import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import Media from 'react-media' import { Redirect, Route } from 'react-router-dom' import { formatDate } from '../../helpers/utils/util' import HomeNotification from '../../components/app/home-notification' import DaiMigrationNotification from '../../components/app/dai-migration-component' import MultipleNotifications from '../../components/app/multiple-notifications' import WalletView from '../../components/app/wallet-view' import TransactionList from '../../components/app/transaction-list' import TransactionViewBalance from '../../components/app/transaction-view-balance' import MenuBar from '../../components/app/menu-bar' import ConnectedSites from '../connected-sites' import { RESTORE_VAULT_ROUTE, CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ROUTE, CONFIRM_ADD_SUGGESTED_TOKEN_ROUTE, INITIALIZE_BACKUP_SEED_PHRASE_ROUTE, CONNECT_ROUTE, CONNECTED_ROUTE, } from '../../helpers/constants/routes' export default class Home extends PureComponent { static contextTypes = { t: PropTypes.func, } static defaultProps = { hasDaiV1Token: false, } static propTypes = { history: PropTypes.object, forgottenPassword: PropTypes.bool, suggestedTokens: PropTypes.object, unconfirmedTransactionsCount: PropTypes.number, shouldShowSeedPhraseReminder: PropTypes.bool, isPopup: PropTypes.bool, threeBoxSynced: PropTypes.bool, setupThreeBox: PropTypes.func, turnThreeBoxSyncingOn: PropTypes.func, showRestorePrompt: PropTypes.bool, selectedAddress: PropTypes.string, restoreFromThreeBox: PropTypes.func, setShowRestorePromptToFalse: PropTypes.func, threeBoxLastUpdated: PropTypes.number, hasDaiV1Token: PropTypes.bool, firstPermissionsRequestId: PropTypes.string, } UNSAFE_componentWillMount () { const { history, unconfirmedTransactionsCount = 0, firstPermissionsRequestId, } = this.props if (firstPermissionsRequestId) { history.push(`${CONNECT_ROUTE}/${firstPermissionsRequestId}`) } if (unconfirmedTransactionsCount > 0) { history.push(CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ROUTE) } } componentDidMount () { const { history, suggestedTokens = {}, } = this.props // suggested new tokens if (Object.keys(suggestedTokens).length > 0) { history.push(CONFIRM_ADD_SUGGESTED_TOKEN_ROUTE) } } componentDidUpdate () { const { threeBoxSynced, setupThreeBox, showRestorePrompt, threeBoxLastUpdated, } = this.props if (threeBoxSynced && showRestorePrompt && threeBoxLastUpdated === null) { setupThreeBox() } } renderNotifications () { const { t } = this.context const { history, hasDaiV1Token, shouldShowSeedPhraseReminder, isPopup, selectedAddress, restoreFromThreeBox, turnThreeBoxSyncingOn, setShowRestorePromptToFalse, showRestorePrompt, threeBoxLastUpdated, } = this.props return ( { shouldShowSeedPhraseReminder ? ( { if (isPopup) { global.platform.openExtensionInBrowser(INITIALIZE_BACKUP_SEED_PHRASE_ROUTE) } else { history.push(INITIALIZE_BACKUP_SEED_PHRASE_ROUTE) } }} infoText={t('backupApprovalInfo')} key="home-backupApprovalNotice" /> ) : null } { threeBoxLastUpdated && showRestorePrompt ? ( { restoreFromThreeBox(selectedAddress) .then(() => { turnThreeBoxSyncingOn() }) }} onIgnore={() => { setShowRestorePromptToFalse() }} key="home-privacyModeDefault" /> ) : null } { hasDaiV1Token ? : null } ) } render () { const { forgottenPassword, history, } = this.props if (forgottenPassword) { return } else if (history.location.pathname.match(/^\/confirm-transaction/)) { // This should only happen if this renders during the redirect to the confirm page // Display nothing while the confirm page loads, to avoid side-effects of rendering normal home view return null } return (
{ (isWideViewport) => ( <> { isWideViewport ? : null }
{ !isWideViewport ? : null }
) }
{ this.renderNotifications() }
) } }