') import Identicon from '../identicon' import UserPreferencedCurrencyDisplay from '../user-preferenced-currency-display' import { PRIMARY } from '../../constants/common' import { getMetaMaskAccounts } from '../../selectors' const { SETTINGS_ROUTE, INFO_ROUTE, NEW_ACCOUNT_ROUTE, IMPORT_ACCOUNT_ROUTE, CONNECT_HARDWARE_ROUTE, DEFAULT_ROUTE, } = require('../../routes') module.exports = compose( withRouter, connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) )(AccountMenu) AccountMenu.contextTypes = { t: PropTypes.func, } inherits(AccountMenu, Component) function AccountMenu () { } function mapStateToProps (state) { return { selectedAddress: state.metamask.selectedAddress, isAccountMenuOpen: state.metamask.isAccountMenuOpen, keyrings: state.metamask.keyrings, identities: state.metamask.identities, accounts: getMetaMaskAccounts(state), } } function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) { return { toggleAccountMenu: () => dispatch(actions.toggleAccountMenu()), showAccountDetail: address => { dispatch(actions.showAccountDetail(address)) dispatch(actions.hideSidebar()) dispatch(actions.toggleAccountMenu()) }, lockMetamask: () => { dispatch(actions.lockMetamask()) dispatch(actions.hideWarning()) dispatch(actions.hideSidebar()) dispatch(actions.toggleAccountMenu()) }, showConfigPage: () => { dispatch(actions.showConfigPage()) dispatch(actions.hideSidebar()) dispatch(actions.toggleAccountMenu()) }, showInfoPage: () => { dispatch(actions.showInfoPage()) dispatch(actions.hideSidebar()) dispatch(actions.toggleAccountMenu()) }, showRemoveAccountConfirmationModal: (identity) => { return dispatch(actions.showModal({ name: 'CONFIRM_REMOVE_ACCOUNT', identity })) }, } } AccountMenu.prototype.render = function () { const { isAccountMenuOpen, toggleAccountMenu, lockMetamask, history, } = this.props return h(Menu, { className: 'account-menu', isShowing: isAccountMenuOpen }, [ h(CloseArea, { onClick: toggleAccountMenu }), h(Item, { className: 'account-menu__header', }, [ this.context.t('myAccounts'), h('button.account-menu__logout-button', { onClick: () => { lockMetamask() history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE) }, }, this.context.t('logout')), ]), h(Divider), h('div.account-menu__accounts', this.renderAccounts()), h(Divider), h(Item, { onClick: () => { toggleAccountMenu() history.push(NEW_ACCOUNT_ROUTE) }, icon: h('img.account-menu__item-icon', { src: 'images/plus-btn-white.svg' }), text: this.context.t('createAccount'), }), h(Item, { onClick: () => { toggleAccountMenu() history.push(IMPORT_ACCOUNT_ROUTE) }, icon: h('img.account-menu__item-icon', { src: 'images/import-account.svg' }), text: this.context.t('importAccount'), }), h(Item, { onClick: () => { toggleAccountMenu() if (getEnvironmentType(window.location.href) === ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP) { global.platform.openExtensionInBrowser(CONNECT_HARDWARE_ROUTE) } else { history.push(CONNECT_HARDWARE_ROUTE) } }, icon: h('img.account-menu__item-icon', { src: 'images/connect-icon.svg' }), text: this.context.t('connectHardwareWallet'), }), h(Divider), h(Item, { onClick: () => { toggleAccountMenu() history.push(INFO_ROUTE) }, icon: h('img', { src: 'images/mm-info-icon.svg' }), text: this.context.t('infoHelp'), }), h(Item, { onClick: () => { toggleAccountMenu() history.push(SETTINGS_ROUTE) }, icon: h('img.account-menu__item-icon', { src: 'images/settings.svg' }), text: this.context.t('settings'), }), ]) } AccountMenu.prototype.renderAccounts = function () { const { identities, accounts, selectedAddress, keyrings, showAccountDetail, } = this.props const accountOrder = keyrings.reduce((list, keyring) => list.concat(keyring.accounts), []) return accountOrder.filter(address => !!identities[address]).map((address) => { const identity = identities[address] const isSelected = identity.address === selectedAddress const balanceValue = accounts[address] ? accounts[address].balance : '' const simpleAddress = identity.address.substring(2).toLowerCase() const keyring = keyrings.find((kr) => { return kr.accounts.includes(simpleAddress) || kr.accounts.includes(identity.address) }) return h( 'div.account-menu__account.menu__item--clickable', { onClick: () => showAccountDetail(identity.address) }, [ h('div.account-menu__check-mark', [ isSelected ? h('div.account-menu__check-mark-icon') : null, ]), h( Identicon, { address: identity.address, diameter: 24, }, ), h('div.account-menu__account-info', [ h('div.account-menu__name', || ''), h(UserPreferencedCurrencyDisplay, { className: 'account-menu__balance', value: balanceValue, type: PRIMARY, }), ]), this.renderKeyringType(keyring), this.renderRemoveAccount(keyring, identity), ], ) }) } AccountMenu.prototype.renderRemoveAccount = function (keyring, identity) { // Any account that's not from the HD wallet Keyring can be removed const type = keyring.type const isRemovable = type !== 'HD Key Tree' if (isRemovable) { return h(Tooltip, { title: this.context.t('removeAccount'), position: 'bottom', }, [ h('a.remove-account-icon', { onClick: (e) => this.removeAccount(e, identity), }, ''), ]) } return null } AccountMenu.prototype.removeAccount = function (e, identity) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() const { showRemoveAccountConfirmationModal } = this.props showRemoveAccountConfirmationModal(identity) } AccountMenu.prototype.renderKeyringType = function (keyring) { try { // Sometimes keyrings aren't loaded yet: const type = keyring.type let label switch (type) { case 'Trezor Hardware': case 'Ledger Hardware': label = this.context.t('hardware') break case 'Simple Key Pair': label = this.context.t('imported') break default: label = '' } return label !== '' ? h('.keyring-label.allcaps', label) : null } catch (e) { return } }