const assert = require('assert'); const enLocaleMessages = require('../../app/_locales/en/messages.json'); const { tinyDelayMs, regularDelayMs, largeDelayMs } = require('./helpers'); const { buildWebDriver } = require('./webdriver'); const Ganache = require('./ganache'); const ganacheServer = new Ganache(); describe('MetaMask', function () { let driver; let publicAddress; this.timeout(0); this.bail(true); before(async function () { await ganacheServer.start({ accounts: [ { secretKey: '0x250F458997A364988956409A164BA4E16F0F99F916ACDD73ADCD3A1DE30CF8D1', balance: 0, }, { secretKey: '0x53CB0AB5226EEBF4D872113D98332C1555DC304443BEE1CF759D15798D3C55A9', balance: 25000000000000000000, }, ], }); const result = await buildWebDriver(); driver = result.driver; await driver.navigate(); }); afterEach(async function () { if (process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER === 'chrome') { const errors = await driver.checkBrowserForConsoleErrors(driver); if (errors.length) { const errorReports = => err.message); const errorMessage = `Errors found in browser console:\n${errorReports.join( '\n', )}`; console.error(new Error(errorMessage)); } } if (this.currentTest.state === 'failed') { await driver.verboseReportOnFailure(this.currentTest.title); } }); after(async function () { await ganacheServer.quit(); await driver.quit(); }); describe('Going through the first time flow, but skipping the seed phrase challenge', function () { it('clicks the continue button on the welcome screen', async function () { await driver.findElement('.welcome-page__header'); await driver.clickElement({ text: enLocaleMessages.getStarted.message, tag: 'button', }); await driver.delay(largeDelayMs); }); it('clicks the "Create New Wallet" option', async function () { await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Create a Wallet', tag: 'button' }); await driver.delay(largeDelayMs); }); it('clicks the "No thanks" option on the metametrics opt-in screen', async function () { await driver.clickElement('.btn-default'); await driver.delay(largeDelayMs); }); it('accepts a secure password', async function () { await driver.fill( '.first-time-flow__form #create-password', 'correct horse battery staple', ); await driver.fill( '.first-time-flow__form #confirm-password', 'correct horse battery staple', ); await driver.clickElement('.first-time-flow__checkbox'); await driver.clickElement('.first-time-flow__form button'); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); }); it('renders the seed phrase intro screen', async function () { await driver.clickElement('.seed-phrase-intro__left button'); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); }); it('skips the seed phrase challenge', async function () { await driver.clickElement({ text: enLocaleMessages.remindMeLater.message, tag: 'button', }); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="account-options-menu-button"]'); await driver.clickElement( '[data-testid="account-options-menu__account-details"]', ); }); it('gets the current accounts address', async function () { const addressInput = await driver.findElement('.readonly-input__input'); publicAddress = await addressInput.getAttribute('value'); // wait for account modal to be visible const accountModal = await driver.findVisibleElement('span .modal'); await driver.clickElement('.account-modal__close'); // wait for account modal to be removed from DOM await accountModal.waitForElementState('hidden'); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); }); }); describe('send to current account from dapp with different provider', function () { let extension; it('switches to dapp screen', async function () { const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles(); extension = windowHandles[0]; await driver.openNewPage(''); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); }); it('sends eth to the current account', async function () { await driver.fill('#address', publicAddress); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); await driver.clickElement('#send'); await driver.waitForSelector( { css: '#success', text: 'Success' }, { timeout: 15000 }, ); }); it('switches back to MetaMask', async function () { await driver.switchToWindow(extension); }); it('should have the correct amount of eth', async function () { const currencyDisplay = await driver.waitForSelector({ css: '.currency-display-component__text', text: '1', }); const balance = await currencyDisplay.getText(); assert.strictEqual(balance, '1'); }); }); describe('backs up the seed phrase', function () { it('should show a backup reminder', async function () { const backupReminder = await driver.findElements({ xpath: "//div[contains(@class, 'home-notification__text') and contains(text(), 'Backup your Secret Recovery code to keep your wallet and funds secure')]", }); assert.equal(backupReminder.length, 1); }); it('should take the user to the seedphrase backup screen', async function () { await driver.clickElement('.home-notification__accept-button'); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); }); let seedPhrase; it('reveals the seed phrase', async function () { await driver.clickElement( '.reveal-seed-phrase__secret-blocker .reveal-seed-phrase__reveal-button', ); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); const revealedSeedPhrase = await driver.findElement( '.reveal-seed-phrase__secret-words', ); seedPhrase = await revealedSeedPhrase.getText(); assert.equal(seedPhrase.split(' ').length, 12); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); await driver.clickElement({ text:, tag: 'button', }); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); }); async function clickWordAndWait(word) { await driver.clickElement( `[data-testid="seed-phrase-sorted"] [data-testid="draggable-seed-${word}"]`, ); await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs); } it('can retype the seed phrase', async function () { const words = seedPhrase.split(' '); for (const word of words) { await clickWordAndWait(word); } await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' }); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); }); it('can click through the success screen', async function () { await driver.clickElement({ text: 'All Done', tag: 'button' }); await driver.delay(regularDelayMs); }); it('should have the correct amount of eth', async function () { const currencyDisplay = await driver.waitForSelector({ css: '.currency-display-component__text', text: '1', }); const balance = await currencyDisplay.getText(); assert.strictEqual(balance, '1'); }); it('should not show a backup reminder', async function () { await driver.assertElementNotPresent('.backup-notification'); }); }); });