import { useMemo } from 'react'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import contractMap from '@metamask/contract-metadata'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import { isEqual, shuffle, uniqBy } from 'lodash'; import { getTokenFiatAmount } from '../helpers/utils/token-util'; import { getTokenExchangeRates, getCurrentCurrency, getSwapsDefaultToken, getCurrentChainId, getUseTokenDetection, getTokenList, } from '../selectors'; import { getConversionRate } from '../ducks/metamask/metamask'; import { getSwapsTokens } from '../ducks/swaps/swaps'; import { isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol } from '../../shared/modules/swaps.utils'; import { useEqualityCheck } from './useEqualityCheck'; const shuffledContractMap = shuffle( Object.entries(contractMap) .map(([address, tokenData]) => ({ ...tokenData, address: address.toLowerCase(), })) .filter((tokenData) => Boolean(tokenData.erc20)), ); export function getRenderableTokenData( token, contractExchangeRates, conversionRate, currentCurrency, chainId, tokenList, useTokenDetection, ) { const { symbol, name, address, iconUrl, string, balance, decimals } = token; // token from dynamic api list is fetched when useTokenDetection is true // And since the token.address from allTokens is checksumaddress // token Address have to be changed to lowercase when we are using dynamic list const tokenAddress = useTokenDetection ? address?.toLowerCase() : address; const formattedFiat = getTokenFiatAmount( isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol(symbol, chainId) ? 1 : contractExchangeRates[address], conversionRate, currentCurrency, string, symbol, true, ) || ''; const rawFiat = getTokenFiatAmount( isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol(symbol, chainId) ? 1 : contractExchangeRates[address], conversionRate, currentCurrency, string, symbol, false, ) || ''; const usedIconUrl = iconUrl || (tokenList[tokenAddress] && `images/contract/${tokenList[tokenAddress].iconUrl}`); return { ...token, primaryLabel: symbol, secondaryLabel: name || tokenList[tokenAddress]?.name, rightPrimaryLabel: string && `${new BigNumber(string).round(6).toString()} ${symbol}`, rightSecondaryLabel: formattedFiat, iconUrl: usedIconUrl, identiconAddress: usedIconUrl ? null : address, balance, decimals, name: name || tokenList[tokenAddress]?.name, rawFiat, }; } export function useTokensToSearch({ usersTokens = [], topTokens = {}, shuffledTokensList, }) { const chainId = useSelector(getCurrentChainId); const tokenConversionRates = useSelector(getTokenExchangeRates, isEqual); const conversionRate = useSelector(getConversionRate); const currentCurrency = useSelector(getCurrentCurrency); const defaultSwapsToken = useSelector(getSwapsDefaultToken); const tokenList = useSelector(getTokenList); const useTokenDetection = useSelector(getUseTokenDetection); // token from dynamic api list is fetched when useTokenDetection is true const shuffledTokenList = useTokenDetection ? shuffledTokensList : shuffledContractMap; const memoizedTopTokens = useEqualityCheck(topTokens); const memoizedUsersToken = useEqualityCheck(usersTokens); const defaultToken = getRenderableTokenData( defaultSwapsToken, tokenConversionRates, conversionRate, currentCurrency, chainId, tokenList, useTokenDetection, ); const memoizedDefaultToken = useEqualityCheck(defaultToken); const swapsTokens = useSelector(getSwapsTokens) || []; const tokensToSearch = swapsTokens.length ? swapsTokens : [ memoizedDefaultToken, ...shuffledTokenList.filter( (token) => token.symbol !== memoizedDefaultToken.symbol, ), ]; const memoizedTokensToSearch = useEqualityCheck(tokensToSearch); return useMemo(() => { const usersTokensAddressMap = memoizedUsersToken.reduce( (acc, token) => ({ ...acc, [token.address]: token }), {}, ); const tokensToSearchBuckets = { owned: [], top: [], others: [], }; const memoizedSwapsAndUserTokensWithoutDuplicities = uniqBy( [...memoizedTokensToSearch, ...memoizedUsersToken], 'address', ); memoizedSwapsAndUserTokensWithoutDuplicities.forEach((token) => { const renderableDataToken = getRenderableTokenData( { ...usersTokensAddressMap[token.address], ...token }, tokenConversionRates, conversionRate, currentCurrency, chainId, tokenList, useTokenDetection, ); if ( isSwapsDefaultTokenSymbol(renderableDataToken.symbol, chainId) || usersTokensAddressMap[token.address] ) { tokensToSearchBuckets.owned.push(renderableDataToken); } else if (memoizedTopTokens[token.address]) {[ memoizedTopTokens[token.address].index ] = renderableDataToken; } else { tokensToSearchBuckets.others.push(renderableDataToken); } }); tokensToSearchBuckets.owned = tokensToSearchBuckets.owned.sort( ({ rawFiat }, { rawFiat: secondRawFiat }) => { return new BigNumber(rawFiat || 0).gt(secondRawFiat || 0) ? -1 : 1; }, ); =; return [ ...tokensToSearchBuckets.owned,, ...tokensToSearchBuckets.others, ]; }, [ memoizedTokensToSearch, memoizedUsersToken, tokenConversionRates, conversionRate, currentCurrency, memoizedTopTokens, chainId, tokenList, useTokenDetection, ]); }