import assert from 'assert'; import ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'; import * as util from './util'; describe('util', function () { let ethInWei = '1'; for (let i = 0; i < 18; i++) { ethInWei += '0'; } describe('#parseBalance', function () { it('should render 0.01 eth correctly', function () { const input = '0x2386F26FC10000'; const output = util.parseBalance(input); assert.deepStrictEqual(output, ['0', '01']); }); it('should render 12.023 eth correctly', function () { const input = 'A6DA46CCA6858000'; const output = util.parseBalance(input); assert.deepStrictEqual(output, ['12', '023']); }); it('should render 0.0000000342422 eth correctly', function () { const input = '0x7F8FE81C0'; const output = util.parseBalance(input); assert.deepStrictEqual(output, ['0', '0000000342422']); }); it('should render 0 eth correctly', function () { const input = '0x0'; const output = util.parseBalance(input); assert.deepStrictEqual(output, ['0', '0']); }); }); describe('#addressSummary', function () { it('should add case-sensitive checksum', function () { const address = '0xfdea65c8e26263f6d9a1b5de9555d2931a33b825'; const result = util.addressSummary(address); assert.strictEqual(result, '0xFDEa65C8...b825'); }); it('should accept arguments for firstseg, lastseg, and keepPrefix', function () { const address = '0xfdea65c8e26263f6d9a1b5de9555d2931a33b825'; const result = util.addressSummary(address, 4, 4, false); assert.strictEqual(result, 'FDEa...b825'); }); }); describe('#isValidAddress', function () { it('should allow 40-char non-prefixed hex', function () { const address = 'fdea65c8e26263f6d9a1b5de9555d2931a33b825'; const result = util.isValidAddress(address); assert.ok(result); }); it('should allow 42-char non-prefixed hex', function () { const address = '0xfdea65c8e26263f6d9a1b5de9555d2931a33b825'; const result = util.isValidAddress(address); assert.ok(result); }); it('should not allow less non hex-prefixed', function () { const address = 'fdea65c8e26263f6d9a1b5de9555d2931a33b85'; const result = util.isValidAddress(address); assert.ok(!result); }); it('should not allow less hex-prefixed', function () { const address = '0xfdea65ce26263f6d9a1b5de9555d2931a33b85'; const result = util.isValidAddress(address); assert.ok(!result); }); it('should recognize correct capitalized checksum', function () { const address = '0xFDEa65C8e26263F6d9A1B5de9555D2931A33b825'; const result = util.isValidAddress(address); assert.ok(result); }); it('should recognize incorrect capitalized checksum', function () { const address = '0xFDea65C8e26263F6d9A1B5de9555D2931A33b825'; const result = util.isValidAddress(address); assert.ok(!result); }); it('should recognize this sample hashed address', function () { const address = '0x5Fda30Bb72B8Dfe20e48A00dFc108d0915BE9Bb0'; const result = util.isValidAddress(address); const hashed = ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address.toLowerCase()); assert.strictEqual(hashed, address, 'example is hashed correctly'); assert.ok(result, 'is valid by our check'); }); }); describe('isValidDomainName', function () { it('should return true when given a valid domain name', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName(''), true); }); it('should return true when given a valid subdomain', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName(''), true); }); it('should return true when given a single-character domain', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName(''), true); }); it('should return true when given a unicode TLD', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName('台灣.中国'), true); }); it('should return false when given a domain with unacceptable ASCII characters', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName('$.bar'), false); }); it('should return false when given a TLD that starts with a dash', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName('foo.-bar'), false); }); it('should return false when given a TLD that ends with a dash', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName(''), false); }); it('should return false when given a domain name with a chunk that starts with a dash', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName(''), false); }); it('should return false when given a domain name with a chunk that ends with a dash', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName(''), false); }); it('should return false when given a bare TLD', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName('bar'), false); }); it('should return false when given a domain that starts with a period', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName('.bar'), false); }); it('should return false when given a subdomain that