import React, { useCallback, useContext, useState } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { useGasFeeInputs } from '../../../hooks/useGasFeeInputs'; import { GAS_ESTIMATE_TYPES, EDIT_GAS_MODES, } from '../../../../shared/constants/gas'; import { decGWEIToHexWEI, decimalToHex, } from '../../../helpers/utils/conversions.util'; import Popover from '../../ui/popover'; import Button from '../../ui/button'; import EditGasDisplay from '../edit-gas-display'; import EditGasDisplayEducation from '../edit-gas-display-education'; import { I18nContext } from '../../../contexts/i18n'; import { createCancelTransaction, createSpeedUpTransaction, hideModal, hideSidebar, updateTransaction, } from '../../../store/actions'; export default function EditGasPopover({ popoverTitle = '', confirmButtonText = '', editGasDisplayProps = {}, defaultEstimateToUse = 'medium', transaction, mode, onClose, }) { const t = useContext(I18nContext); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const showSidebar = useSelector((state) => state.appState.sidebar.isOpen); const showEducationButton = mode === EDIT_GAS_MODES.MODIFY_IN_PLACE && process.env.SHOW_EIP_1559_UI; const [showEducationContent, setShowEducationContent] = useState(false); const [warning] = useState(null); const [showAdvancedForm, setShowAdvancedForm] = useState(false); const [ dappSuggestedGasFeeAcknowledged, setDappSuggestedGasFeeAcknowledged, ] = useState(false); const { maxPriorityFeePerGas, setMaxPriorityFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGasFiat, maxFeePerGas, setMaxFeePerGas, maxFeePerGasFiat, estimatedMaximumNative, isGasEstimatesLoading, gasFeeEstimates, gasEstimateType, gasPrice, setGasPrice, gasLimit, setGasLimit, estimateToUse, setEstimateToUse, estimatedMinimumFiat, estimatedMaximumFiat, hasGasErrors, gasErrors, } = useGasFeeInputs(defaultEstimateToUse); /** * Temporary placeholder, this should be managed by the parent component but * we will be extracting this component from the hard to maintain modal/ * sidebar component. For now this is just to be able to appropriately close * the modal in testing */ const closePopover = useCallback(() => { if (onClose) { onClose(); } else if (showSidebar) { dispatch(hideSidebar()); } else { dispatch(hideModal()); } }, [showSidebar, onClose, dispatch]); const onSubmit = useCallback(() => { if (!transaction || !mode) { closePopover(); } const newGasSettings = gasEstimateType === GAS_ESTIMATE_TYPES.FEE_MARKET ? { gas: decimalToHex(gasLimit), gasLimit: decimalToHex(gasLimit), maxFeePerGas: decGWEIToHexWEI(maxFeePerGas), maxPriorityFeePerGas: decGWEIToHexWEI(maxPriorityFeePerGas), } : { gas: decimalToHex(gasLimit), gasLimit: decimalToHex(gasLimit), gasPrice: decGWEIToHexWEI(gasPrice), }; switch (mode) { case EDIT_GAS_MODES.CANCEL: dispatch(createCancelTransaction(, newGasSettings)); break; case EDIT_GAS_MODES.SPEED_UP: dispatch(createSpeedUpTransaction(, newGasSettings)); break; case EDIT_GAS_MODES.MODIFY_IN_PLACE: dispatch( updateTransaction({ ...transaction, txParams: { ...transaction.txParams, ...newGasSettings, }, }), ); break; default: break; } closePopover(); }, [ transaction, mode, dispatch, closePopover, gasLimit, gasPrice, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, gasEstimateType, ]); let title = t('editGasTitle'); if (popoverTitle) { title = popoverTitle; } else if (showEducationContent) { title = t('editGasEducationModalTitle'); } else if (mode === EDIT_GAS_MODES.SPEED_UP) { title = t('speedUpPopoverTitle'); } else if (mode === EDIT_GAS_MODES.CANCEL) { title = t('cancelPopoverTitle'); } const footerButtonText = confirmButtonText || t('save'); return ( setShowEducationContent(false) : undefined } footer={ showEducationContent ? null : ( <> ) } >
{showEducationContent ? ( ) : ( setShowEducationContent(true)} mode={mode} transaction={transaction} gasErrors={gasErrors} {...editGasDisplayProps} /> )}
); } EditGasPopover.propTypes = { popoverTitle: PropTypes.string, editGasDisplayProps: PropTypes.object, confirmButtonText: PropTypes.string, onClose: PropTypes.func, transaction: PropTypes.object, mode: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(EDIT_GAS_MODES)), defaultEstimateToUse: PropTypes.string, };