import { strict as assert } from 'assert'; import { KOVAN_CHAIN_ID, MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, RINKEBY_CHAIN_ID, ROPSTEN_CHAIN_ID, } from '../../../shared/constants/network'; import { TRANSAK_API_KEY } from '../constants/on-ramp'; import getBuyEthUrl from './buy-eth-url'; describe('buy-eth-url', function () { const mainnet = { chainId: MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, amount: 5, address: '0x0dcd5d886577d5081b0c52e242ef29e70be3e7bc', }; const ropsten = { chainId: ROPSTEN_CHAIN_ID, }; const rinkeby = { chainId: RINKEBY_CHAIN_ID, }; const kovan = { chainId: KOVAN_CHAIN_ID, }; it('returns Wyre url with an ETH address for Ethereum mainnet', function () { const wyreUrl = getBuyEthUrl(mainnet); assert.equal( wyreUrl, '', ); }); it('returns Transak url with an ETH address for Ethereum mainnet', function () { const transakUrl = getBuyEthUrl({ ...mainnet, service: 'transak' }); assert.equal( transakUrl, `${TRANSAK_API_KEY}&`, ); }); it('returns metamask ropsten faucet for network 3', function () { const ropstenUrl = getBuyEthUrl(ropsten); assert.equal(ropstenUrl, ''); }); it('returns rinkeby dapp for network 4', function () { const rinkebyUrl = getBuyEthUrl(rinkeby); assert.equal(rinkebyUrl, ''); }); it('returns kovan github test faucet for network 42', function () { const kovanUrl = getBuyEthUrl(kovan); assert.equal(kovanUrl, ''); }); });