starts with a period', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName(''), false); }); it('should return false when given a domain that ends with a period', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName('bar.'), false); }); it('should return false when given a 1-character TLD', function () { assert.strictEqual(util.isValidDomainName('foo.b'), false); }); }); describe('#numericBalance', function () { it('should return a BN 0 if given nothing', function () { const result = util.numericBalance(); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(10), '0'); }); it('should work with hex prefix', function () { const result = util.numericBalance('0x012'); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(10), '18'); }); it('should work with no hex prefix', function () { const result = util.numericBalance('012'); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(10), '18'); }); }); describe('#formatBalance', function () { it('should return None when given nothing', function () { const result = util.formatBalance(); assert.strictEqual(result, 'None', 'should return "None"'); }); it('should return 1.0000 ETH', function () { const input = new ethUtil.BN(ethInWei, 10).toJSON(); const result = util.formatBalance(input, 4); assert.strictEqual(result, '1.0000 ETH'); }); it('should return 0.500 ETH', function () { const input = new ethUtil.BN(ethInWei, 10) .div(new ethUtil.BN('2', 10)) .toJSON(); const result = util.formatBalance(input, 3); assert.strictEqual(result, '0.500 ETH'); }); it('should display specified decimal points', function () { const input = '0x128dfa6a90b28000'; const result = util.formatBalance(input, 2); assert.strictEqual(result, '1.33 ETH'); }); it('should default to 3 decimal points', function () { const input = '0x128dfa6a90b28000'; const result = util.formatBalance(input); assert.strictEqual(result, '1.337 ETH'); }); it('should show 2 significant digits for tiny balances', function () { const input = '0x1230fa6a90b28'; const result = util.formatBalance(input); assert.strictEqual(result, '0.00032 ETH'); }); it('should not parse the balance and return value with 2 decimal points with ETH at the end', function () { const value = '1.2456789'; const needsParse = false; const result = util.formatBalance(value, 2, needsParse); assert.strictEqual(result, '1.24 ETH'); }); }); describe('normalizing values', function () { describe('#normalizeToWei', function () { it('should convert an eth to the appropriate equivalent values', function () { const valueTable = { wei: '1000000000000000000', kwei: '1000000000000000', mwei: '1000000000000', gwei: '1000000000', szabo: '1000000', finney: '1000', ether: '1', // kether:'0.001', // mether:'0.000001', // AUDIT: We're getting BN numbers on these ones. // I think they're big enough to ignore for now. // gether:'0.000000001', // tether:'0.000000000001', }; const oneEthBn = new ethUtil.BN(ethInWei, 10); Object.keys(valueTable).forEach((currency) => { const value = new ethUtil.BN(valueTable[currency], 10); const output = util.normalizeToWei(value, currency); assert.strictEqual( output.toString(10), valueTable.wei, `value of ${output.toString( 10, )} ${currency} should convert to ${oneEthBn}`, ); }); }); }); describe('#normalizeEthStringToWei', function () { it('should convert decimal eth to pure wei BN', function () { const input = '1.23456789'; const output = util.normalizeEthStringToWei(input); assert.strictEqual(output.toString(10), '1234567890000000000'); }); it('should convert 1 to expected wei', function () { const input = '1'; const output = util.normalizeEthStringToWei(input); assert.strictEqual(output.toString(10), ethInWei); }); it('should account for overflow numbers gracefully by dropping extra precision.', function () { const input = '1.11111111111111111111'; const output = util.normalizeEthStringToWei(input); assert.strictEqual(output.toString(10), '1111111111111111111'); }); it('should not truncate very exact wei values that do not have extra precision.', function () { const input = '1.100000000000000001'; const output = util.normalizeEthStringToWei(input); assert.strictEqual(output.toString(10), '1100000000000000001'); }); }); describe('#normalizeNumberToWei', function () { it('should handle a simple use case', function () { const input = 0.0002; const output = util.normalizeNumberToWei(input, 'ether'); const str = output.toString(10); assert.strictEqual(str, '200000000000000'); }); it('should convert a kwei number to the appropriate equivalent wei', function () { const result = util.normalizeNumberToWei(1.111, 'kwei'); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(10), '1111', 'accepts decimals'); }); it('should convert a ether number to the appropriate equivalent wei', function () { const result = util.normalizeNumberToWei(1.111, 'ether'); assert.strictEqual( result.toString(10), '1111000000000000000', 'accepts decimals', ); }); }); describe('#isHex', function () { it('should return true when given a hex string', function () { const result = util.isHex( 'c3ab8ff13720e8ad9047dd39466b3c8974e592c2fa383d4a3960714caef0c4f2', ); assert(result); }); it('should return false when given a non-hex string', function () { const result = util.isHex( 'c3ab8ff13720e8ad9047dd39466b3c8974e592c2fa383d4a3960714imnotreal', ); assert(!result); }); it('should return false when given a string containing a non letter/number character', function () { const result = util.isHex( 'c3ab8ff13720!8ad9047dd39466b3c%8974e592c2fa383d4a396071imnotreal', ); assert(!result); }); it('should return true when given a hex string with hex-prefix', function () { const result = util.isHex( '0xc3ab8ff13720e8ad9047dd39466b3c8974e592c2fa383d4a3960714caef0c4f2', ); assert(result); }); }); describe('#getRandomFileName', function () { it('should only return a string containing alphanumeric characters', function () { const result = util.getRandomFileName(); assert(result.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/gu)); }); // 50 samples it('should return a string that is between 6 and 12 characters in length', function () { for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) { const result = util.getRandomFileName(); assert(result.length >= 6 && result.length <= 12); } }); }); }); describe('checkExistingAddresses', function () { const tokenList = [ { address: 'A' }, { address: 'n' }, { address: 'Q' }, { address: 'z' }, ]; it('should return true when a lowercase address matches an uppercase address in the passed list', function () { assert(util.checkExistingAddresses('q', tokenList) === true); }); it('should return true when an uppercase address matches a lowercase address in the passed list', function () { assert(util.checkExistingAddresses('N', tokenList) === true); }); it('should return true when a lowercase address matches a lowercase address in the passed list', function () { assert(util.checkExistingAddresses('z', tokenList) === true); }); it('should return true when an uppercase address matches an uppercase address in the passed list', function () { assert(util.checkExistingAddresses('Q', tokenList) === true); }); it('should return false when the passed address is not in the passed list', function () { assert(util.checkExistingAddresses('b', tokenList) === false); }); }); describe('toPrecisionWithoutTrailingZeros', function () { const testData = [ { args: ['0', 9], result: '0' }, { args: [0, 9], result: '0' }, { args: ['0.0', 9], result: '0' }, { args: ['0.000000000000', 9], result: '0' }, { args: ['1', 9], result: '1' }, { args: [1], result: '1' }, { args: ['1.0', 9], result: '1' }, { args: ['1.000000000', 9], result: '1' }, { args: ['000000001', 9], result: '1' }, { args: ['000000001.0', 9], result: '1' }, { args: ['100000000', 9], result: '100000000' }, { args: ['100000000.00001', 9], result: '100000000' }, { args: ['100.00001', 9], result: '100.00001' }, { args: ['100.00001000', 9], result: '100.00001' }, { args: ['100.000010001', 9], result: '100.00001' }, { args: ['10.010101', 9], result: '10.010101' }, { args: ['0.1', 5], result: '0.1' }, { args: ['0.10', 5], result: '0.1' }, { args: ['0.1010', 5], result: '0.101' }, { args: ['0.01001', 5], result: '0.01001' }, { args: ['0.010010', 5], result: '0.01001' }, { args: ['0.010011', 5], result: '0.010011' }, { args: ['1.01005', 5], result: '1.0101' }, { args: ['1.000049', 5], result: '1' }, { args: ['1.00005', 5], result: '1.0001' }, { args: ['0.0000123456789', 9], result: '0.0000123456789' }, { args: ['1.0000123456789', 10], result: '1.000012346' }, { args: ['10000.0000012345679', 10], result: '10000' }, { args: ['1000000000000', 10], result: '1e+12' }, { args: ['1000050000000', 10], result: '1.00005e+12' }, { args: ['100000000000000000000', 10], result: '1e+20' }, { args: ['100005000000000000000', 10], result: '1.00005e+20' }, { args: ['100005000000000000000.0', 10], result: '1.00005e+20' }, ]; testData.forEach(({ args, result }) => { it(`should return ${result} when passed number ${args[0]} and precision ${args[1]}`, function () { assert.strictEqual( util.toPrecisionWithoutTrailingZeros(...args), result, ); }); }); }); describe('addHexPrefixToObjectValues()', function () { it('should return a new object with the same properties with a 0x prefix', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual( util.addHexPrefixToObjectValues({ prop1: '0x123', prop2: '456', prop3: 'x', }), { prop1: '0x123', prop2: '0x456', prop3: '0xx', }, ); }); }); });